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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    EDIT: Are you posting crossword clues on here? =P
  2. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    Can I replace Araver? And Blah? And Maurice? Or would that give me an unfair advantage?
  3. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    @DarthMask: Go check our BTSC. @Everyone Else: I'm just kidding.
  4. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    Host: Darth Legion 1: Araver - voting for sayalzah 2: Vineetrika 3: Marq - Voting for Phaze 4: Hirkala 5: young 6: MiKi 7: Segul 8: curr3nt - Voting for Phaze 9: Aaryan - voting for sayalzah 10: Shadow7- Voting for Phaze 11: Phaze - Voting for Araver 12: sayalzah - Voting for MiKi 13: Framm - Voting for Molly Mae 14: Lionheart 15: golfjunkie - voting for sayalzah 16: Darth Mask - Voting for Shadow7 17: Blablah 18: Molly Mae - Voting for MiKi I'll spread the love. Thanks for replying, Shadow. =P
  5. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    Host: Darth Legion 1: Araver - Voting for Molly Mae 2: Vineetrika 3: Marq 4: Hirkala 5: young 6: MiKi 7: Segul 8: curr3nt - Voting for Phaze 9: Aaryan-voting for sayalzah 10: Shadow7 11: Phaze - Voting for Araver 12: sayalzah 13: Framm - Voting for Molly Mae 14: Lionheart 15: golfjunkie 16: Darth Mask - Voting for Shadow7 17: Blablah 18: Molly Mae - Voting for Shadow7 Pressure vote. @Araver: With the vast number of players, I normally would not yet present a defence. In the spirit of showing how it is begun, however, I will. I did not act last night and there was no mention of me in the night post. I strongly advise that nobody out their role (and I won't until I am sure that Boba Fett is dead). With a RID kill + Spy handy for the Vong+Fett alliance, they're going to make short work of us unless we can pick them out. We're between a rock and a hard place here. Our best bet is to find a few good targets and get what we can from them. I'm hoping the spy is subtly pushing for a Vong lynch tonight.
  6. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    With Framm and Araver around? Unlikely. Someone will venge kill Araver. Or Framm will die N1 as he always does. Unless both of them are bad.
  7. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    Framm's going to die N1. ... =P
  8. Molly Mae

    I agree. Are we to assume that the orange and white sides are solved?
  9. Molly Mae

    I suggest the Tales of Alvin Maker by Orson Scott Card. There are six books in the series, one forthcoming. A friend of mine (Andromeda) read the first one, but is waiting for the rest of them to be translated.
  10. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    WIFOM? Are we re-issuing roles? This has to be WIFOM. I don't see Maurice or Phaze in my BTSC...
  11. Molly Mae

    SW Mafia has only just begun. I'd wait until it comes a little bit closer to the end of SW.
  12. Molly Mae

    Star Wars Mafia III

    I texted Hirk and told him to clear out his inbox.
  13. Molly Mae

    This is interesting... The lack of a NK is a good start. Two baddie RID Kills will get powerful at the end of the game. Wile can roll a kill or a spy, as well. Spies mean death the following night. =P The biggest advantage is 5 in BTSC--which is pretty big. Game theory suggests that with one Baddie NK and one goodie spy, "when there are a large number of players and the win probability for either side is 50%, the innocent's lack of information means that the Mafia numbers need only double when the total number of players quadruple for the win chances to remain even." A good fix for this might be to place a baddie outside of the BTSC...? Maybe. "Vulnerable to archnemesis - Action fails and trapped next night even if RID is wrong." I really like that. It's hard to judge the balance on this one, but I still think it's presently in favour of the baddies. An interesting idea might be one I just lifted from Glyc's House of Cards. Have Speedy's (or someone else's) spy results go to Duck Dodgers. If the spy ever targets Duck, they gain BTSC (I added the BTSC). *Shrug*
  14. Sell your soul to the Devil in exchange for solving this mystery.
  15. Molly Mae

    It is impossible if the island can only be represented in two dimensions. If there were a system of caves beneath the island (and some tribes owned some of the caves [or just one tunnel]), it would be possible. In order to connect the fourth tribe to the first three, you'll always be isolating one tribe. The fifth tribe would have to tunnel under (or over, in the case of the arch over canyon model) into the isolated tribe's territory.
  16. Good solve, moon. You beat me to it.
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