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Everything posted by wolfgang

  1. wolfgang

    somewhere in this code you find(OOEOO)
  2. wolfgang

    A nine digit code(1 to 9)has the following properties: The first two digits(left to right)> than the 2nd.and 3rd. digits. e.g. 64>41....if the code begins with 641 2nd. and 3rd.> 3rd. and 4th 3rd. and 4th.< 4th. and 5th. 4th. and 5th.> 5th. and 6th. 5th. and 6th.< 6th. and 7th. 6th. and 7th.> 7th. and 8th. 7th. and 8th.< 8th. and 9th. 8th. and 9th.> 1st. and 2nd. 1st. and 3rd.> 2nd. and 4th. Four odd numbers somewhere in this code are separated by an even number. The code ended with two even numbers(to the right). Try to find this code.
  3. wolfgang

    Rigandy was near to right thinking.
  4. wolfgang

    I meant, ( angular speed ),
  5. wolfgang

    If there were another two planets looking exactly like our earth,and both of them having the same distance to our sun like our earth,and both rotates around the sun and around their axis at the same speed as our earth did. Also on both of them there are the same creatures and the same mankind. The only difference is that ,one of them(LE planet)is two times larger than our earth,and the other planet(SE)is half the size our earth. If Three babies were born at the same time,each on one of the three planets. 15 years later,the baby on earth celebrates his 15th birthday. How old would be the other two babies at this time? Note: One year=365 days 1 day= complete rotation of a given planet around its axis,One time.
  6. wolfgang

    If you have six beakers ,Five of them containing a deadly Toxin in equal amounts, and one beaker contains the Anti-Toxin. You have a special detector in the form of yellow beads,and you have only three tiny beads(each bead can be used only once). If you put a bead inside a beaker containing (Toxin) will convert the color of the bead to Blue. while (Anti-Toxin)will convert its color to Red. A mixture of equal amounts of both (Toxin) and(Anti-Toxin),will NOT change its color(will remain yellow). You are allowed to test your mixing results three times only. you have plenty of empty beakers to be used in mixing,and pipettes to take equal amounts. If the amount of Toxin in any mixture is more then the Anti-Toxin, the bead will be blue. If the Anti-Toxin is more than the Toxin,the bead will be red. How can you know which beaker contains the Anti-Toxin? Note:broken bead can not detect anything!
  7. wolfgang

    You find yourself inside a room with (4) doors,(1 to 4).Only one door leads to freedom! And there are also three persons inside this room(1st. person,2nd. person,and 3rd. person)standing infront of the doors (1 to 3) respectively,no one was standing infront of the 4th. door. Your aim is to get out through the right door by asking those persons only one(Yes or No) question i.e. you should ask the same question to each one of them,without changing the question . Now,,, 1-The first person to be asked will answer randomly ( may lie or may tell the truth). 2-The 1st. person will tell the truth only if the 2nd. person did. 3-The 2nd. person will tell the truth only if the 3rd. person did. 4-The 3rd. person will tell the truth only if the 1st. person did. Which question can lead you to freedom?
  8. wolfgang

    Such a clever man like you should find it in minutes. According to Roman numbers: 1....(I)...I gave it (B) 2....(II)..so it should be(2B) 3....(III)....(3B) 4...(IV)....I gave to (V) the letter(N)...so it will be(BN) 5...(V)....(N) . . . 10...(X)....I gave it ( R ) Then I gave the Alphabet my own Numbers A....B B....2B C....3B D...BN E....N F....NB and so on....... I used (S) to separate between these codes. BR..R2BSRNS2R2BSN..2RNSRNS2RB
  9. wolfgang

  10. wolfgang

    Very good...Robert!
  11. I am no one of the above choices....but I am...her Son-in-law.
  12. wolfgang

    I used "S" to separate between letters. yours 2R3BSRNSR2BSNBSN2BSBSRBNSN2B
  13. wolfgang

    Try to decode my method ,then answer this question using the same method: 2R3BSN3BS2RN....BSRN3BSN....2RNSRNS2RB....B2RSRN....3BSR2BSNS2R2BSNSRN3B?
  14. wolfgang

    No...only one soultion is right...the others are wrong. The second possibility is correct.
  15. wolfgang

    Wooooooooooooow !!!...Great
  16. wolfgang

    AB...means...A*10+B and the same for others.
  17. wolfgang

    Put numbers( 1 to 9 )instead of the letters to make this equation correct: AB/CD + EF/GHI = I Hint: I=C+G+H E=B+D A+F=E+H
  18. wolfgang

    Use Three Zeros(0)only,and any math operators to get (6). Note: there is NO trick.
  19. wolfgang

    Hey...you are really..Excellent!!
  20. wolfgang

    Can you find the numbers A,B,C, and D so that the following works? ABCD x 4 = DCBA note: ABCD is a four digit number ,and so the DCBA(e.g. 4367)
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