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follow me endlessly



to continue through this labyrinthine design, all

tangled, mottled and rotting away,

would not be wise alongside something like me, not at all.

you can continue, if you dare, i'll

spot you right quick, and spirit you away

to something so twisted, full of malice, so vile.

you'd better be careful, stay true to your path!

for if you don't, i'll devour you like a main course; real fast.

this isn't really a generic 'WAI', but it sort of is. it's more of a concept, what you do.

Edited by spookify
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It's okay to have more than one riddle up. Post your next riddle. I may have better luck with it.

yeah i'm about to. I just don't like to have more than one out. dunno why. just me.

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yeah i'm about to. I just don't like to have more than one out. dunno why. just me.

When I have a "back order" of ready-written riddles, I will usually post about 3, and then add a new one, and replace them, each time they get solved.

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a spider?

to continue through this labyrinthine design, all

tangled, mottled and rotting away,

would not be wise alongside something like me, not at all.

you can continue, if you dare, i'll

spot you right quick, and spirit you away

to something so twisted, full of malice, so vile.

you'd better be careful, stay true to your path!

for if you don't, i'll devour you like a main course; real fast.

this isn't really a generic 'WAI', but it sort of is. it's more of a concept, what you do.

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no, sorry :( read my hint, it should help you a bit.

It actually doesn't. It just makes me feel even more unlikely to solve it. Because it doesn't describe "how" it's different, merely "that" it's different. What is it a POW, like JohnB's riddles? how is it different?

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Is it "going to hell?"

to continue through this labyrinthine design, all

tangled, mottled and rotting away,

would not be wise alongside something like me, not at all.

you can continue, if you dare, i'll

spot you right quick, and spirit you away

to something so twisted, full of malice, so vile.

you'd better be careful, stay true to your path!

for if you don't, i'll devour you like a main course; real fast.

this isn't really a generic 'WAI', but it sort of is. it's more of a concept, what you do.

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It actually doesn't. It just makes me feel even more unlikely to solve it. Because it doesn't describe "how" it's different, merely "that" it's different. What is it a POW, like JohnB's riddles? how is it different?

i'll write it here. it is not simply "WHAT am I" but rather, what are you doing? it is something each person usually chooses to do. I can't give too much away or else i'll give it away.

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lotus, what's POW?

haha nahh




JohnB uses this in a way, where each line represents a letter. The letters form an answer. Then help you with a trivia question which he gives at the end of his riddles.

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JohnB uses this in a way, where each line represents a letter. The letters form an answer. Then help you with a trivia question which he gives at the end of his riddles.

was he the one that did a mona lisa riddle? I quite enjoy that style. I have made a few, but don't post them :P

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to continue through this labyrinthine design, all

tangled, mottled and rotting away,

would not be wise alongside something like me, not at all.

you can continue, if you dare, i'll

spot you right quick, and spirit you away

to something so twisted, full of malice, so vile.

you'd better be careful, stay true to your path!

for if you don't, i'll devour you like a main course; real fast.

this isn't really a generic 'WAI', but it sort of is. it's more of a concept, what you do.

riding in traffic?

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