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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. Framm 18

    Thanks for spelling Jonathan right by the way.
  2. I was looking over the game thread of the old game, and have a question. Are you going to eliminate those who have picked the number with the most picks, or eliminate all those who have picked the same number as someone else?
  3. Hey peace, if you start that number game back up. sign me up.

  4. Framm 18

    Not really, and I really don't appreciate being called Brainwashed. Our Pastor, tells us that he is preaching his beliefs and we don't need to just accept it blindly and we need to take what the Bible has to say and form our on beliefs on what we have read. That is part of the problem with most things not just religion, but also in most other things as well. People today are smarter, but yet it seems like we hear people doing less and less smart things. People can no longer just take things at face value anymore (me included sometimes). I get trying to find the answers. But there are times that we should just accept what is told (i.e. A parent telling their child no, there is not always a reason that either the child would not fully understand or it is something that the parent thinks is wrong and is hard to put into words.) Not in my opinion, but like you said it is better suited for another thread. As you can obviously tell, my debating skills are next to none.
  5. Framm 18

    Yes, but not the way they go about things. I being an Independent Baptist, am disappointed in the way that they go about preaching God's Word. While we are told to go and preach the word, we are not supposed to act like we are so much better than anyone else. The way that I view it is we are supposed to go out and preach God's word, and whether or not they choose to believe is between them and God. While I don't think that homosexuality is right, I will not try and make those who are, feel like they are worthless beings who are not deserving to live. Unfortunately this is a problem with all religious/non-religious groups, there is always one person or group that tries to put down those who don't think like they do. I could probably and will try to come back with something that sounds somewhat coherent and that was somewhat better in terms of explaining what I am trying to say tomorrow.
  6. Thanks and congrats on 3000

  7. louse grouse mouse house greed perfect brunch
  8. Paper Maple Syrup Elm Oak Sycamore
  9. We have 1 dog (Mini Schnauzer), 2 cats (one will be 16 in july, and the one in my avatar is about 9 mths?), and some fish.

  10. If you don't mind me asking. How many pets do you have?

  11. Thanks. She can be pretty mischievous though. Can't leave anything that you don't want torn up where she can get to it.

  12. Her name is Zoee.

  13. Ignore my number one. This is what I saw and wrote down something else.
  14. Hope I explained them well enough.
  15. Aardvark Breakfast Cowbell Dive Elegant Famous Google Habit Igloo Jumper Kangaroo Lacross Money Nickle Only Penny Quail Raspberry Storm Truth Universe Venerable Washer Xylophone Yogurt Ziti
  16. Knoxville Nashville North Carolina New Zealand California Penny
  17. Framm 18

    Give it to Harvey, since he is the least suspected in my opinion. sorry guys.
  18. Framm 18


    No Problem, I am not gone yet. I also gave the olympians some targets for tonight, as well as look at the votes as to who to target.
  19. Framm 18

    Sorry guys, I tried my best. Hopefully Hades and Artemis were paying attention to what I pointed out.
  20. Framm 18

    If I am lynched again tonight, recruit Rhea. I am not sure if Rhea or Dionysus, are still alive.
  21. Framm 18


    Can you please explain???
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