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Game Relay

Relay, is a kind of sports where each team member needs to contribute so the run can be completed. Relay baton is handover to another person so he can continue with holding the baton and run.

How do we start?

For every round, I will start the game by given a word in the below format:

Start: time

What you need to do is to change some letters from this word and make it to another meaningful word (For this case, it to change the word time to another word). Then change it again and again until you have 20 of them, like this:

1. tame (change 'i' to 'a')

2. came (change 't' to 'c')

3. camp

4. damp

5. lamp

6. lump

7. dump

8. jump

9. junk (change 2 letters, m to n and p to k)

10. ….continue until you reach 20.

If each time you only make 1-letter change, no point will be deducted from you. However, if you make more than 1 letter change, then points will be deducted like this:

2 letters change, deduct 1 point

3 letters change, deduct 2 points.

4 letters change, deduct 3 points and so on.

For completing the 20 answers, you gain 20 points.

The Trap System

To increase the excitement of this game, there is some trap system along the game. Every time when you PM me your answer, you also need to submit 4 words which the first word represent the first trap for answer 1-5, second trap for answer 6-10, third trap for answer 11-15 and last trap for answer 16-20.

For example, one your opponent PM me his answer and the trap like this:

My answers:

1. xxxx

2. yyyy

3. zzzz

4. …

My trap:

1. lump

2. junk

3. look

4. high

As you can see now, your opponent set lump and junk as the trap words which appear in your answer list too. But because ‘lump’ represent the trap for answer 1-5, but you answer lump in #6, so the trap is not effective and you are saved. However, your answer junk which is in #9, falls into his trap because his second trap (for answer 6-10) is junk!

So, whoever hit the traps, will lose 2 points each time. And the 2 points will transferred to the person who set this traps.

The bonus system

There is a word which I will select it as the bonus word. I will put a riddle about this bonus word so you could guess and try to put this as one of your 20 answers. If one of your answer hits the bonus word, then you gain extra 5 points.

What happen if someone set the bonus word as trap word?

If this is happen, the bonus word become void. No bonus word and no bonus point in that round.

What is the winning conditions?

There will be a few round until someone become the winner.

The first round is considered as warm-up round, no elimination.

Second round onwards, there will be elimination as per listed below:

If 16 and above, each round eliminate 5

If 11 – 15, then each round eliminate 4

If left 7 – 10, then each round eliminate 3

If left 4-6, then each round eliminate 2

If left 3, then eliminate 1

Final round….all those who has eliminated send me your trap word, then between the final 2, who hits the trap the least will be the winner

Time allocated

Time allocate for you to submit your PM is within 36 hours after the starting word posted.

Current players registered

Host: woon

1. andromeda

2. limeliam

3. CL

4. ST

5. Impervious

6. Kat

7. Kay

8. Crazypainter

9. RainThinker

10. GC

11. Clozo

12. Lemonymelon

13 LIS

Although there will be only 13 here, I will not stop recruit players as long as we are still in the first round. Just update the name list above and PM me your answer and trap like below format:

My answers:








My traps





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The bonus system

There is a word which I will select it as the bonus word. I will put a riddle about this bonus word so you could guess and try to put this as one of your 20 answers. If one of your answer hits the bonus word, then you gain extra 5 points.

What happen if someone set the bonus word as trap word?

If this is happen, the bonus word become void. No bonus word and no bonus point in that round.

I disagree! You get four points then 5-2=3 for hitting the trap. And I think that it's a good idea for everyone to set the BONUS word as a TRAP not in the same group where he puts his bonus word but in the other one! :lol:

That would be perfect!

Edited by andromeda
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  andromeda said:
The bonus system

There is a word which I will select it as the bonus word. I will put a riddle about this bonus word so you could guess and try to put this as one of your 20 answers. If one of your answer hits the bonus word, then you gain extra 5 points.

What happen if someone set the bonus word as trap word?

If this is happen, the bonus word become void. No bonus word and no bonus point in that round.

I disagree! You get four points then 5-2=3 for hitting the trap. And I think that it's a good idea for everyone to set the BONUS word as a TRAP not in the same group where he puts his bonus word but in the other one! :lol:

That would be perfect!

Ok, I agree. Let's start now. Or else we will going to wait for another day.

Check my next post for the starting round!

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  Kathleen said:
Wait...so is everyone on one team? o.O I'm totally confused...do we answer every question, or just the first, and forward it...-_- Anyone care to explain?


Every one is in it for him/herself. You have to make youre 20-word list and PM it to woon, along with your 4 traps.

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  Kay said:
One question (and i know the answer is probably going to be no, but just checking): can we use proper nouns? (cities, countries, etc.)?

Hmm, I think we could accept common one but not in shortform.

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  Awesomely-Awesome Person said:
Sign me up!!!

And can the traps be in our answers?

Sure. You can have some of your answers become the trap but make sure it doens't fall into the same zone, otherwise you fall into your own traps.

Check my page 1 for the round 1 questions.

Host: woon

1. andromeda

2. limeliam

3. CL

4. ST

5. Impervious

6. Kat

7. Kay

8. Crazypainter

9. RainThinker

10. GC

11. Clozo

12. Lemonymelon

13 LIS

14. Jrod Writer13

15. Awesomely-Awesome Person

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you could consider a go for broke on the trap - if the word XXXX is a trap set by a majority then it takes a larger bonus .... like the game hearts on the PC where you win all the negative cards and all the other players loose - except on that game they loose by receiving points but in principle ... not sure how to apply it exactly - maybe v2

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  Lost in space said:
you could consider a go for broke on the trap - if the word XXXX is a trap set by a majority then it takes a larger bonus .... like the game hearts on the PC where you win all the negative cards and all the other players loose - except on that game they loose by receiving points but in principle ... not sure how to apply it exactly - maybe v2

The problem of this suggestion is not everyone put the trap word in their list of 20. If this is the case, this group of people will not meet bonus points.

Hmm, let see how we go for this warm up round, then fine-tune wherever we could. :)

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I agree with Andromeda's suggestion of there being a bonus word instead of a riddle for the word (although either way is fine with me)

So, if Player A wrote down the bonus word in his list of 1-5, and Player B and C wrote down the bonus word for 1-5 as a trap, would Player A only lose 2 points or 4 points from the initial 5 points for getting the bonus word?

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  star_tiger said:
I agree with Andromeda's suggestion of there being a bonus word instead of a riddle for the word (although either way is fine with me)

So, if Player A wrote down the bonus word in his list of 1-5, and Player B and C wrote down the bonus word for 1-5 as a trap, would Player A only lose 2 points or 4 points from the initial 5 points for getting the bonus word?

If I just giving the bonus straight away, I will not allow players to put a bonus word become the trap.....because......

Oh, I see what could happen there. Usually players will put the bonus word at the last, so that mean players will set the bonus word become the last trap word....

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