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Everything posted by Shakeepuddn

  1. Well done! lejjin snips it in the bud!
  2. Shakeepuddn

    Being a father I would say
  3. A snake to lead a snake behind, Two in the middle side by side. Two eyes blind and a beak to squawk, I make it less the more I talk. A toast from a drunk, a ship of sails, Steep and thin my name entails.
  4. Yes to all. Hard to make tougher and I like it as is. Good job.
  5. The finest sheets make up the bed Where bides a tenant wrapping dead. Another clinging wheel of chain, The tended links more dead to claim. The third with dungeon, a tunnel dark That holds the host of they who knock. Assembled to tremble, houses of fate, Where eyes a-plenty watch and wait.
  6. Forsooth! Well done Sir V.
  7. Take me up or cast me forth, Upon each face such lines of worth. Sovereign nail which hailed a king Whose justice round the lands would bring, Born of myth wrapped in stone, By hand of fate the spell undone.
  8. What a piece of work is d3k3! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! Bravo Sir!
  9. Wow! Is this riddle really so hard? Hmm. Perhaps their not teaching the same stuff in school as when I went. small town royal Getting back strange behavior Spirit kin Slow-hesitant Incredulous mother
  10. Final Edit: Just a small town dude in a royal world, Freaking out friends as the end unfurled. Gettin' back with attack is where it was at, But slow on the go for this sad cat. Spirited kin? So it would seem . . . Was it real? A dirty deal, or all in a dream? Cries to his momma, but she don't want to hear, Just cheers to the hits, Ooops! Tis the end she fears.
  11. Shakeepuddn

    Touchdown! dk once again!
  12. Shakeepuddn

    All negative so far. Interesting guesses though. Some of you know me. You understand I use kew words, clues, and metaphor in ways unique to this style of ridddle but which will inevitable reveal the answer. You can land this big fish if you brain it out.
  13. Alas, poor Braindenizens, no and no.
  14. Shakeepuddn

    Wow! Some wild answers to be sure!
  15. Shakeepuddn

    Sorry. Nothing close yet.
  16. Shakeepuddn

    I recently put this up in class for my ten year old Taiwanese ESL students and one them pegged the first line in a matter of minutes, but he couldn't solve the riddle because he wasn't familiar with the answer. Harder than Mona Lisa? Nah!
  17. Shakeepuddn

    No and no Go by the edited version. Ignore the stars reference.
  18. Shakeepuddn

    Edit: Four amid the bending canes, handles to the west, The name recalls a giant, to some considered best. Four mouths oh so thirsty, see them open wide Drinking in the open air from icy cup of sky. Leaping over water yet slipping in the streams, Bars above the treetops and all points in between.
  19. Shakeepuddn

    Four amid the bending canes handle to the west, The name recalls a giant to some considered best. Four mouths oh so thirsty, see them open wide Drinking in the open air from icy cup of sky. Leaping over lakes but slipping in the streams, Bars above below the stars and all points in between.
  20. Edit He's a small town dude in a royal world, Freaking out friends as the end unfurls. Tet for tat is where it's at, But slow on the go for this sad cat. Spirited kin, or so it seems . . . Was it real? Dirty deal? All but a dream? Don't cry to momma, she don't wannna hear, Just cheers for the hits, Ooops! It's the end she fears.
  21. No to all so far. Way in left. The word "tet" is supposed to have an "i" instead of the "e" but the system alters that particular mamarian tidbit to "molehill."
  22. He's a small town dude in a big time world, Freaking out friends as the end unfurls. Tet for tat is where it's at, But slow on the go for this sad cat. Spirited kin, or so it seems . . . Was it real? Dirty deal? All but a dream? Don't cry to momma, she don't wannna hear, Just cheer for the hits, Ooops! It's the end she fears.
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