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I am someone that

speaks their own name

On line, or in person

It's always the same

I refer to myself

As this kind of person

Some people get annoyed

But funny to me is for certain

Some can't help it

To some, it's a game

I hope these clues help

but in guessing, there's no shame

Edited by deannaart
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I am someone that

speaks their own name

this can refer to 1.some one who speaks in the third person or 2.what some one chooses to call themself.

On line, or in person

It's always the same

online could be refering to either 1.on a telephone 2. on the internet or 3.on a legal document which would explain the in person part as they would have to match

I refer to myself

As this kind of person

this could mean that either 1.they admit the reason they are the way they are or 2. once again its some one who is talking in the third person again

Some people get annoyed

But funny to me is for certain

this means that what ever this person does has the ability to annoy people and what ever this person does he/she enjoys it

Some can't help it

To some, it's a game

this means that every one does this as it is only made into two category's to some it comes natural whilst others think its a game which in hindsight could mean that those who think it is a game (think that its fake or something) whilst those who cant help it are the ones who have a symptom of sorts

I hope these clues help

but in guessing, there's no shame


lol my guesses are a. its a signiture B. its an avatar C. its a person introducing them self D.its a person talking in the third person or E.i didnt come close

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this can refer to 1.some one who speaks in the third person or 2.what some one chooses to call themself.

Hey Brainz, D's not around and it's been solved above, but I'll play if you want too.


is your guess called, I mean text book like!

Edited by heyupal
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