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I find this a very interesting game because it'll put you into a dilemma.

But, there are certain rules:



3. Along with your answer, construct you own dilemma to give the next person a chance to answer, too.

4. PUT IN A SPOILER YOUR QUESTION. So that, they would be easily identified/located.

5. You are permitted to comment OTHER ANSWERS ONLY and NOT TO QUESTIONS!

6. If you just made a comment, DONT MAKE YOUR OWN DILEMMA!

Easy, eh?

1st dilemma.

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on a stage, puke in front of people or people puke in front of you?

Edited by SarahJhane
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  peace*out said:
I would rather live on an island - as long as i could survive! is there a bad chance you could survive with no memory???

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would you rather...

...be overrun with pets

...have no pets

i would rather have no pets. after two pets they get annoying

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would you rather be a beggar with lots of friends or a rich man with no friends(not even braindenite friends)

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  dms172 said:
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would you rather be a beggar with lots of friends or a rich man with no friends(not even braindenite friends)

This is a very cool game. I wish I got to answer some of the past ones as well ;)

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rather have friends. there's no point to living without having friends IMO (especially braindenizens


OK, my first go around:

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get attacked by a rattlesnake in the desert or by a grizzly bear in the woods?

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I would have to go with being bitten by the rattlesnake. I think a lot more people survive snake bits than bear attack!!!! ;)

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Would you rather have sex with anyone you want for 1 month, and then never have sex again OR would you rather only have sex once a year with the first girl/guy you ever had sex with?

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  TWISTOF8 said:
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Would you rather have sex with anyone you want for 1 month, and then never have sex again OR would you rather only have sex once a year with the first girl/guy you ever had sex with?

Good one. I had to think for a while about it...

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anyone for a month. It would be one heck of a month and then I'd just become some Tibetan monk or something

. Once a year just isn't going to cut it. I'd rather go out in style.

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would you rather kill 1,000 of your favorite animals to save one person you don't know. or would you rather kill one person you don't know to save 1,000 of your favorite animals? -sorry it's morbid

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  itachi-san said:
Good one. I had to think for a while about it...

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anyone for a month. It would be one heck of a month and then I'd just become some Tibetan monk or something

. Once a year just isn't going to cut it. I'd rather go out in style.

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would you rather kill 1,000 of your favorite animals to save one person you don't know. or would you rather kill one person you don't know to save 1,000 of your favorite animals? -sorry it's morbid

I'd rather kill animals.

I still believe that no life on earth is as important as human life.

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have 15-hour orgasm and no orgasm at all after or having a 5-second orgasm once a day?

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  SarahJhane said:
I'd rather kill animals.

I still believe that no life on earth is as important as human life.

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have 15-hour orgasm and no orgasm at all after or having a 5-second orgasm once a day?

What is this I hear of human life being the most important??? *ST = animal lover*

I shall not answer this question since I won't know (keep in mind there's younger people here :P ) since I don't want to freak out Kat and myself. Plus, I'm out of would-you-rather ideas... :( I only wanted to comment on the KILL ANIMALS PART *glare* :P

Edited by star_tiger
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  star_tiger said:
What is this I hear of human life being the most important??? *ST = animal lover*

I shall not answer this question since I won't know (keep in mind there's younger people here :P ) since I don't want to freak out Kat and myself. Plus, I'm out of would-you-rather ideas... :( I only wanted to comment on the KILL ANIMALS PART *glare* :P

:rolleyes: Thank you mommy :rolleyes: I dislike killing animals, but I'm not gonna go into a long debate, which will probably not end well, so I'll make a question for you, Wolftail.

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It always be winter, or always summer?


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  Kathleen said:
:rolleyes: Thank you mommy :rolleyes: I dislike killing animals, but I'm not gonna go into a long debate, which will probably not end well, so I'll make a question for you, Wolftail.

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It always be winter, or always summer?


HUGZ! And I was just saying...if I answered the question in terrible depth, I'm sure you will be concerned ;)

And it shall always be winter. Yes, I'm a love-cold-and-snow person (I mean, who doesn't like snow angels and snowmen?). I'm also the will-melt-in-summer person... <_<

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Would you rather go to a school where everybody hates you, get a job where everyone hates you..., or stay at home with your friends but never getting a degree?

And for once, the question doesn't involve killing! :o:o:o

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  star_tiger said:
HUGZ! And I was just saying...if I answered the question in terrible depth, I'm sure you will be concerned ;)

And it shall always be winter. Yes, I'm a love-cold-and-snow person (I mean, who doesn't like snow angels and snowmen?). I'm also the will-melt-in-summer person... <_<

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Would you rather go to a school where everybody hates you, get a job where everyone hates you..., or stay at home with your friends but never getting a degree?

And for once, the question doesn't involve killing! :o:o:o

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ditch the degree. No question.

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would you rather be happy and dumb/ignorant or super smart and miserable?

