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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. I've learned not to trust Cal Tech programmers. =/ I see nothing.
  2. Official resources likely refers to the Barbapapa site. The homepage says "official page" or something of the sort.
  3. Yeah, I'm pretty sold on the base9. I want to believe that row 4 and row 8 (if you don't count the lettered row) are going to be identical. But these are just musings. I muse a lot. I'll be staring at it for a bit more today.
  4. Molly Mae


    Oh, right...that's me. ????? CLOCK - 0 TOPIC - 0 LORRY - 0 FORTY - 0 BUTTE - 1 Score Change: none
  5. SPIT - ? (Is it just me or is BD being slow today?)
  6. Molly Mae


    ????? CLOCK - 0 Score Change: none
  7. I found a pattern match. 219224. But I'm looking for more. EDIT: Found another. EDIT2: And another. I'm gonna see if I can come up with how that answer works...
  8. My world has been torn asunder. Not because you got that far (but awesome find, man), but because these Bar creatures are freaking me out. I'll see what I can find on the site. EDIT: I'm not really finding anything useful on the site, so perhaps it was only used to get the numbers in order. I'll take a look at Pickett's upload.
  9. Molly Mae


    ????? Score Change: none
  10. EDIT: Agreeing with Ed for the moment, but I do think that A-F represent long/lat coordinates...
  11. Night 2: Dark Night When the silence fell, it was heard all around. Everyone stopped arguing for a second and looked around. The Boss' Son looked at Plasmid. "We need a plan," he said. "This is what you're gonna do..." "Where's Kluemaster?" someone asked. "He went out to the car to get the loot. We'll divide it here and everyone's gonna go their merry little way. No more of this little game." "What if he's one of the cops?" Another asked. "He'd just take the--" Gunfire outside quickly ended the conversation. The door swung open and Kluemaster fell inside, sliding the bag of loot toward the group. Covered in blood and full of holes, KM died before he hit the floor. "THIS IS THE METRO CITY POLICE. WE HAVE THE BUILDING SUROUNDED. YOU HAVE VERY LITTLE TIME BEFORE WE TAKE THE BUILDING BY FORCE." "We need a hostage," someone said. Host: Yuli and Molly Mae 1. plasmid 2. Flamebirde 3. MiKi 4. 'Cat'astrophe 5. KlueMaster - DEAD - Killed N2 6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1 7. Auramyna 8. Araver Day 2 ends at 10 am Central time tomorrow.
  12. I really should have gone with 10 am. N2 post coming shortly.
  13. Molly Mae

    Total head-slapper. Nice solve, plasmid. And very nice riddle, mo.
  14. Molly Mae


    FLUYT FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 FUNNY - 1 FUNKY - 1 FLORA - 2 FLAIR - 2 FLOCK - 2 FLIES - 2 FLEET - 3 FLINT - 3 KNOCK - 0 FLUFF - 3 FLAYS - 3 Score Change: Maurice +15, Maquis +15, MoMa +14 The word shows in the define function on Google, which I typically use.
  15. Molly Mae

    If the puzzle is as written above, I agree that it's not merely a simple substitution cipher. I will add it to my notepad file shortly.
  16. Molly Mae

    It's coded in a particular manner. Find the code based on hints given by (some of) the nine.
  17. Day 1: No Mercy They all agreed that there was a rat and that they would find it. "Cat is the rat!" one yelled. "Yeah, he's gotta be!" another agreed. "But Aura...!" "Everyone calm down," yet another said. "Here's a note from maurice*" The note reads: "Stealth is a weapon of the cops and you can't beat stealth by shooting wrecklessly. Take aim." "Such wise words." "But maurice is dead!" they protested. "Kill Cat!" *The note is for story only and isn't really from maurice. Host: Yuli and Molly Mae 1. plasmid 2. Flamebirde 3. MiKi 4. 'Cat'astrophe - DEAD - Lynched D1 and found to be a legitimate gangster 5. KlueMaster 6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1 7. Auramyna 8. Araver
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