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There was a blonde, a brunette and a redhead all in an elevator with a guy. The guy dares them all to drop their watches down the elevator shaft and try to catch them when they get down. First, the redhead drops it down, gets down and her watch is broken. Next the brunette drops it down, goes down a different elevator which she believes is faster, though she gets down and her watch is broken. Next the blonde drops her watch, brushes her hair, takes a nap, watches Greys Anatomy, comes back and catches the watch. The brunette and the redhead approaches the blonde. The brunette says, "How did you do that?" the blonde replies, "I turned my watch back a few hours.

Edited by Jaclyn
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What about a classic?

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are all stranded on a burning hot island because of a reality show entry. Out of luck suddenly a genie appears.

He says that they can each have one wish of whatever they would like.

So, out of common sense the brunette says,

"I wish for water," and her wish is granted.

Then the redhead says,

"I wish for food," and her wish is granted.

Then the blonde says,

"I wish for a car door so that I can roll down the window."

Ba-doom boom!

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A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are all at school in the cafeteria eating lunch.

The brunette suddenly says,

"Let's all jump off the roof and commit suicide if we get the same sandwiches tommorow."

So the others agree. The redhead has a ham&cheese, the brunette a swiss&turkey, and the blonde a roastbeef&provolone.

The next day they all get the same sandwiches, so they jump off the roof and kill themselves.

At their funeral everyone is crying except the blonde's mom. She is just there, confused.

Someone approaches her and asks her why she isn't crying.

She says,

"I just don't understand, I mean, She packed her own lunch that day."

Ba-doom boom!

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A redhead, brunet, and a blond are stranded on an island when a Genie appears and offers them 1 wish each.

"I wish I was home." The redhead said and, POOF, she was gone.

"I wish I was home too." The brunet said and,POOF, she disappeared.

Looking around, the blond realized she was lonely."I wish the redhead and brunet were back."

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"what do you think, we are dumb? We are not landing on the Sun during the day, we are going at night !!!

A blond, astronaut, and cosmonaut were discussing which group would be most noted for space exploration. The Astronaut said his group would be most noted, "After all, we put the first man on the moon"! The Cosmonaut said his group would be most noted, "After all, we put the first man in space"! The blond than replied that her group would be most noted, "especially after we..... land on the Sun!!! The Astronaut and Cosmonaut, replied... "You can't land on the sun, it is too hot". The blond then replied, "....... <see spoiler>

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A redhead, brunet, and a blond are running away from the police when they stumble into a abandoned restaurant and hide. The policeman walks in and shines a light on a cardboard cutout of a cow. From behind the redhead yells "MOO!". Satisfied the policeman started to look around again when his flashlight lands on the cardboard cutout of a chicken. From behind the brunet said, "BAWK!". Again he wandered around looking for someone and something to eat, since he was famished. When he spots a bag of potato chips he begins to reach for them when from behind the blond says, "POTATO CHIP, POTATO CHIP, POTATO CHIP!"

Edited by Vipe195
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There was a brunette, a blond, and a redhead. They just finished robbing a store, and were caught by the police. And were put in front of a firing squad. Quickly thinking of an excuse the brunette yelled” Tornado”! And she got away. The redhead yelled” Flood”! And she got away. The blond then said “Fire”! And you know the rest

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