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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed

    well, had mentioned somewhere wouldn't leave this one hanging. really do enjoy these. thanks
  2. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    oh wow, figured I was a little too late in the game. cool, but rats. now the hard part. The funny thing about dying ...
  3. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    If I were you, I wouldn't be me.
  4. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    tough decision due in no small part to a poor phrase to start with. sorry 'bout that. gonna give it to KlueMaster. you're up KM
  5. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    woot, woot! okay - The summer heat is ...
  6. yeah, I thought this was a cool image. really demonstrates the powererful gestalt of the human face. have no idea if it was photo shopped or not. actually came across this on ebay as an image in a pendant. dont know how long this link may work but fwiw. ebay link
  7. Scooter, Beaker, Sam - Muppet Characters Animal, Saltines, George W. Bush - _____
  8. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    My brother is such a fruit, when he orders a cocktail, it comes in a light syrup.
  9. keeping with the theme? Chris, Dark, Bread - Brown Rice, Funny, Construction - _____
  10. wind, shoulder, ice - things that are associated with cold? cream, scotch, club @ maurice - hope you didnt think I was insinuating your clue was obscure. that was certainly not my intention. and after your explanation
  11. plainglazed


    SLATE - if 1 then E is the last letter. not S L T from SLOTH - 0 and not the A from BOARD - 0
  12. will try to have something soon if not beat out by someone else. kinda backed off as it seemed maybe I had already brought this back to the top of the list a few times. great to hear somehone has not forgotten. think it has potential to be a fun thread. I think the key though is to balance clues so they are not too obscure/meant to be solved but clever enough so when the connection is made there is some mutual satisfaction. thanks maurice.
  13. *adding forgotten solved feature*
  14. Thanks for the feedback Dej Mar. And for the favorite clues. Got the first but not the second. Thought it might be a visual clue and somehow NAUGHTY or DOMINOS but couldn't make the DOM to T connection. Felt I was missing something with the cap vs not but could not get it before being tempted by the spoiler. Did like the answer, real tough but fair; certainly within a puzzle with cross clues. Enjoyed yours from this a.m. Will not leave it hanging but am holding off a little to see if it spurns other interest. Hope you enjoyed. *solved*
  15. Ah yes, but the back and forth, that would take alot of doing to transcribe. Guess that'll be lost. But lost anyway (at least in real time) to all those who had not yet had their turn...
  16. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    He's like a rock who tends to gravel.
  17. I think you can just hit the reply button on the last post with all the final pix and captions, copy, paste into the thread quick response dialogue box, remove quote tags, and insert returns (and probably preview posting).
  18. yeah, that's not my intended answer. like this clue though so not gonna "spoil" it just yet. know you'll get it soon enough. also, had a more contemporary Christian in mind. and the second definition for 19D is not terribly arcane I dont think. seems the ones you had most issue with were the straight homophones with different spellings and without a clue suggesting a phonetic interpretation like "window of (utter) dispair". Have only set a few of these (3 1/2) and really only worked a couple of dozen. would appreciate your feed back re the homophone "rules" as well as in general. also the "back forty" clue is a saying in the US and was derived from the Forty Acres; an RKO Studios graveyard for old movie sets where the answer was kept. throw back is another US saying meaning to eat or drink usually rapidly and esp alcohol.
  19. ok, last extraneous post. snuck in as a guest to see if anyone had interest and realized one might not be able to see the image, so...
  20. Received Q-C's caption and will try to draw tonight - at work now. For full disclosure I must admit that I am an artist by profession. Also and for fair warning/excuses, my genre is abstractionism. (just kidding, only truth to that is my drawing abilities are so poor they might be interpreted as abstract art.)
  21. Well hello Hidden G and thanks for kicking this one off. Regret to inform you that neither of your answers above are what I have in mind for those clues. Also, forgot to give this wiki link which describes how these work. And, as examples: and Dont really know the best way for those interested to go about responding to these. All are welcome to respond to any one, several, or all clues and I can post updates/filled in clues periodically if needed. If you prefer you could also pm me with your entire solution and I'll be sure to cite credit. However, all's good. Hope you enjoy.
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