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Chapter 5: The Original Study Room

Chapter 1: BluePrint to the victory

Chapter 2: Secret Tunnel

Chapter 3: What should they do?

Chapter 4: Secret of the BluePrint

While people were sleeping due to a tiring New Year Countdown for 2009, Andromeda, ST and Dawq had set their journey to fly over to Jade town early morning. Professor couldn’t follow, he has to stay because Inspector Slicks need him and his statement for the incident happened in his office. According to Inspector Slicks, they only found 1 person lying in the office, who was Roy. There is no any outer stranger lying there. That’s make FIF worried about the missing stranger will harm Professor again, so he decided to stay with Professor as his bodyguard.

Few hours passed, andromeda, ST and Dawq reached their destination. The Wise Manson has been abandon since 30 years ago. The front gate was locked. Dawq walked to the left for about 2 feet then stopped. He moved away some middle-size stones and dig the soil by both his hand. His face turn to joyful suddenly and then show the 2 young girls something in his hand – a chain of keys!

“You can’t believe it! All these are like destined earlier. Before the disaster happen, Wise told us he kept one set of the key on here so next time we can come back again. We were so naïve that time, but who didn’t when they were 10?”

Dawq opened the gate, walked through the front garden, opened the main door. All the furniture was covered by thick layer of dust. They soon walked upstairs and reach at a big panel of wooden door.

“Ok, here we go,” Dawq took a deep breath, exhaled out and then pushed both door panels. In front of them was the layout of the study room which was like this


“Wow! It just like what we saw in the secret tunnel, except for the gold coins and chests!” ST looked around with her eyes opened widely.

“So this is the original room. I wonder why there is a real model room under the library of Redrum University?” andromeda started throwing questions.

“That’s simple, the land where Redrum University was build, was belong to ancestor of Wise’s family.”

“I see,” andromeda nodded her head. “One of the obvious difference then what I can see now is the location where the gold coins and chests put is not filled with books. But then, isn’t it not so normal to put the books at the center of the study room. right Mr. Dawq?” andromeda asked.

“Right, when Templeton, Wise and I played around in this room, there is nothing at the center here,” Dawq looked around, and his memory flashed back to the time when 3 of them playing around here and Professor Ernest’s grandfather was happily looking at them while sitting at the working desk there.

“Don’t move!” A stranger voice suddenly made everyone stop their actions.

“Well done everyone, thanks for showing me the way to find the treasures!” A man then walked into the room, with armed. Andromeda and ST soon realized it was the man who was fainted at Professor Templeton room!

“Now, let me take the thing I want from here first, before I ask you to return the items you took from the tunnel!” the man walked to the center of the room, kneed down to look at the series of book, then he picked up one! “Yay! This is the one”

He then stood up again, and flipping the books, then his face suddenly turned pale! “What? What happen to my hands, ah~ its hot, its burning! Ahhhh~~~~” Dawq, Andromeda and ST didn’t really understand what actually happened to the stranger. What they saw was the man walked a few steps then collapsed on the floor, he was poisoned to dead!

All of them went towards the corpse and notice the book he took with the title of “The Only One Jade Ring”.

They realized there were 10 books around which in sequence will be:

The Only One Jade Ring

A Tale of Two Cities

The Third Witch

The Four Wise Men

Five Children and It

Six Million Dollar Man

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The 8-bit Computer

The Eagle of the Ninth

Force Ten

“Look, there are tags on every item around the room!” ST then pointed around the room on item like the painting, the horse shoe hook, the empty vase, the antique chair etc.

“Hmm, let’s see what they say,”

Cabinet: Life of me at here is so simple: Just hanging around!

Chair: Your smile is the most memorable one to my memory. Your posture is the gentlest style to show your personality.

Desk: The faster it spins, the blurrier it will be; what can you expect, when the size of 6,371 km reduced to half foot!

Door: Make from wooden or metal doesn’t matter. As long as I make you feel comfortable.

Globe: Will you come closer? Otherwise how could you see clearly? Oops, don’t forget to let some light come in.

Hook: Wrong arrangement of the weight; a failure for achieving balance. Wrong decision of life you made; bring disaster later.

Microscope: End of the 4 corners of me is sharp, be alert when run over me. But I am be the best for you to do study.

Mona Lisa: Take a look; zero is at the end although it is the smaller among the ten. But who care, you know you already get use of it.

Scale: You think it is funny? You think I do like to be in this type of posture? You think I am pinpointing someone and start nagging? Come on, I just want to make you awake!

Teapot: Here is the place you can find one of the beautiful things. Once in a while there are some insects accompany me!

Telephone: Book won’t be found here. Chair won’t be found here too. Nothing should be put at here, because most of us want to pass through.

