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Maquis, I see what you mean by ninja, and you just proved that you are one too! :ph34r: I was thinking of a word that starts with PRED or CRED and those are all I could think of, Then you suddenly came up with CREDENZA haha.

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Sigh, i've never eaten couscous. Never heard of it. Never heard cloche before either. But I did say my word isn't English so I suppose I deserve these types of guesses.

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Wombat, Maquis or fabpig, would it be cheating if I used one of those Crossword help websites, where you tell them the correct letters, then they tell you all the possible words with those letters in place. I am about to check that website, so would that be cheating or is it okay? :)

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  On 3/18/2011 at 4:11 AM, Perry the Platypus said:

Wombat, Maquis or fabpig, would it be cheating if I used one of those Crossword help websites, where you tell them the correct letters, then they tell you all the possible words with those letters in place. I am about to check that website, so would that be cheating or is it okay? :)

I think some other people use them or wordlists derived from them already and I don't see any issue - this is just for fun afterall and that couldn't be policed anyway. Go for it. (I'll be afk for 2/3 hours from now)

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SMILEYS - xooo


SERIOUS - xxoo



ISTHMUS - xxxxxxx

:( - I thought that would last a bit longer than 6 guesses!

Now your going to have to deal with being QM on both ROLLO and Masterword !

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