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They're called CDs, smart one. <_<

God... your a newbie, and yet you are insulting people all over with a ton of sass.... Like atlantis, sometimes I forget a word.... If ya don't say nothin' nice, don't day nothin' at all....(cartoon wisdom form walt dysney) --- or however you spell the flippin last name.... But seriously, cheese, trying to be friendly and all so don't take it the wrong way... ;)

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the music carrier

to iPods and such

holding a movie

isn't to much

the music is blue

purple you see

from computer to computer

they aid me

maybe it's a...

flash drive?

i'm not shure, but i think they can carry music files.

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Sorry for not checking this in a long time!! :(

iTunes? The music is blue and the vids are purple (just a guess)

Could it be...

iTunes? Music is blue and vids are purple on my iPhone about screen-thingy

Just a guess.

both good guesses!! But both wrong answers :(

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those little discs U can save music on?...

Do you mean CDs?

a cd

yep!!!!!! that's why the blue-ray thing was close, but they had to spread out!!! you got it first (if atlantis didn't), or 2nd (if he did)!!! Good job!!

They're called CDs, smart one. <_<

yep!! :D

...but they have small CDs that R maybe 3 inches accross...

those are usually for game cube or something....the ones i use are bigger

Just a friendly hint, but try and use spoilers, and don't post anwsers that are already posted.

thanks for adding that!!! Thanks!! :D

God... your a newbie, and yet you are insulting people all over with a ton of sass.... Like atlantis, sometimes I forget a word.... If ya don't say nothin' nice, don't day nothin' at all....(cartoon wisdom form walt dysney) --- or however you spell the flippin last name.... But seriously, cheese, trying to be friendly and all so don't take it the wrong way... ;)

true...thanks for pointing that out, but i hope he's learned his lesson!!! dont face the wrath of CuteSparklezGirl!!

maybe it could be a ipod, i mean it didnt say the answer couldnt be part of the question :P

that's very true!! Good thinking!! However, its not right :( good guess though!

Maybe just maybe

an mp3 file

nope!! Good idea though!

i am taking another shot..knowing this answer is not related to the earlier one..but it could also be
A headphone...


maybe it's a...

flash drive?

i'm not shure, but i think they can carry music files.

not exactly...

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