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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. would it be the custom made glasses?
  2. MissKitten

    ummmm, every chocolate lover in the world!
  3. Words that get through: baccarat autocrat cataclysmic catacombs dogwoods close, but not quite.
  4. slugabed gets through. haha, it doesnt. it may be a little hard though... and none of these get through, sorry.
  5. MissKitten

    Gah! I just got my thinking abilities back! But I'll have a shot. And to forestall any complaints, criticisms, etc., this is from a purely non-religious point of view. I think that nothing is ever predetermined. It's like the whole parallel universes thing. Say you start at Point A on Line A. You have Choices A, B, and C, all going to a different line. Now, say you choose Choice C. You are now on Line C, which again has Choices A, B and C. You have now entered a completely different universe than the one you left. Each choice you make leads you into a differnt universe, and there are so many choices that from almost the very beginning, there are infinite universes available to you. What you thought was just one of these choices. If you had not seen the red chair, you would have gone through a completely different set of choices and never posted this thread. If you had touched the red chair, you would have gone through a completely different set of choices. If you had shared a banana with your pet monkey instead of looking at the red chair, you would have gone through a completely different set of choices. So I guess what I'm saying is, your future is what you make it, not something predetermined by a higher power.
  6. when the eggs abd canoes start to make sense...
  7. sorry, none of these get in.
  8. Hmmm. Maybe after you get to the hospital, you can try to open your locket. ask nina if she can help you catch the suspect-if she isnt the thief, of course.
  9. MissKitten


    GEARS probably not right, but if GEARS=3, then G is first letter. _EA__ proven, ___R_taken from CHART=1, and ____S taken from FEATS=2.
  10. You know how many times they say "Mine!"??
  11. NO! I JUST GOT MY BRAIN BACK! Haha, kidding. :
  12. MissKitten

    well, im gonna defer to whoever wants to do it.
  13. nothing, sorry. also nothing. wombat nothing
  14. no, i went and looked it up. the accent falls on tar. But oh well. Its my turn, right? GO!
  15. haha, yeah. its back to the future. im only 12, but ive already seen the entire trilogy at least 3 times.
  16. but if that was it, then antidisestablishmentarianism wouldnt get in...
  17. MissKitten

    haha! ill do that.
  18. tell us please! the suspense is killing me! haha, im just joking. but i really would apprecite the answer.
  19. Hosts: Framm and Hirkala 1. Solman 2. Shadow7 3. DarthMask 4. DougFarley 5. 3lizab3th 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Backup/Mentor 1. Darth Legion 2. MiKi 3. eh, what the heck. i'll join. however, im not too sure about my availability as of yet, so until i know for sure, i'll be a backup.
  20. MissKitten

    hey, i was stumped! dont be too hard on yourself.
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