You find yourself inside a room with (4) doors,(1 to 4).Only one door leads to freedom!
And there are also three persons inside this room(1st. person,2nd. person,and 3rd. person)standing infront of the doors (1 to 3) respectively,no one was standing infront of the 4th. door.
Your aim is to get out through the right door by asking those persons only one(Yes or No) question i.e. you should ask the same question to each one of them,without changing the question .
1-The first person to be asked will answer randomly ( may lie or may tell the truth).
2-The 1st. person will tell the truth only if the 2nd. person did.
3-The 2nd. person will tell the truth only if the 3rd. person did.
4-The 3rd. person will tell the truth only if the 1st. person did.
Which question can lead you to freedom?