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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    ya i realized that after i posted
  2. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    1) Kathleen (Poisoned)voting for RainThinker 2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas) 3) Panther voting for RainThinker 4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth) 5) frozen_in_fire voting for RainThinker 6) RainThinker - voting for Silverheart 7) Limeliam voting for Silverheart 8) Puzzlegirl voting for RainThinker 9) dms172 voting for star tiger 10) star_tiger voting for Rainthinker 11) crazypainter voting for Rainthinker 12) Silverheart voting for Rainthinker To me it sounds like they are both heros, so i'm going to change my vote
  3. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    well why don't you just give us the name of who you think should go and that way both you and rainthinker can stay
  4. dms172

    i do agree it's about time to vote so everyone go ahead and PM me your votes, but slick maybe we should make a new thread for a new pic.
  5. dms172

    pirate penguin wants to help and also after a few more edits i think we'll start voting and i'll make the video
  6. dms172

    it ok know they will just know who is winning instead of waiting til the end to know
  7. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    1) Kathleen (Poisoned)voting for RainThinker 2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas) 3) Panther 4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth) 5) frozen_in_fire 6) RainThinker 7) Limeliam 8) Puzzlegirlvoting for FIF 9) dms172 voting for Sliverheart 10) star_tiger 11) crazypainter voting for Sliverheart 12) Silverheart sounds good to me
  8. dms172

    nice i think your on to something,
  9. dms172

    :D i feel like a genuis i beat lvl 19 :D but now i'm on stuck on 22 <_<
  10. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    this is off topic but i really have to say i'm in six right now
  11. this one really good i paused the video and focused on the inside until part of it started to look normal then i saw a guys face it it looked inside out for a second and now i just have a headache also now that i think about it anyone's face could look inside out but we just assume that it isn't
  12. dms172

    YESSSSSSS!!!! only two more until i win
  13. i thought the your first post was a big enough hint(of course i had real read the answer )
  14. and the same to you(you know what i mean)
  15. dms172

    well it's not really a roster it was just an attempt to keep order clozobozo akaslickster reaymond clozobozo woon taliesin lost in space akaslickster dms172 so like i said in my first post add your name before you edit so everyone knows
  16. dms172

    must you always skip me lol
  17. dms172

    me too i can't beat 19
  18. dms172

    Distractive mode with middle name Drive media without middle name are these suppose to make sense?
  19. dms172

    i agree and mines in
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