Vase: Out! All of you out! I will look down on the people who make me contain beauty of costumes but not the beauty of knowledge

“I see! This guy didn’t get the message right! Otherwise he won’t be so impatient. That’ also mean he didn’t know what the blueprints said. ST, take the stuff out” Dawq asked ST to take out the item that ST took from the secret tunnel, which is now become the important item for them to solve this hunt now.

The item is (you already know if you read the episode 4)


“We better solve it quick! It is 10:10 pm right now. I start feeling creepy here.” ST shivered.

So, the questions are

1) What did the message tell?

2) How does this watch helps to find the treasure?

Good Luck!

Ignore the wordings on the picture of the layout, it just show there are some message written there only

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does the fact that there is a horse shoe on the watch and on the wall have to do with anything.

I didn't pick up this hint because it's an OMEGA not a horse shoe! They are shaped the same... it's the label! Why would I... never mind <_<

Ok, time for some hints:

4) hey! Someone of you pick up a very important finding, but because the overall picture haven't been realized yet, so can't do anything right now. :)

I never do this kind of stuff... I always tell people YES that is not important right now but will be in the end!

But... whatever... Andromeda is leaving the gang and going home... make sure that I'm on the next bus!

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I didn't pick up this hint because it's an OMEGA not a horse shoe! They are shaped the same... it's the label! Why would I... never mind <_<

I never do this kind of stuff... I always tell people YES that is not important right now but will be in the end!

But... whatever... Andromeda is leaving the gang and going home... make sure that I'm on the next bus!

I think you are right. I do not handle the response well this time. I need to improve on this.

Thanks for reminding me. :)

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Ok, time for some hints:

1) To FIF: Your questions can be answered if you found the answer for question part (a).

2) To Dawg, ST and many others: The reason I mentioned 'it is 10:10' because the picture I have for the watch is showing that!

3) To andromeda: What should I said about your action here? You are so called doing it correctly but not so correctly. Will let you figure for a while more see whether you could catch my meaning. :)

4) hey! Someone of you pick up a very important finding, but because the overall picture haven't been realized yet, so can't do anything right now. :)

Yes someone of three of us mentioned!!!

Check spoiler!!!

You mentioned FIF, Dawg, me but you didn't mentioned DMS?? So I thought NOT IMPORTANT!

Edited by andromeda
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does the fact that there is a horse shoe on the watch and on the wall have to do with anything.

I am apologize if you felt I neglect your guess because I though people may have same thought with you and then it become very easy to solve this already.

By this stage, I would sincerely respond to your post.

is YES.

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I am apologize if you felt I neglect your guess because I though people may have same thought with you and then it become very easy to solve this already.

By this stage, I would sincerely respond to your post.

is YES.

Right on time!

Riddles are made to be solved Woon... :P

Edited by andromeda
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Well dms noticed the omega - horse shoe coat hanger connection and I drew the shapes!

On the drawing we have three shapes: a star, a square and a triangle!

One of the arms of the star is touching the horse shoe coat hanger and since there's a horse shoe (omega) on the watch the conclusion is that the only book that is not poisonous is the "Five Children and It" because the star has five points of connection with the items in the room! :)

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Well dms noticed the omega - horse shoe coat hanger connection and I drew the shapes!

On the drawing we have three shapes: a star, a square and a triangle!

One of the arms of the star is touching the horse shoe coat hanger and since there's a horse shoe (omega) on the watch the conclusion is that the only book that is not poisonous is the "Five Children and It" because the star has five points of connection with the items in the room! :)

Yay! Finally it is solved! Well done andromeda!

Will post the closing tomorrow, then follow by Chapter 6. :lol:

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Well actually Zack suggested that it's the star shape that we need and he guessed the book! He didn't have the right explanation... still he guessed it! :)

Ahh. I see now thx for the compliment Andro ! :) (omega is signifigant!!)

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Closing for Chapter 5

All right, check the closing of this riddle

While Dawg just wanted to explain what the messages meant, ST’s cell phone rang. It’s FIF. ST asked about Professor Templeton situation and then told FIF whatever happened here. FIF took a deep thought and said, “You ask about what do I think? Hmm, the books have numbers lined up in numerical sequence. I have no idea what the clues might mean, though..” and then suddenly a voice could be hear too. “FIF, ask her what is the brand of the pocket watch?”

“Who’s that?” ST asked.

“Its Dms, I worry about Prof Templeton safety so I get my friend to help me to protect him as well.” FIF explained. ST then told FIF about the brand of the pocket watch. She then heard Dms said about the Omega symbol looks like a horse shoe. ST hanged up the phone soon and noticed andromeda has written a note on a paper: Arrange the messages properly and then use the watch.

