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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. You're not seriously suggesting someone like Steve Jobs or Donald Trump will cry themselves to sleep because of the severe depression they're suffering because we're taxing them ever so slightly more? I think, you know, they'll be pretty happy with clean roads, health care, improved public school quality, and the ability to afford whatever they want that being taxed for things that will never personally benefit them will seem entirely trivial. Yes, okay, they're not going to be entirely happy with being taxed more, but I think their lives overall would be rather joyous. We've already established that an all-pleasing political system in an impossible feat. What you're proposing, mildly organized anarchy, results in insufficient funds to maintain the quintessence of civilization: schools, roads, etc. Yeah, while everyone gets to do what they want, empires turn to ashes, and suddenly the society you've been trying so hard to maintain is gone. I really can't see people being happier this way. ..I admire you the same way I'd admire a Christian able to hold their own in a debate without getting trampled on. The ideas, wrong and insane, are being held up with arguments that can't exactly be disproved. Though, the admiration (that's probably the wrong word - I like you in a disproving way) is being squashed by the annoyance of you not giving it up yet. (In a nice way, is what I'm trying to get at.) *tired* Edit: Another song that's thread appropriate that I never knew I owned. =0
  2. Izzy


    Unreality +5 _ _ _ _ S faith - (0) bless - (1) glass - (1) fails - (1) fairs - (1)
  3. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ faith - (0) bless - (1) glass - (1) fails - (1) fairs - (1)
  4. Izzy

    It could be a murderer's method of evasion..?
  5. Izzy

    Host: Hirkala 1. Filly 2. Blablah 3. Molly Mae 4. Glycereine 5. Izzy 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Backup: 1. Framm 18 I'd agree with Framm, but with school starting again soon, I need to feed my addition while I still can...
  6. Izzy


    _ _ _ _ _ faith - (0) bless - (1) glass - (1)
  7. I value a baby more than a billion dollar house. Possessions have value, life is price less. I don't think you get the point. You've completely taken the order and productivity out of my thread. If you disagree what we're trying to do here - which is create a functioning society where people are happy first and foremost - you disagree with our goals, and are holding us back. You can either present opposite objectives (which you've done), and if we agree, they can be taken in for consideration. However, when they're crazy, of course we won't. You can, at any time, (and have already been invited to do so), create your own thread and picket your ideas there. Maybe in a month we can compare governments and see who's got it right.
  8. Izzy


    Haha. Okay, point taken. _ _ _ _ _ faith - (0)
  9. We're don't have a problem understanding the value of money. We are telling you a life is worth more than money, and you are disagreeing. If you apply your logic to everyone (not that I'd think you actually would, for the fear of you thinking I'm implying you're stupid again ), everyone dies and all money becomes meaningless. People don't need money to be happy, they need a functioning society and other people. Society has the ability to function regardless of how much we pay for it, because the goods exist and money is just conveinient. If I had children, and you told me to pick between my house and my child, my child all the way. That answer is going to be the same with almost every person you meet. It just so happens you fall into the other category, but that doesn't make you right, no matter how you argue it. People are going to choose people over money the same way we're going to choose beds over sleeping bags and e-mails over written letters.
  10. Why do you value colorful paper over LIFE?! *edit* And our paper isn't even colorful!
  11. Izzy


    Yay. _ _ _ _ _ *edit* Actually, what are the rules for onomatopoeia?
  12. Izzy


    I don't think it should be. There could easily be another word that matches the criteria (considering we've opened this to all words including names), and if that logic happens to be right, it doesn't eliminate the possibility of another word that she, the host, and other gamers just happen to be unaware of.
  13. Izzy

    ...And if the moon is speeding up and the Earth is slowing down. Oh. That's not a very favorable future.
  14. Izzy

    Umm, what? Last I learned the moon and Earth are actually separating at a rate of around 4 cm/year. I'd tell you why, but I blew off that class, crammed all night before the exam, managed to get a 100, and ended up with like an 89.8 A. >_> If I remember correctly (meaning, "don't quote me on this "), it's because of the distorted shape the moons gives the earth (spring tide, neap tide, tides in general). Since the Earth rotates faster, the distorted shape pulls the moon along with it, but the moon pulls the other way. So, Earth speeds up moon, moon slows down Earth. That's called Tidal Friction, and Earth's energy is transfered to the moon's orbit, increasing its size. ..Or. something like that. *edit* ..I didn't actually /read/ the thread. I just.. saw moon stuff. I think that holds true regardless of mass, so long the moon rotates slower. ..Which.. actually made me think of another question. If the moon rotated faster than the Earth, would its orbit size decrease?
  15. Izzy

    I wouldn't really consider it a "flaw". As far as I'm aware, the graviton has as of yet only been theorized so I'd be really intererested to know how such a conclusion was reached. If the constants that control our world were different.. all that means is that everything would be different. ...Black holes? Honestly, no idea.
  16. Izzy


    First letter is F because Flame retained 1. Not the L, because close = 1 from the o. Not the a, because o is confirmed in that spot. Not the m, because zooms = 1 from the o. And not e because scope = 1 from the o.
  17. Izzy


    First letter is F because Flame retained 1. Not the L, because close = 1 from the o. Not the a, because o is confirmed in that spot. Not the m, because zooms = 1 from the o. And not e because scope = 1 from the o.
  18. Hey, watching the Joy Behar show right now. The average age of a homeless person in America person is 9 years old, and 40% of homeless people in America are under 6. Yeah, our system is definitely working. Of course, UtF doesn't care, because they were born there and ought to stay there.
  19. Izzy

    We can add people to convos if we're forming an alliance, right?
  20. Izzy


    SNORT If this scores 1, the second letter is P because SPORT scored 2, and it's the only letter difference.
  21. Woo, just skimmed the last few pages. And what a hateful few pages they were. UtF, stop with the holier-than-thou, pretentious, hypocritical, self-righteous ego-tripping posts. Frankly, calling us stupid and ignorant is immature and if you were a serious politician, your insults would be laughable. If you have an opinion to make, state it, but cut the superiority crap. If you call me stupid one more time, I will personally report you. If I'm not understanding your posts the way I'm intended to, reword them. Secondly. I think taxes are a small price to pay for a nation's support, protection, and benefits. If you disagree, move. Thirdly. Didn't we just decide that we were getting no where, and were going to vote on this? Fourthly. I await your answer to my kidnapping scenario.
  22. Chill with the childish insults? (Again, only reading what sticks out to me. I WILL get to it haha. Today has been so busy.) I really don't care whether or not you realize money is a concept. If you're choosing a concept over life, you don't deserve to live. How much would you kill yourself for? One million? Two?
  23. Again, haven't read anything (I'll get to it shortly), but here's an alternative scenario. UTF, let's pretend I kidnapped you. To put my canibalistic desires to a rest, I chopped off your arms and legs and ate them. However, I'm a nice person, and will let you live. However, I put you up for a $1 billion dollar ransom. Now, I'm sure you'll say you have potential in life. I'm also sure others will disagree. Do you want the government to pay to save you? Or would you prefer I eat you? Same scenario, almost.
  24. ..I only read your massive paragraph and your bolded statement (kinda busy atm, can't properly reply), but save the baby. Ffs. Maybe one of the things we need to focus on is not having ridiculously overpriced medical procedures. You value money over human life, not even realizing money is merely a human invention. It's disgusting.
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