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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. That was the purpose but there's something else you're missing. It will make sense when you figure out where the code comes from. I was literally staring at the wall when I thought of this but there was something on it. Not much of a hint but maybe a lightbulb will go off. You might also consider resorting your list. . .

  2. I have no idea how the key works, but...

    1) Hark the Herald Angel Sings

    2) O Come All Ye Faithful

    3) We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    4) Frosty the Snowman

    5) Deck the Halls

    6) O Holy Night

    Hi Emily. Welcome to the Den! That didn't take long. As I said, the "key" wasn't completely necessary. I assume you know how I made this and didn't just crack this with the brute force method.

    The number(s) need to be converted to binary.

    Can you give the explanation? Can you see what the significance of the numbers are now?

  3. You could ask Sarah Steam to write her name since steam was one of the words on the sheet of paper. Could you talk to Cabot and Steam's employers to see if they can get you a sample of something they wrote? Do we know if or where Mr. Thomas works?

  4. This is just something that popped into my head while I was staring at the wall the other day. I guess they're not all technically "Christmas" songs but they tend to get called that anyway so. . .

    A few things:

    1. The answers are all found the same way.

    2. 1,3,and 5, have the spaces marked. 2, 4, and 6 do not.

    3. "Key" may not be the right term. You do not absolutely need the key to figure out the titles but it might make things a little easier.

    1. oharna caob obarhmgbe hsinbmg kfsink Key: 58, 11, 474, 110, 59

    2. plipalbhmgmgmnbchfcaocscmg Key: 57585594

    3. vb vfko mnpsc h albararmn lioarfkcaalhk Key: 3, 15, 22, 1, 362, 5867

    4. carpkcamncaobksipvalhsi Key: 7253878

    5. beblina caob ohmgmgk Key: 90, 11, 117

    6. popmgmnsifnoca Key: 15710

    Good luck!

  5. @MiKi, regarding the taser- It may be illegal for us to use the taser but she doesn't necessarily have to know that. ;)

    @Morningstar- I'd say if you're not spamming, you're helping.

    I seem to have gotten lost. :wacko: Guess I better start rereading.

  6. Hi everyone. As you have noticed, marhart hasn't been active so MiKi has asked me to replace her since she seems to have run out of replacements. *sigh*

    I don't think I have any solid information that any of you don't have other than my role at this point. However, based on one of my spreadsheets (which is based off of A LOT of assumpsions), I'm guessing that TheChad was either the Troll or the Ogre and the Unicorn was extremely lucky. As I said though, that's assuming a few things. I'm thinking smoth or mboon as the other baddie at the moment. Unless. . . If the NK target is saved, does the attempt show up? I'm assuming it does. Picking one for now.

    Host: MiKi

    Cohost: Nana7

    1. Flamebirde

    3. SMV

    4. mew

    5. mboon - voting for Marhart14/Thalia

    6. smoth - voting for mew

    8. Hidden G

    9. marhart14/Thalia - voting for mboon

    2. TheChad Killed N1 by Unicorn

    7. Fat Tony Killed N1 by Baddies

    Again, this is assuming quite a bit so . . .

  7. @MiKi- That's what everyone thinks at first. I have an explanation somewhere. . .

    Anyway, back on topic, what was in the mug? Coffee mug? If so, maybe test it for non coffee substances. As for the riddle, kind of sounds like a dragon.

  8. Our reactions to things we know and things we see are different. For example, when I saw 9/11 on the tv, it was horrifying but I didn't scream. If I had actually been there when it had happened, I'm pretty sure I would have been screaming.

    When I said suspect, I guess I was going more for the security arrangements. Keep it casual though. As for her boyfriend, that is strange. Maybe talk about her boyfriend first and ask about the shortcut at the end.

    Again, can we get that translation? Or an image of the characters and I'll translate it?

    Umm. Let's hold off on the taser for now. :)

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