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Everything posted by Magic_luver101

  1. yes, yes, no NO Yes piccolo. Mini xylophone cracker jacks Twinkie easel Pringles can R2D2 No1slight Slide-whistle Vowel Gumball CuteSparklezGirl (Ella) and BF (Dan) smilie living rat baseball No full size xylophone soda machine t-rex Deep Thought
  2. yes yes and bring your BF too yes Yes piccolo. Mini xylophone cracker jacks Twinkie easel Pringles can R2D2 No1slight Slide-whistle Vowel Gumball CuteSparklezGirl (Ella) and BF (Dan) smilie No full size xylophone soda machine
  3. Is the rule not flawless? this does not make any sence to me shure
  4. yes you can come Yes piccolo. Mini xylophone cracker jacks Twinkie easel Pringles can R2D2 No1slight No full size xylophone soda machine
  5. i dont know so i will say yes for now
  6. yes Yes picollo. Mini xylophone cracker jacks twinkie easle Pringles can No full size xylophone soda machine
  7. close but no Im going to a party and bringing an easle
  8. what do you mean? do you think this us the rule? if so sorry you are wrong
  9. sorry yes you can yes yes full size no mini yes
  10. ill do the next one ok here it goes Im going to a party and bringing an apple
  11. i understand it but it is a hassle to deal with
  12. Magic_luver101

    in all the world i never thought i would find a bumper stiker halpful this is what it said IF YOU HAVE A GOD GOOD FOR YOU IF YOU DONT HAVE A GOD GOOD FOR YOU JUST DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT IT it was blunt and to the point most people only bring on religon to get in an argument now i am not saying that i dont like reading and talking about this with you guys but we are being much more civile then most
  13. :sweatdrop: :stressed: i think these would be nice
  14. they are not ment to actuly work just to laught at
  15. i agree it is not that big of a problem and the wating is relly annoying
  16. same it has happned to me servle times
  17. Magic_luver101

    this blond at my school apperently has 7 sences sight, sound, smell, touch, tast, hotness (her words not mine)
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