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Everything posted by Shakeepuddn

  1. Shakeepuddn

    Oops, Actually, Fischer gets it wrong.
  2. Shakeepuddn

    Good call fischer. Thanks Grayven.
  3. Shakeepuddn

    Time travel to the past is theoretically possible. However, it is impossible to arrive at a time prior to departure (time slows relative to all else), or to have a machine that can travel to a time pror to its invention.
  4. Shakeepuddn

    By: 10-4 My Gal in Deutschland (briefly) “Yogi Nipping at the Whiskey.”
  5. Shakeepuddn

    Read the re-write. Ignore the biker stuff.
  6. Shakeepuddn

    I regret the biker part. Only meant to distract. Here's a re-write that is much better: Outside at night, the thief lowers his helmet visor and eyes the prize within the house; he can see it. If he can reach it, his fellow gang members will embrace him. Carefully and quietly he creeps closer, ever cautious that his approach goes undetected by the guard protecting it. His surreptitious movements are being closely monitored and recorded by cameras. He knows but doesn’t care. Then suddenly, a delivery boy brings a hot order for the hungry guard. Seeing this, one of the tenants nearby quickly brandishes a stick and knocks the order to the ground before the Guard takes it. Without question, he and the thief are in cahoots. The second gang member then chucks the stick toward the guard and runs madly from his home; screaming and arms waving everywhere. The thief takes this opportunity by rushing for the prize. The guard, having picked up his order, sees the thief and runs to intercept him. The thief attacks the guard now standing in the way and knocks him on his back, as the guard’s order spills worthlessly on the ground. The thief then lays his eager hands on the prize. But wait! It doesn’t move! He cannot lift it from its place! The angry guard scrambles to get up, hampered by his body armor. But satisfied in this accomplishment alone, and not wanting to face the wrath of the guard, the thief dashes away toward the nearest ditch, his escape ensured. What was the prize?
  7. Shakeepuddn

    You're in the next county Interesting approach though.
  8. Shakeepuddn

    Outside at night, the gang member lowers his helmet visor and eyes the prize within the house; he can see it. If he can get it, his fortune is assured, his fellow gang-members will respect him, and he can get the custom Harly Davidson he wants so badly. So carefully and quietly he creeps closer, ever cautious that his movements go undetected by the guard protecting it, yet in reality his surreptitious movements are being closely monitored and recorded by camaras. If he knows, he doesn’t care. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, a delivery boy brings a hot order for the hungry guard. Seeing this turn of events, one of the tenants in the house quickly intercepts the order by brandishing a stick, leaving nothing for the guard. He hurls the stick toward the guard and then distracts both he and the delivery boy by running from his home, screaming and arms waving everywhere. Without question, he and the thief are in cahoots, both members of the same gang. The thief takes the opportunity presented by his friend by rushing for the prize. He attacks the distracted guard in the house and knocks him on his back. He lays his hands on the prize. Eureeka! But wait! He cannot lift it; it doesn't move! The angry guard is scrambling to get up, though with difficulty because of his body armor. Not wishing to tangle with the assaulted guard, and satisfied in this accomplishment alone, the thief dashes away toward the nearest ditch, his escape ensured. What was the prize?
  9. Shakeepuddn

    That was an excellent riddle and I was eager to take a stab at it, at least until you posted the answer for all to see. Oh well.
  10. Shakeepuddn

    It can't be Athena, as she was the "Virgin Goddess." Also, it was Hera who protected Jason.
  11. You gotta know, though, Shrek has nearly every single classic fairy tale character in it. I'm very confident, so I just fullfilled one of my New Year's resolutions! (Check the topic New Year's resolution).
  12. In from the cold, my story unfolds, Though fated by a Florentine. From pauper to gent on my mission sent, I reveal the proper routine. With a foolish wooden charge, I went at large, The magic and tragic I’ve known, To inhabit a whale of a serious tale, Where deceit is neatly grown. In my name, ah! there's the game! Of bats and princes true. Ever aware of the toils I dare, My wonderful wish so blue.
  13. Shakeepuddn

    That was quick cminmd. Good job. Yeah, sort of easy. I make these up for my students.
  14. Shakeepuddn

    I give the greatest gifts of all, One gift taken in the fall. My arms keep children warm at night, My body broken, of this they write. Within my halls bright colors hung, The songs of lovers sweetly sung. My hands are strong, my feet are still, I but journey against my will. Upon my fingers gems I wear, Mere trinkets cast from year to year. Bands sing ballads of my life: My youth, my years, my common strife. Within my breast, if you should look . . . The makings of a wondrous book.
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