Dawg and ST agreed too. All of them noticed there was 12 items located around the room possibly aligned with the watch.

Andromeda returned with a lovely smile, “Well, starting from Mona Lisa, the tag on this picture stated “Take ………”, then walk clockwise, we meet the desk with the tag which the message was “The …..”, and go on. I noticed that every first word form a warning message: Take the wrong book out will make you end your life here.”

Dawg nodded his head. “That’s what I spotted at the first glance. But I am stuck at the next stage.”

Andromeda continued “But each message looks like telling us to go to another location. Look, the message of Mona Lisa kind of telling us to look for the telephone, the message on the desk lead us to the globe!” Andromeda started pointing here and there.

Suddenly a creepy sound could be heard and getting nearer and nearer. “What’s that? It sounds like the bad guy ghost is eating ghost pop corns!” ST sounded nervous. When they look back to the door, they saw 2 boys standing there.

It was 2 young boys who stayed nearby saw there was lighting in this abandoned house so decided to take a look. They were JeeSee and Zack.

All these 5 persons (Dawg, Andromeda, ST, JeeSee and Zack) kept make assumption and after andromeda finalized there are 3 shapes formed under what the message leaded: A triangle, a perfect square and a irregular 5-points stars.

Zack had a small argument with andromeda because he insisted 5 points star is the one to tell them to pick the book “5 children and IT” but andromeda preferred to choose “4 Wise Men” because a PERFECT square was formed!

ST look at them and then said a word, “Why do I keep meeting funny people today? DMS who said the Omega symbol like a horse shoe. Zack who said before it is so hard to go back to school and now claiming the irregular stars is the clue and …..”

“Wait! I got it!” Andromeda then yelled! “Mona Lisa is not at the 12 o’clock! The horse shoe hook is the one!”

Dawg puzzled, “What?”

Andromeda “See, we were all misleading by the layout, we just thought the items are like the watch so Mona Lisa picture represent 12, the desk represent 1 and so on. But look at the watch, there is an Omega symbol on the 12 o’clock. The only item around here which looks like the Omega symbol is the horse shoe hook. So we should start from there and follow what the message said, that’s form the 5-point stars and yes! The book we should pick is “5 children and It”!

Zack looked at andromeda “See, I told you!”

Andromeda replied “But you never give a convincing explanation! Let’s pick the book”

Yes, they found the right book finally. What so special about the book. Please stay with us in Chapter 6

~The End~

Note: 3 more characters included: dms172, JeeSee and Riddle Master Zack. :)

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Closing for Chapter 5

All right, check the closing of this riddle

While Dawg just wanted to explain what the messages meant, ST’s cell phone rang. It’s FIF. ST asked about Professor Templeton situation and then told FIF whatever happened here. FIF took a deep thought and said, “You ask about what do I think? Hmm, the books have numbers lined up in numerical sequence. I have no idea what the clues might mean, though..” and then suddenly a voice could be hear too. “FIF, ask her what is the brand of the pocket watch?”

“Who’s that?” ST asked.

“Its Dms, I worry about Prof Templeton safety so I get my friend to help me to protect him as well.” FIF explained. ST then told FIF about the brand of the pocket watch. She then heard Dms said about the Omega symbol looks like a horse shoe. ST hanged up the phone soon and noticed andromeda has written a note on a paper: Arrange the messages properly and then use the watch.

Dawg and ST agreed too. All of them noticed there was 12 items located around the room possibly aligned with the watch.

Andromeda returned with a lovely smile, “Well, starting from Mona Lisa, the tag on this picture stated “Take ………”, then walk clockwise, we meet the desk with the tag which the message was “The …..”, and go on. I noticed that every first word form a warning message: Take the wrong book out will make you end your life here.”

Dawg nodded his head. “That’s what I spotted at the first glance. But I am stuck at the next stage.”

Andromeda continued “But each message looks like telling us to go to another location. Look, the message of Mona Lisa kind of telling us to look for the telephone, the message on the desk lead us to the globe!” Andromeda started pointing here and there.

Suddenly a creepy sound could be heard and getting nearer and nearer. “What’s that? It sounds like the bad guy ghost is eating ghost pop corns!” ST sounded nervous. When they look back to the door, they saw 2 boys standing there.

It was 2 young boys who stayed nearby saw there was lighting in this abandoned house so decided to take a look. They were JeeSee and Zack.

All these 5 persons (Dawg, Andromeda, ST, JeeSee and Zack) kept make assumption and after andromeda finalized there are 3 shapes formed under what the message leaded: A triangle, a perfect square and a irregular 5-points stars.

