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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    Not very tempting, since Hirk/USA can't be killed tonight. =P
  2. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    I am Argentina, I have spied Thalia, and I am (presently) on the road to leaving the game. This means that I am not a threat to anyone. Wasting a RID kill on me is pointless. It keeps me from winning, but does little to better your situation. Not only is there another baddie out there, but that baddie might also be leaving the game. The only thing that might concern you is the Secret Wincon of Sweden, and it might not. In order to best serve the interests of the majority (leave the colour of Role Descriptions out of this), you would be wasting time and energy by killing me. You can only trust Sweden's WINCON to be true as much as you can trust Sweden. The goodie plight is what serves the majority. In this awkward situation, I (a baddie) happen to be in that majority and am aligned with the goals of the goodies. That was my original intention for individual WINCONs. So here are the options that matter (from my perspective): Current's Trap target Hirk's RID target If Hirk goes for Current and Current comes for me, I can't leave at the end of the day tomorrow and there's a chance that Iran escapes. If Hirk and Curr both go for Curr, I leave tomorrow As it stands (again from my perspective), if Iran and I both leave the game, all remaining goodies win UNLESS Current's WINCON has something to say about it. Regardless, I suggest Germany and England leave, in case Sweden's WINCON is to prevent others from leaving. @Solman (and anyone who wants a funny story): Nice play sending the message to China. I never would have guessed that it would go to one of us. =P EDIT: German = Germany
  3. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    @Araver: My action: Go to the bar and get drunk. Oops. Wrong thread. =P
  4. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    Hooded Figure: Araver 1. Molly Mae - voting for maurice 2. Hirkala - arrested by Sweden - cannot vote or be voted during D2. 3. maurice - voting for curr3nt 4. Thalia 5. curr3nt - voting for maurice 6. Framm - Killed by the Secret Alliance 7. Shadow7 - voting for maurice 8. solman - voting for maurice 9. golfjunkie 10. Marq - voting for maurice 11. Vineetrika - Lynched and found to be Australia Hey, I wanted to kill Mo yesterday. I've been busy starting Serial Killer. And baking pies. Off-topic: I love pies.
  5. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    @curr3nt: Target me tonight and see what the post reveals.
  6. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    WIFOM much? =P While it's 1/6 (unless the baddie roll has a choice), they have their choice of kills if they roll a RID. *Shrug* If you had kept the information to yourself, you'd have a good target for action tonight and probably have left the game. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if you were killed tonight.
  7. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    Sorry. Been busy at work. Since curr3nt outed me (and everyone else), we have a very narrow list of suspects. OOC: I hate mass-outing. I don't like role outing as it is. *Shrug* It distracts from game mechanics, especially with so many spies available.
  8. Molly Mae

    UN Mafia II

    Hooded figure: Araver 1. Molly Mae - Voting for Maurice 2. Hirkala - Voting for Vine 3. maurice - Voting for Vine 4. Thalia 5. curr3nt - Voting for Hirkala 6. Framm - Voting for Hirkala 7. Shadow7 - Voting for Thalia 8. solman - arrested by Sweden - cannot vote or be voted during D1. 9. golfjunkie 10. Marq 11. Vineetrika USA should certainly not out himself unless under threat of lynch.
  9. Molly Mae

    Clearly my answer was not good enough. :/
  10. Molly Mae

    Aw, thanks, Araver. =P After Amber, UN2, and Revelation 2, I think I'm done with Mafias with you guys. 'Cept hosting the few I have in queue on MM. :/
  11. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    I want to change my action. Recruit Maurice to the good side
  12. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    I was going to to give you -1 for that last post until I read "Goodies won, by the way." =P +1 Good job, Araver, Slick, DN, and Co.
  13. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    Oh, joy. Blahblah's at it again. @curr3nt: I know you're dead, but you were right. We should have killed him...
  14. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    Hey, Mo... can you tell us who's hiding among us? =P @Araver: I figure Mo's the highest probability of a baddie. I'd like to spread our spies over two targets that I don't have roles for.
  15. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    @Shad: Just the things you said and the way your vote changed. @Nox: People you should not target: 3) Slick 4) Araver +1 9) GMaster479 13) Marq +1 14) Shadow +1 15) darth nox +1 17) Molly Mae +1 =P
  16. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    GDI... @Shad: I thought you were fishing for votes, so I had you down as Water. I should have figured it was EDM, since she never responded... Gdi.. Someone needs to kill Maurice. @Nox: I was really hoping you'd catch what I was saying without everyone knowing...but okay. It's all the same.
  17. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    @Darth Nox: I don't think we've played any games together. Do you know who I am?
  18. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    Well, I'm happy with this lynch as it is. If EDM astounds us with any form of defence that makes sense, I suggest moving to Darth Nox. So, when 2045 rolls around, be prepared to switch your votes.
  19. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    Again, I say this: I cannot confirm that EDM is a non-goodie. All I can say for certain is that she is not a handful of goodie roles.
  20. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    I don't know who you are, but I know who you aren't. Hint?
  21. Molly Mae

    Minecraft Mafia

    Chicken should not waste a spy on Araver. Nor should we trap/spy a suspected goodie. There are better targets. EDIT: If chicken spies a player who becomes trapped in the same night, is the trapped player safe from the spy?
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