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Everything posted by wolfgang

  1. wolfgang

    Dear Yajjii...If you see....I started this topic on Nov. 30th. thus they can not copulate in the past !! anyhow...your idea is good !
  2. wolfgang

    Your calculation seems good, but you missed the right ovulation time..which should be on Dec. 6th....( as I said,his wife has a regular cycle of 23 days...so from Nov.13th to Dec.6th are 23days). and you are excellent in other steps !!
  3. wolfgang

    Thanks...but this is not our subject..
  4. wolfgang

    Wooooow...great respect !!
  5. wolfgang

    good job..go on..give me your plan
  6. wolfgang

    You are right ! but please give the timing as well.I mean,the man is waiting for your advice..
  7. wolfgang

    No, dear friend...if you read carefully,you will see that the cycle is regular (each 23 days),the last menstruation was at 13th.of Nov.,so the next one will be at 6th.of Dec. calculate it again..ty
  8. wolfgang

    In my question there are restrictions and rules,which makes the chance more than 95%. You should only calculate it out !
  9. wolfgang

    The both types are produced equally...but with different activities. just like humans,,some are active ,while others are lazy. the active one will get tired faster than the lazy one,beacause he consumes his energy.
  10. wolfgang

    Oh, yeah, and refrain from intercourse again until after the 24th. [Good luck] He`ll travel with a( time machine) to the past !
  11. wolfgang

    As you know,each human cell contains chromosomes(X and Y). Female cells contains(XX)chromosomes,while male cells(XY). There are two typs of sperms(X)and(Y) sperms.where as the ovum has only(X) chromosome. (X)sperm+ovum(X)....will give..(XX)...i.e.Female. (Y)sperm +ovum (X)....will give..(XY)...i.e Male. (X) sperms differs from (Y) sperms in their activity! (Y) sperms are up to 98% active( an average)after ejaculation,then they loss their activity very fast,(about 1.25%)/hour.while (X) sperms have an average activity of 48%,then they loss their activity very slowly( about 0.12%)/ hour. If two sperms met the ovum ,the one with at least 5% more activity will have more than 90% chance to fertilize it.Any sperm with less than 35% activity,has No chance of fertilization. My friend has three boys..and he wish to have a girl, his wife has a regular period cycle of(23) days.the last one was at 13th. of Nov. (9.00 p.m.). the ovulation take place at the (8th) day, and the ovum stays only (4)days. Can you help my friend in such a way to have a(beautiful !!) girl.
  12. wolfgang

    Its only one sticker..i.e. the widith is 10.4cm
  13. wolfgang

    Conrad has no job ,He spend the whole day watching cars passing the street in front of his apartment.His hobby is to write down there Numbers !and try to find something common between them.These are his conclusions :- 1- the cars pass through at (1min.)interval,one car at a time. 2- each car has a (five digits)number. 3- each second car(i.e the car No. 2,4,6...etc.) has a middle number(3rd.No.)ranging between(4 and 6),i.e.the car No. 2 has No.4 in the middle,the car No. 4 has No. 5 in the middle,the car No. 6 has No.6 in the middle...and again 4,5,6. for the cars 8,10,12 and so on. 4-each 3rd.car has a(4th number) either(0,1 or 2) as described before. 5-each 4th car has a(1st number) either(2,3 or 4),as above. 6- each 5th car has a (last number)either(6,7 or 8). 7-each 6th car has a(2nd number)either(8,9 or 0). He wrote a car number(71684)at 8.00 am.,then he went to have his breakfast. exactly ,at 9.00 O`clock am. (after one hour),a car chased by the police went along this sreet.Conrad was able to estimate its number ! Can you?
  14. wolfgang

    I noticed this( it may help!) see the code for Connecticut.......EQOQGEXM and the code for Minnesota.........OKOQGUQX both have(after the first two letters)three common letters(OQG)which may have a connection to (nne)in both States.
  15. wolfgang

    I love number 14! ...hate (0) ,and feel good with(1) I used the binary notation(0,1)to write the numbers (1 to 14),like this: 1...1000 2...0100 3...1100 4...0010 5...1010 and so on till 14...0111 Now...I gave the same code to each (AD) century ,thus the first century has the code(1000), 2nd cetury(0100),and so on till the 14th cetury(0111),for the 15th century again(1000). And to each AD year,day and hour, I did the same. By joining the codes of (century+year+day+hour)we will have a (16) digits code. so whenever you see alot of(0) in a code,,means an ominous fate to the earth !!! When will the nearest disaster happens?. Note:there should be more than four (0) beside each other in the code. Forgive me if my english is not good enough...
  16. wolfgang

    Number of combinations of(one or two digits)to be added together giving (9)as a result. So the right answer is...6
  17. wolfgang

    I took the case in a very easy way... I am not so a (complex)thinking man...take it easy!
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