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Sorry in advanced for how long it is but if you like LOST this could be worthwhile.

Hey, I know there are a lot of smart people at brainden and I was hoping that some people might now some stuff about LOST the show and could help me figure out what the numbers mean If you haven’t seen lost you should it’s a great show with a lot of weird and random problems that cause you to think why and they don’t stop, they keep pouring on more questions then they answer one and it leaves you with more questions. But that’s not what I wanted to ask. I wanted to know if anybody could help figure out what the numbers

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

If you haven’t seen the show you won’t be able to help. But for the people who have one thing I’ve tried is looking in the bible the old testament and the (4) book is “numbers” then I went to chapter (8) verses 15-16. Verse 15 doesn’t really tell much but 16 says

“(15)And after that the Levites shall go in to serve at the tent of meeting, when you have cleansed them and offered them as a(A) wave offering. (16)For they are(B) wholly given to me from among the people of Israel.© Instead of all who open the womb, the firstborn of all the people of Israel, I have taken them for myself.”

This is the part where the king wants every male first born to so he can kill them if I’m not mistaken which relates to the show because anyone pregnant on the island dies if they give birth, which I’m guessing the king would kill the unwilling to give up their firstborn. If this is correct I don’t know what to do with the last two numbers, that’s where I was hoping some of your minds can help figure out how they could be used to show us something or reveal something

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They have nothing to do with the Bible :) I once saw a breakdown of why the writers chose many of the numbers. Some of them they wanted to use because they were already incorporated into the show (Flight 815), others were shout-outs to other great masterpieces (42), others were references to the kinds of intriguing mysteries we love (23), etc. I don't think 4-8-16 is a coincidence either.

The Numbers, in other words, don't mean anything in real life. In the LOST world (5 days :o :o :o I can't wait! The best show ever, no doubts, no contest :P) they mean a lot though

they are the factors of the Valenzetti equation. I'm not sure if they're literal polynomial factors, ie, (x-4)(x-8)(x-15)...etc, or just key numbers involved in the equation itself or more likely the RESULTS of the equation somehow linked with the extinction of the human race through various means of destruction... the DHARMA Initiative's goal was to change one of the factors so as to prevent the downfall of man, but ultimately were not successful. The radio tower was continually transmitting the Numbers so that those on the mainland would know if they succeeded, if I recall correctly

None of this was actually explained on the show but rather on the ARG they did between the 2nd and 3rd seasons to solve some of the DHARMA mysteries, it was called the Lost Experience

:D 5 days!

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Sorry in advanced for how long it is but if you like LOST this could be worthwhile.

Hey, I know there are a lot of smart people at brainden and I was hoping that some people might now some stuff about LOST the show and could help me figure out what the numbers mean If you haven't seen lost you should it's a great show with a lot of weird and random problems that cause you to think why and they don't stop, they keep pouring on more questions then they answer one and it leaves you with more questions. But that's not what I wanted to ask. I wanted to know if anybody could help figure out what the numbers

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

If you haven't seen the show you won't be able to help. But for the people who have one thing I've tried is looking in the bible the old testament and the (4) book is "numbers" then I went to chapter (8) verses 15-16. Verse 15 doesn't really tell much but 16 says

"(15)And after that the Levites shall go in to serve at the tent of meeting, when you have cleansed them and offered them as a(A) wave offering. (16)For they are(B) wholly given to me from among the people of Israel.© Instead of all who open the womb, the firstborn of all the people of Israel, I have taken them for myself."

This is the part where the king wants every male first born to so he can kill them if I'm not mistaken which relates to the show because anyone pregnant on the island dies if they give birth, which I'm guessing the king would kill the unwilling to give up their firstborn. If this is correct I don't know what to do with the last two numbers, that's where I was hoping some of your minds can help figure out how they could be used to show us something or reveal something

42 is easy. Meaning of life, universe, everything.

23 is harder, I didn't quite get that Jim Carey movie.

Seriously though, I'm intrigued. I was ready to dismiss as I find no value in the show (to each their own) but the riddle is interesting. Unfortunately, we cannot know if anyone is correct or not... We'll see how this one plays out. Unless the show gets canceled? :o

NM, that was quick ;)

Edited by Grayven
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Grayven: the show will not be canceled :) It has a 6-season story arc that they planned during the very first season. It ends after that. The fifth season starts in 5 days ;D

Yep, and 24 was going to be a single season experiment. And Kirk's Enterprise was on a three year mission. And Gilligan was on a three hour tour. You keep watching, they'll keep writing.

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Grayven: the show will not be canceled :) It has a 6-season story arc that they planned during the very first season. It ends after that. The fifth season starts in 5 days ;D

I think that J.J. said that they thought there would be one season only... but then again maybe he was withholding information.

Edited by andromeda
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