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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. dyalDragon

    my brain hurts now
  2. keep working at it, it will come eventually
  3. just guessing riddle names won't help without the reasoning, cause i can't make a definite answer without knowing how you came to the conclusion that your riddle is the right one...
  4. First we have some light entertainment... To use after a private mailbox: 1. averages doubly halved (4) 2. overlapping a little bit simpler (6) 3. 1000 b.c. arrival scheduled before icy James chilled and finished with top marks (9) 4. singular prof's helpers owe follower Mr. Lange -- split up over bond startups (7) 5. a framer's guide leads a strong pair to launch (5) 6. those who strike the sickly after reversed alien divided about the eighth (3,7) 7. before merging into ocean are perceivers also within between fuzzy fruit states a timely variable ends (4,7) 8. acidity begins and ends around the experience of that guy there (5) 9. probability of blind life necessity = an early selection of flipped epsilon (8) 10. after Family's first comes Exxon's roaring child and an iron winged switch up (5,2,4) 11. the fifth plus five and one simply calculated with ease, see? having then cleared all work, done... (11) 12. broken jaw point between the ninth and inapplicable, twisted, endless isles (4,4,5) Followed by a little refreshment.... Jocsnyv S wkp qo, pom vmsuu meyo mn wp rnej: km mao odj nf mao fsevm usov mao wkx fne mao masej. And then on to the main festivities.... I've you've found gotten out used my to it all name, now, and so i cannot so quit, have the booze and played the chow, just cant live through without my it. I know i should game. try and be Not more just astute, but when the i see a nice menu, once i just can't give a but hoot. twice My checks and my plastic regarded, could sure use look a back break, but i just cant through resist the best all wine with my steak. My of puzzles you've solved, through the mirrors and the smoke, now tell words me you've my vice, before discarded. I'm flat broke. There are four separate puzzles/riddles, and it will be easiest to solve them in order from top to bottom, but you may try to tackle whichever you like in whatever order (wouldn't be a good party if you couldn't do what you like right?) Hopefully this one lasts at least half as long as it took me to put it together, and also hopefully it will be as much fun as it seemed on paper. Either way, let me shut up and get out of your way! Enjoy yourselves...
  5. How about this... very nice
  6. no not that... but keep trying
  7. no and no but i will say keep thinking in that direction
  8. dyalDragon

    well without any hints at all it is going to take more time to solve obviously because we don't have any direction at all a hypothetical question: if it is a multiple part answer that leads to a single concept/thing, would you say that a partial answer is 'partially correct'... for example if the first stanza referred to and that was correct as far as the first stanza goes, would you say that it was correct for the first?
  9. <br /><br /><br /><br /> very interesting but no... everything needed to solve this riddle is here, just hiding in some way
  10. you'll know it when you find it, but i need the reasoning for your answer when you give it
  11. Nailed the origin but no on the answer... not that sorry
  12. Ok, so you probably don't know what I'm talking about yet, right? But at least two of you will in the end. This riddle is suited to one of you in particular to a tee. You have in your sight the beginning of the end. This one is a simple one, so my responses will be limited until the answer and complete reasoning are posted. I have faith that it won't be all that difficult. Enjoy!! (and bonus points for the origin of the title)
  13. Thought I would try your rhyming answer if that's ok... They sting like hell though
  14. dyalDragon

    I was going to wait for the 10th post but ran out of patience
  15. dyalDragon

    and they have 'lucky' steel shoes... nice badudi
  16. dyalDragon

    Aren't bagels just doughnuts leftover from last week?
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