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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. Has he recollected anything yet, and search his house again especially his bedroom.
  2. Is it possible to retro ask these questions with the lie detector? Also, have the police crew keep Surveillance on Mark, Sarah, Basil, and put Luther into protective custody. Have them report if anything odd or out of place is happening. Using the Lie Detector: Ask Mark and Basil (in seperate rooms) about the liquid titanium carbide, and why they ordered Luther to give it to Sarah to inject into people. Talk to Luther: Luther, we really need your help in solving this crime. If you do not help countless more people are going to die, are you willing to live with the fact that you had a hand in helping kill all of those innocent people? (While doing this, have the taser put away.)
  3. Luther: Who was that friend you were talking about earlier? Are you sure that you are not hiding anything that could be of use to help Bart? What is your relationship with Sarah and be honest? Minerva and Bart: Did you make any changes in your will recently?
  4. Framm 18

    Thanks Hambone, I thought of it after seeing Shakee's answer for #1 was correct, and thank you random Wiking (if that is even a real word) for the St. Patrick's reference. Good riddle Hambone.
  5. Doctor Basil: What did you inject into the arm of Bart, last week, and Why?
  6. Framm 18

    Good to see you on and riddling again.
  7. Explore the addresses and see if there are any clues that could have been left. (a few strange questions) Luther: What did you think of Mark when you first met him? Is there anything strange that you have noticed over the last couple of weeks. Have you been in contact with any animals over the last couple of weeks Mark: What did you think of Luther when you first met him? Do you have any pets?
  8. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    I may try and re-host this one again (or something similar), with the rest of the characters that I had to get rid of, and maybe that would help out with the balance. I think that the numbers were balanced, but not the roles.
  9. Ask Minerva: Where were you and your husband when he fell sick, also where were ya'll about a week before that? Ask the Doctor: What do you know about the disease and is there another way to get infected other than contact?
  10. Ask Minevra, where Bart was when he contacted the Basilisk. Also ask if he was on a case, when he contacted the disease.
  11. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    Here are the Actions Also was this game unbalanced or was it that I just did not give enough information to help the goodies to ID the baddies?
  12. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    I am going to post the actions soon, if I can figure out how to post them and it not be confusing to read. But about not posting the spy night one, but on night two, is that I could not figure out how to put it in and it not be somewhat confusing, at least when I read it. My writing skills are not that great . Oh, and the title for the night 1 post, was supposed to be a subtle hint that the Ghost of Martin had spied.
  13. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    Night 3: The Grand Finale The baddies had decided that tonight would be the night in which they made their move. They split up and took on different people. Tpaxatb the Tyrant walked up to Cavenglok the Warrior and said draw your sword Cavenglok. They both pulled out their swords and started to dual. The fight took them to the bell tower, when Tpaxatb pushed Cavenglok over the edge of the bell tower, with him landing with a loud *THUD*. Abbess Abhisk and Friar Medji were in the kitchen, fixing themselves a late night snack, talking about all the things that had went on over the last couple of days, when they heard a knock on the door. GMaster479 Mad Eyes walked looking straight at the eyes of Medji telling him to take the knife; he was using, to stab Abhisk in the heart. Abhisk was pleading to Medji not to kill him, but to no avail. After Medji had killed Abhisk, he tried to use the knife on Gmaster, but Gmaster’s coral snake struck Medji, before he could reach him. Actressgirl the Scourge was looking for Phaze the Cruel, she found him out by the pond mixing up a potion to use against Cavenglok when he found him. She asked Slagar, if he had found out who Matthias was yet, and he said “Not yet, but I think that I am getting close”. At the same time that he had said that, they heard a scream and saw Matthias falling from the bell tower. No screamed Phaze, you all promised that I would be allowed to kill him. Actressgirl laughed saying, “You really thought that we would let you do whatever you wanted. We just used you to get into the Abbey, and now you are disposable.” With that Actressgirl stab Phaze with her tail, and pushed him off into the pond. Roster with Roles: 1) GMaster479- Orlando 2) Medji- Friar Hugo 3) actressgirl- Cluny 4) onetruth- Cornflower 5) tpaxatb- Badrang 6) chrispen/GM- Ublaz 7) Cavenglok- Matthias 8) Slick- Ghost of Martin 9) Crazypainter- Gonff 10) Music/Phaze- Slagar 11)Abhisk- Abbess Germaine Thanks to everyone who played the game, I really appreciate your willingness to put up with me, and my clunkyness with the posts and answers to questions asked. Feedback (positive and negative) is greatly welcomed so that if I host another game, it will be a better experience for all. I will post the actions tomorrow afternoon sometime. Congrats to the baddies.
  14. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    Writing the final post now.
  15. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    Day 2: The loss of a Hero The day started with Slick, being accused of being a baddie after the body of GM had been found. People were murmuring that he had been lobbying that GM should go, and it only seemed right that he would have committed the murder. Slick tried to convince the mob that he knew something about one of the goodies and could tell them only if they would listen, however, by that time it was too late for anything to be changed. The mob started looking everywhere for Slick, when one of them was in the looking in the Great Hall, he noticed that there was something different about the Tapestry of Martin the Warrior. The difference? The picture of the Abbey's greatest warrior had disappeared! 1) GMaster479-killed byBaddies 2) Medji 3) actressgirl 4) onetruth-killed by Baddies 5) tpaxatb 6) GM2 7) Cavenglok 8) Slick- Lynched found to be Ghost of Martin 9) Crazypainter- Lynched turned out to be Gonff 10) Phaze 11)Abhisk Night ends at 10pm EST. Try and get your actions in sooner if possible though.
  16. Framm 18

    Redwall Mafia

    1) GMaster479-killed byBaddies 2) Medji - voting for actressgirl 3) actressgirl - voting for slick 4) onetruth-killed by Baddies 5) tpaxatb - voting for slick 6) GM2 - voting for Slick 7) Cavenglok- voting for Slick 8) Slick-voting for Cavenglok 9) Crazypainter- Lynched turned out to be Gonff 10) Phaze voting for actressgirl 11)Abhisk voting for slick This is the final voting roster for the day, will have the day post as soon as possible.
  17. It is Joe (not sure about) and Narcissa, if I am not mistaken.
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