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As I sit with my pen on the deck having endless ricocheted ideas tumbling and bouncing throughout my mind.....I take a slow deep draw on that long term suicide they call a “cigarette” and think about a recipe I have often. It’s not necessarily palatable and even more distasteful to the intestinal tract. Now that I’m older (yet not much wiser), I try to spend less time focusing on the sum of the meal. These days, rather, I prefer to remedy myself after. You see, I snack uncontrollably on the ingredients throughout. I need not eat, as the meal is completed within me.... See if you can figure out what I’m having....

You will need :

~A dash of argument (first thing in the morning)

~A good bit of traffic jam

~A healthy bunch of unimportant phone calls

~A heap of expectations and short deadlines

~A couple of non-caring employees*

~Forty ounces of paperwork (Oh why not beer!)

~A pounding “drive home headache”

Mix all ingredients thoroughly over the course of a 10 to 12 hour workday. When mixed sprinkle with a mailbox full of overdue bills if desired..... or not.

*Shopping Tip!!

~In economic times of late it’s actually getting harder to find “non-caring employees”. Your local grocer may still have this ingredient, just look by the “upset customers” before asking! :D

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As I sit with my pen on the deck having endless ricocheted ideas tumbling and bouncing throughout my mind.....I take a slow deep draw on that long term suicide they call a “cigarette” and think about a recipe I have often. It’s not necessarily palatable and even more distasteful to the intestinal tract. Now that I’m older (yet not much wiser), I try to spend less time focusing on the sum of the meal. These days, rather, I prefer to remedy myself after. You see, I snack uncontrollably on the ingredients throughout. I need not eat, as the meal is completed within me.... See if you can figure out what I’m having....

You will need :

~A dash of argument (first thing in the morning)

~A good bit of traffic jam

~A healthy bunch of unimportant phone calls

~A heap of expectations and short deadlines

~A couple of non-caring employees*

~Forty ounces of paperwork (Oh why not beer!)

~A pounding “drive home headache”

Mix all ingredients thoroughly over the course of a 10 to 12 hour workday. When mixed sprinkle with a mailbox full of overdue bills if desired..... or not.

*Shopping Tip!!

~In economic times of late it’s actually getting harder to find “non-caring employees”. Your local grocer may still have this ingredient, just look by the “upset customers” before asking! :D



This is rather odd, yet very well done. It's funny. i like it!

Edited by deannaart
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This is rather odd, yet very well done. It's funny. i like it!

I waited to see if you edited! :P Anyway.... I'm looking for something a bit more specific. Maybe your first thought when you read it. At least everybody's outside the den that read it said the same thing! :D

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very funny in a kinda painful way

a bad day?

And Plainglazed beat you by a minute. Sorry.....Heyupal takes prize from Deanna and gives it to PG :wacko:

And writing this one helped me to laugh that day!

Edited by heyupal
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