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Everything posted by gvg

  1. Oh I see. Interesting. Then MikeD is back in my suspicions for now... although I really don't think brainy is lying (though, we'll see later).
  2. ...Wha..? I don't understand redirects, so I have no idea what that means.
  3. I'm going to say that I think Brainy is Edmund. And I think mikeD is a goodie. I think we have the wrong suspects. Although if Brainy is not recruited after... I guess the next couple of nights?... we'll know that Brainy is lying. But for now, we should look elsewhere. I realize that this makes it look like I'm a baddie and trying to get people away from one or two fellow baddies. This isn't the case. I just don't think there was ever a strong case against mikeD, and we could always just wait a little to see if brainy is lying. We'll most likely get somewhere by looking elsewhere. Do we have anything on EDM? Or marksmanjay?
  4. No, it wasn't a diverting tactic, I promise you that. I just liked the idea of first lynching Cube and then RID killing Mike. That's all.
  5. I'm thinking TheCube. He seems a little... defensive. I think Mike's right. Hosts: flamebirde and Thalia (with MiKi supervising) 1. mewminator 2. EDM 3. MikeD - voting for gvg 4. gvg - voting for TheCube (I just pick a color right? If there was a certain color I was supposed to use, my apologies.) 5. Brainy - voting for mboon 6. TheCube - voting for MikeD 7. mboon - voting for MikeD 8. marksmanjay 9. psykomakia - voting for mewminator 10. Yodell- Turned to stone by The White Witch
  6. CCPGrey! Woot! Of course it's complete BS. I'll be laughing on December 22nd at all the idiots that thought the world was going to end.
  7. gvg

    Lord of Combat II

    Now you know how I feel... =)
  8. gvg

    Lord of Combat II

    I've replied, you can cross me off =)
  9. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    Quag: Well, they just might not be the same sect of Christianity or something. Happened to my aunt during the divorce process. Cube: Oh. Understood.
  10. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    Oh. My parents are Christian too, but thankfully they're very accepting. I think that as long as your parents aren't like psycho-christians, they'll be just as accepting. Of course, I don't know your parents, so...
  11. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    You mean you aren't a militant atheist I presume. I'm not either. I don't argue with people unless they specifically want to. Then, of course, I try to woop them, if you know what I mean =)
  12. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    Indeed Quag. I myself am an agnostic atheist, meaning that while I think it's possible, the lack of evidence for one leads me to conclude that there isn't one.
  13. gvg

    Lord of Combat II

    1. Panther 2. TheCube!!! YAYZZ!!!! 3. gvg Can you guys, you know, NOT kill me the first day this time? =)
  14. gvg

    Lord of Combat

    So.... does that mean we're starting again soon?
  15. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    As Socrates (I think) once said, "The one thing I know is that I know nothing."
  16. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    Actually, no. What I seek to do is, for those who want to, explain why the ideas and support for theism is weak and false. I do NOT try to deconvert people, nor do I care if you do. But since you mentioned Pascal's wager, I attacked it. Those who don't want to discuss it, I don't discuss it with (unlike those door to door Jehovah's witness people. Who I have had the fortune to avoid thus far in my short 16 year lifespan).
  17. gvg


    To breath life back into this: 1. Well, marriage is supposed to be a State, not a federal, institution. He's respecting the constitution, then, by saying that. Of course, that doesn't mean that he can't make it a federal law that states have to recognize married couples from other states, regardless of their own laws, or that the rights and privileges given to married couples are guaranteed for all, even those who are gay. Something like that. But either way, with other big officials, including our biggest (I think?) general and Dick Cheney, coming out in favor of gay marriage- really the last battlegrounds will be in the deep south. 2. For your first question, Quag, I think it might be =) For your second, he's promised so far to increase teachers, reduce the retirement age, switch from austerity to spending for the EU (... which, by the way, I've placed an expiration date on at this point. Let's say, a decade? Maybe less.), and income over 1 million shall be taxes at 65 +%. All of this screams disaster. He's basically taken the worst policies of Greece and Italy, woven in a socialist fabric, and added spending to create a large cluster of stupidity. I really don't see this going well. Maybe I'm wrong, and the French (unlike the Greeks, for example) will actually pay their taxes and not borrow to infinity, but I really don't think, even then, this will work (proof: I may be wrong, but didn't India under socialism have a worse economy than India now under a more capitalist regime?). And to add discussion points: Syria. http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/09/world/meast/syria-unrest/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 To just save time and copy and paste something I wrote on facebook: "So, now that Russia (and China, but I think, though I can't find where I read it, that China wouldn't care about abstaining) have decided to not back any sort of intervention, any possible UN backed mission has officially been destroyed. Russia has instead decided to back a peace plan that's already failed so far. While this could easily be a start for wondering about whether the UN needs its own reform, the bigger question is: What now? Do we continue to try and convince Russia to at least abstain from voting (which I'm pretty sure would allow a mission to go through), do we try to get the "Peace Plan" to work, or do we just ignore Russia and send in a NATO mission?"
  18. gvg

    Evidence of God's Design

    Yep. That's what I was going to say. All you're doing is telling any god (we're assuming of the all-knowing Abrahamic variety, because 1. any deistic god certainly wouldn't provide a heaven-like environment (at least it hasn't in any description of a deistic being that I've seen) and 2. because it's more widespread) that you're only believing in him for a reward. As Quag says, you're assuming he/she/it cares more about people believing in him. Pascal's wager, to me, is for people who are too afraid of repercussions to embrace the fact that there is currently no evidence, logically, philosophically, or scientifically, that a god-like being or beings exist. If I go to hell or what not for using my reason to realize this, then so be it. Because any being (again IMO) that prefers for people to ignore this inconvenient truth, going against the very logic and reason that was supposedly given to us by god, and instead to rely on faith, with threat of eternal damnation if we don't, is really not something I'd want to worship anyway. ...I think that made sense. Hopefully =)
  19. gvg

    Lord of Combat

    Well this is a fine how-do-you-do. =) I seem to have been the popular choice. Can I haunt everyone now in revenge or something? =)
  20. gvg

    Lord of Combat

    1. Aaryan 2. Flamebirde 3. gvg 4. 5. This sounds extremely awesome =) I'll join.
  21. gvg


    Well in the spirit of intellectual discussion, I present the first politics post since the BrainDen Blackout. =) So, as I'm sure many of you have heard, Obama has come out in favor of gay marriage. Now, the true question: Is this an election move in the face of North Carolina's Gay Marriage Ban Amendment, or is it true? I feel like it's true, and that his stance of "Man-Woman" for the past election was the actual election move, mostly based upon http://www.politico....e_in_1996.html. Also, as a second question, do you support same sex marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, or none of the above? (I'm for gay marriage). If anything, this can also be transformed into a general politics post. So, what about the French Elections? Any socialists on BrainDen that want to come out and support the guy? (I don't think it was a good idea, although it will probably hasten the inevitable bankruptcy of the Eurozone/EU). Erm... if I've missed anything, feel free to post it, I'm just a wee bit tired right now =)
  22. gvg

    Newbie Mafia

    Oh, can I possibly have a mentor? Just for the first few days to get used to it, cause I've never played this before. Thanks!
  23. gvg

    Newbie Mafia

    I'll play, I suppose =) And are we giving time zones? Mine's Easter Standard Time.
  24. I'll try the newbie one then =)
  25. Well, I looked into a game once and was highly confused. So no, I haven't tried it =)
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