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Everything posted by Magic_luver101

  1. In "Are there really just flowers?" what else are you ment to see
  2. people stop talking about the faces or post a new thead for it
  3. can i bring diet pepsi
  4. you are missing the T in towel
  5. cd, carama, dead hand, advil, apple juce
  6. read my $5 post again and hightlight it
  7. look at my last post again and hilight
  8. k then i give you 4 $5 bills lig gloss, and um condoms i sorry but consirding the things were not allowed to have i can gess that ppl are going to be geting it on i am not included in that group, apple
  9. give UGG a $20 bill rings, earrings, ponytale holders, leather of cloth strap to keep youe hair back, eye glasses
  10. so i cant come then cuse they dont come off
  11. he can be a victim of an 'accident' if you want works for me
  12. wings cuse they dont come off of me
  13. this party just keeps getting wearder and werader can my dad be lock in amother room how about underwear
  14. shirt, dress, skirt, towel, shorts so what is the verdict
  15. no Gaia is a web site
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