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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. dyalDragon

    [spoiler=flailing blindly... ] food, drink, fullness, hunger....
  2. dyalDragon

    sweet!! And welcome to the Den rububa.
  3. dyalDragon

    working on the reasoning for the ones i was off on....and completely lost on 7 for now
  4. dyalDragon

    how many letters for 12?
  5. dyalDragon

    yay! Now if only i had a clue on some of the others...
  6. dyalDragon

    still trying to work out the nature's tooth and claw thing...good riddle btw
  7. dyalDragon

    Edit....removed enlightenment
  8. dyalDragon

    best i've got... this one is a killer good riddle Malcolm
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