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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. Not that... Good morning hambone
  2. dyalDragon

    Not that rock, 'The Rock'... As in the wrestler turned actor ... At least that was the reference, while actually I meant rock as in a mountain or boulder
  3. Let try... Not that... Nice guess though
  4. dyalDragon

    Would it help?? I could make a call
  5. dyalDragon

    To replace that 'letter' song in your head
  6. Oh ....dD Nope... But nice try
  7. dyalDragon

    = my email ringtone
  8. dyalDragon

    every time I finally stop chuckling about this one, somebody has to resurrect it...
  9. dyalDragon

    Welcome to the Den azelin!!
  10. I seem to be repeating myself
  11. Hmmm... Right track, wrong train Or vice versa... Sort of a cup half full/empty situation
  12. Hmmm... Right track, wrong train Or vice versa... Sort of a cup half full/empty situation
  13. dyalDragon

    Here is a guess. Stole my guess
  14. Hmmm. Try, Not her...
  15. Nothin on gramps yet...
  16. For..... OR......... none of those sorry...
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