Zack had a small argument with andromeda because he insisted 5 points star is the one to tell them to pick the book “5 children and IT” but andromeda preferred to choose “4 Wise Men” because a PERFECT square was formed!

ST look at them and then said a word, “Why do I keep meeting funny people today? DMS who said the Omega symbol like a horse shoe. Zack who said before it is so hard to go back to school and now claiming the irregular stars is the clue and …..”

“Wait! I got it!” Andromeda then yelled! “Mona Lisa is not at the 12 o’clock! The horse shoe hook is the one!”

Dawg puzzled, “What?”

Andromeda “See, we were all misleading by the layout, we just thought the items are like the watch so Mona Lisa picture represent 12, the desk represent 1 and so on. But look at the watch, there is an Omega symbol on the 12 o’clock. The only item around here which looks like the Omega symbol is the horse shoe hook. So we should start from there and follow what the message said, that’s form the 5-point stars and yes! The book we should pick is “5 children and It”!

Zack looked at andromeda “See, I told you!”

Andromeda replied “But you never give a convincing explanation! Let’s pick the book”

Yes, they found the right book finally. What so special about the book. Please stay with us in Chapter 6

~The End~

Note: 3 more characters included: dms172, JeeSee and Riddle Master Zack. :)

Yippee! Oh what could possibly come next! :D

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Closing for Chapter 5

All right, check the closing of this riddle

While Dawg just wanted to explain what the messages meant, ST’s cell phone rang. It’s FIF. ST asked about Professor Templeton situation and then told FIF whatever happened here. FIF took a deep thought and said, “You ask about what do I think? Hmm, the books have numbers lined up in numerical sequence. I have no idea what the clues might mean, though..” and then suddenly a voice could be hear too. “FIF, ask her what is the brand of the pocket watch?”

“Who’s that?” ST asked.

“Its Dms, I worry about Prof Templeton safety so I get my friend to help me to protect him as well.” FIF explained. ST then told FIF about the brand of the pocket watch. She then heard Dms said about the Omega symbol looks like a horse shoe. ST hanged up the phone soon and noticed andromeda has written a note on a paper: Arrange the messages properly and then use the watch.

Dawg and ST agreed too. All of them noticed there was 12 items located around the room possibly aligned with the watch.

Andromeda returned with a lovely smile, “Well, starting from Mona Lisa, the tag on this picture stated “Take ………”, then walk clockwise, we meet the desk with the tag which the message was “The …..”, and go on. I noticed that every first word form a warning message: Take the wrong book out will make you end your life here.”

Dawg nodded his head. “That’s what I spotted at the first glance. But I am stuck at the next stage.”

Andromeda continued “But each message looks like telling us to go to another location. Look, the message of Mona Lisa kind of telling us to look for the telephone, the message on the desk lead us to the globe!” Andromeda started pointing here and there.

Suddenly a creepy sound could be heard and getting nearer and nearer. “What’s that? It sounds like the bad guy ghost is eating ghost pop corns!” ST sounded nervous. When they look back to the door, they saw 2 boys standing there.

It was 2 young boys who stayed nearby saw there was lighting in this abandoned house so decided to take a look. They were JeeSee and Zack.

All these 5 persons (Dawg, Andromeda, ST, JeeSee and Zack) kept make assumption and after andromeda finalized there are 3 shapes formed under what the message leaded: A triangle, a perfect square and a irregular 5-points stars.

Zack had a small argument with andromeda because he insisted 5 points star is the one to tell them to pick the book “5 children and IT” but andromeda preferred to choose “4 Wise Men” because a PERFECT square was formed!

ST look at them and then said a word, “Why do I keep meeting funny people today? DMS who said the Omega symbol like a horse shoe. Zack who said before it is so hard to go back to school and now claiming the irregular stars is the clue and …..”

“Wait! I got it!” Andromeda then yelled! “Mona Lisa is not at the 12 o’clock! The horse shoe hook is the one!”

Dawg puzzled, “What?”

Andromeda “See, we were all misleading by the layout, we just thought the items are like the watch so Mona Lisa picture represent 12, the desk represent 1 and so on. But look at the watch, there is an Omega symbol on the 12 o’clock. The only item around here which looks like the Omega symbol is the horse shoe hook. So we should start from there and follow what the message said, that’s form the 5-point stars and yes! The book we should pick is “5 children and It”!

Zack looked at andromeda “See, I told you!”

Andromeda replied “But you never give a convincing explanation! Let’s pick the book”

Yes, they found the right book finally. What so special about the book. Please stay with us in Chapter 6

~The End~

Note: 3 more characters included: dms172, JeeSee and Riddle Master Zack. :)

Thanks for adding me woon :lol:

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