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Someone was telling this in class the other day, and i wanted to share it with you.

You know how there are A batteries and C batteries and no B batteries? Well if there were B batteries it would sound like you're stuttering.

Here's how it would sound:

"I would like some b-batteries please" "What kind of batteries?" "I said b-batteries!"

An you shouldn't order two C batteries either.

"I would like to see batteries" "They're right over there" "i want to see batteries!"

D batteries would be bad if you're foreign.

"I would like de batteries please." "what kind of batteries?" "de batteries"

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First of all with the b batteries it wouldnt sound like you were stuttering unless you pronounced it like buh and not bee like it is pronounced.

But other than that it was funny.

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Yeah, this was a fantastic bit from Demetri Martin's standup special. I highly recommend watching the whole thing (btw, the b-batteries bit is about 12:45 into the video).

Also, he just got his own show on the Comedy Central network, hopefully it will be as funny as his original standup special :lol:

Edited by Brandonb
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