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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    just so you know PG FIF is the master evil and i'm just a lesser he just votes with you cuz he has a better chance of killing you and i'm going to vote FIF as my final vote
  2. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    about that i made a mistake when reading my role i thought i saw everyone who targets the person i select, but actually i saw who PM targeted.
  3. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i hope now that everyone trust what side i'm on also don't worry about protecting me protect frost
  4. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    CP i was wondering if you knew who the rogue was because of role description and also i was thinking the federal agent might have to kill all the thieves.
  5. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    well if i'm going to die you better have carnal popcorn cuz normal popcorn is nasty
  6. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    you couldn't have you lost a gaurd last night from my attack.
  7. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i've told you everthing i know, so unless there's a catch that unreality hasn't told me or he just messed up
  8. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i've told you everthing i know, so unless there's a catch that unreality hasn't told me or he just messed up
  9. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    come on. frozendon't you want an epic battle to end this vote PG. you must vote PG Shes lieing about the squall thing squall die last night and he's feeling in she can survive this round and kill you.
  10. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    ok that sound reasonable. i'll believe it.
  11. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i can only see who visited the person i choose and i happened to choose mekal
  12. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    idk i only get to check one guy a night
  13. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    well, good luck. it seems fitting that you be the one to get me after csm2 .
  14. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    actually the way unreality said it. a paladin is randomly selected and he attacks
  15. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    Recruiter: Warriors of Light 1) Kathleen (Dead - Killed by Shadow (Poison)) 2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas) 3) Panther - (Dead - Executed and found to be Ultimecia) 4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth) 5) frozen_in_fire 6) RainThinker (Dead - Executed and found to be Kefka) 7) Limeliam (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 8) Puzzlegirl - voting for DMS 9) dms172 - voting for PG 10) star_tiger (Dead – Killed by Ultimecia) 11) crazypainter (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 12) Silverheart - (Dead - Killed by Cloud) FIF i have a feeling you know who to vote for let's take this to the end and have the most awesome one on one fight
  16. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    1) Kathleen (Dead - Killed by Shadow (Poison)) 2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas) 3) Panther - (Dead - Executed and found to be Ultimecia) 4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth) 5) frozen_in_fire 6) RainThinker (Dead - Executed and found to be Kefka) 7) Limeliam (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 8) Puzzlegirl 9) dms172 voting for FIF 10) star_tiger (Dead – Killed by Ultimecia) 11) crazypainter (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 12) Silverheart - (Dead - Killed by Cloud) PG i don't know who to vote for but i'm putting my faith in you to go to the final round edit: forgot color
  17. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    actually i'm very sure about my info because if only one person visited the mekal and the person who killed mekal was a paladin that makes it a 100% chance he's a paladin or got manipulated(i just thought of this), but i think the first one fitshis lack of defence and he's just letting his friend's defend him
  18. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    ya i tried to be gentle on the subject but people were to busy lynching Itachi and i wanted take the baddie out before he does anything more also what a QA? re:also thanks for your support frost
  19. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    here i'll give you a reason why i'm innocent My name never came up as a probably before i went after Prince, so you know there was no threat to my life and no baddie would go after so in the open and be suspicious if the have no reason to right? also CP i've decide you're good and if the time comes up i won't vote for you
  20. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    don't worry i'm gonna get your killer
  21. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    sweet night post, but i don't like how my name was use so much it worries me
  22. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    thank you guys now the other baddies will probably get me but if we get Prince i'll be satisfied
  23. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    i was wondering the same thing but he does also have to come defend himself in Jumper.
  24. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i thought in a different game it wasn't allowed and i wanted to make sure so now in my night post i found out that prince was the only one who targeted mekal last night, so i'm pretty sure that means prince did it, if you got any better ideas than killing mekal's killer (who we know was a paladin) than i'd love to here it!!!
  25. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    ok i sent a PM to unreality asking him if i can reveal info when he answers i will say more
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