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Everything posted by fabpig

  1. fabpig


    LOONY Watching Snooker at the minute, Wom, Robertson got knocked out by young gun-slinger Judd Trump
  2. fabpig

    Yep, I agree with Maurice that the game would stagnate if no input. It's difficult to say what the time limit should be, given that (eg.) USA is just getting into its stride when it's close to my bedtime, and WbB is up like a lark, fresh as a daisy, full of the joys, etc, etc, (OK, I'm being facetious - I'm sure we can sort something out) One thing that hasn't really been decided is a common dictionary. I, personally, am against using ONELOOK, as it's full of . as (I think) some of the words in it aren't acceptable. But, hey, it's a democracy. PS. I don't know how to set up a vote.
  3. fabpig

    That can be matched with Acanthocephala but I THINK Wom is asking for the common names, rather than the scientific (latin) names (Yes Hippoptamus is latin via greek, but it's what everybody calls it)
  4. fabpig

    18 is the only another number which follows this property(in my knowledge) It works for 1458, too (18*81)
  5. fabpig

    After extensive research, I can confirm that Aaryan is correct. Well done, indeed. It's also the year I was born.
  6. fabpig

    I Guess this thread wouldn't be going if I hadn't opened my big fat gob, so my two penn'orth, sorry two cents worth is - I see no problem with some sort of scoring system. Whereas this is not fundamental to the game, it gives an edge of competitiveness (but - it is only a game) Nobody allowed to make multiple guesses Nobody allowed to make 2 or more consecutive posts (unless non-relevant to the game) It's a democracy - majority makes the rules. I will abide with that, and so will everybody else, or I'll send the boys round. Just as an aside.... I used to play this mmmm years ago, and when logicking, you had to provide a positive outcome (ie, input at least one letter to the word) when giving the logic. As there were only a few of us playing, and not restricted by distance, I'm not sure if this would work, but it's worth a thought. If you're reading this curr3nt, don't leave us, we need your tithead sense of humour. (plus you're a pretty clever guy)
  7. fabpig

    Sixy Rollo

    For the record, I'm against any multiple inputs of any kind. Hwever, there's a world of difference between entering 2 words to logic letters after waiting for an hour, and inputting 4 words when there are only 5 possibilities. And, no, not because you entered them faster than I could.
  8. fabpig

    Sixy Rollo

    There is anther word that fits the bill. But I'm not really bothered. I, too, have written a program to eliminate words. I had it down to 5. I won't be using it again. If using it alone didn't suck all the fun out of the game, then it certainly did when there are only a handful of words left and they are all input in one fell swoop.... Sorry, Curr. Just the way I see it.
  9. .......It took me 2 days to realise that 'torus' didn't mean 'shaped like a bull'
  10. I'm certain there's plenty of mileage left in this particular game, and it strikes me that it would make an excellent on-going game. A new list could be entered every so often (states, state capitals, countries of Asia, etc) and the grid perhaps altered to 5 x 5. If all 26 letters are used, then letter omitted to be at player's discretion. Anybody else agree?.
  11. fabpig


    HEY Wom, have you thought of an epithet for yourself having reached a grand? No, me neither. HI pez, where you been?
  12. fabpig


    30 points in total, so 5 for me, and 25 for WbB + however many guesses it took before (not including) the right answer for you. I was looking at SIXY ROLLO...need your help Q-......
  13. fabpig


    mmmm... sme discrepancy here, IDEAS= 0 and IDEAL = 1 must mean the L is right....
  14. fabpig


    When someone 'logics' a letter, as I did when proving that the last letter must be 'L', they get 5 points, It's usually published at the end f the word llist along with (in this case) _ _ _ _ L to show that the 'L' is known
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