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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. bah... i was hoping to get at least half as many guesses as Wood's Known but Unseen on this one... but no, you had to go and ruin it
  2. nope sorry... might be time for a hint soon...
  3. dyalDragon

    Either way it wasn't right
  4. i know that's not it...... you're right... that's not it
  5. no but maybe thinking about why i would accept a substitute might... was going to give a little hint but changed my mind... just ignore the crossed out part please, i didn't have any whiteout
  6. dyalDragon

    No no, my furry flipper wearing friend... there will be no appreciating the pink noodle, not after i am done or maybe
  7. dyalDragon

    Definitely the pink noodle...more embarrassing that way
  8. No but getting a bit closer... In a distant sort of way if that's not too confusing
  9. OK 1more time.....lol Yea....they worked Roseanne did, but i don't think the other ever worked... oh you mean the spoilers sorry neither of those
  10. Quite a weird family, I think anyway nope not them... but they are weird aren't they?
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