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  star_tiger said:
HUGZ! And I was just saying...if I answered the question in terrible depth, I'm sure you will be concerned ;)

And it shall always be winter. Yes, I'm a love-cold-and-snow person (I mean, who doesn't like snow angels and snowmen?). I'm also the will-melt-in-summer person... <_<

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Would you rather go to a school where everybody hates you, get a job where everyone hates you..., or stay at home with your friends but never getting a degree?

And for once, the question doesn't involve killing! :o:o:o

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Home will friends and love. Who wants to be hated? I could still learn and make money somehow.

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Would you rather kill your family or kill your friends?

:D I'm totally kidding, don;t answer that. :P

My real question would be: would you rather take orders your whole life and live like a king/queen or would you rather be your own boss, but live like a pauper?

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  crazypainter said:

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would you rather be happy and dumb/ignorant or super smart and miserable?

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ditch the degree. No question.

That's two questions above, guys :P

I'm answering CP's, and the next person can answer Itachi's with their question.

I would rather be happy and dumb/ignorant, since everyone around me will hopefully be happier (smiles rub off on people ;) ), and those people would become friends who would protect me from my own stupidity. ;) There's really no point in living if I am going to be miserable, even if I'm smart. Might as well end up committing suicide :lol:

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would you rather kill 1,000 of your favorite animals to save one person you don't know. or would you rather kill one person you don't know to save 1,000 of your favorite animals? -sorry it's morbid

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  crazypainter said:

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answer: I would rather kill one person. We are all animals so I am all for less loss of life.

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would you rather be in a band called Hux Flux or Zenits?


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would you rather kill 1,000 of your favorite animals to save one person you don't know. or would you rather kill one person you don't know to save 1,000 of your favorite animals? -sorry it's morbid

no offense to the fans of each band... Since I dont know their style of singing and cant decide of who among of these is the better band so i'll just decide based on their physical looks..Im more on to the musculine blue uniform than pink(?) if its a boy band. So i prefer to be in the Hux Flux band...=P (Im a female, by the way)

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have millions of dollars but will just spend it all for 1 month and got nothing again or be poor now but you were guaranteed to be rich 20 years later, with the risk of you might die before that year.

Edited by SarahJhane
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  SarahJhane said:
no offense to the fans of each band... Since I dont know their style of singing and cant decide of who among of these is the better band so i'll just decide based on their physical looks..Im more on to the musculine blue uniform than pink(?) if its a boy band. So i prefer to be in the Hux Flux band...=P (Im a female, by the way)

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have millions of dollars but will just spend it all for 1 month and got nothing again or be poor now but you were guaranteed to be rich 20 years later, with the risk of you might die before that year.

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I would rather be poor now and have the wealth later. Even if I die I could leave the money to my children (or better yet, to an executor of my estate who will oversee the proper spending of the money for my children.


Okay then, now let's see how you answer this:

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get eaten alive by a crocodile or feed live dogs to crocodiles - one a day for the rest of your life?

Edited by puzzlegirl
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  puzzlegirl said:
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have a job that you absolutely loved and couldn't wait to get up in the morning to go to but make barely enough money to cover the bills; or have a horribly mundane job in an office full of people who hate you and a cubicle with no daylight but bring home a very sizable paycheck?

...you work the same hours at each job.


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Rather work the job I hate, and bring home a sizeable paycheck. The only reason I work is to fund the rest of my life.

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Know the exact year, day, and second that you were going to die (and know how), or not?

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  SomeGuy said:

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Rather work the job I hate, and bring home a sizeable paycheck. The only reason I work is to fund the rest of my life.

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Know the exact year, day, and second that you were going to die (and know how), or not?

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I would rather know, so I would be prepared. Plus, I would prefer to prepare for my death and make all proper amendments with people, than spending my last moments alive wishing that I apologized to someone or had a better relationship with someone


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have the best day of your life and die, or live a regular lifetime but be depressed all the time?

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  star_tiger said:

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have the best day of your life and die, or live a regular lifetime but be depressed all the time?

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I would rather know, so I would be prepared. Plus, I would prefer to prepare for my death and make all proper amendments with people, than spending my last moments alive wishing that I apologized to someone or had a better relationship with someone

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If I am always severely depressed, the best day of my life could be mildly depressed - in which case I guess I would prefer not to die!!

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stand in line for over an hour for the hottest new rollercoaster, stand in line for 15 minutes for the hottest roller coaster from 3 years ago....

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I would wait 15 minutes because all roller coasters are fun!... so, the sooner I ride one the sooner i can get to the next one :)

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have a career than guarantees wealth without ever falling in love and having a family, or falling in love and having a family but never becoming wealthy?

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  sweetness kat said:
I would wait 15 minutes because all roller coasters are fun!... so, the sooner I ride one the sooner i can get to the next one :)

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have a career than guarantees wealth without ever falling in love and having a family, or falling in love and having a family but never becoming wealthy?

I now, i guess i would rather have the wealth, because i could get a dog or a cat that loves me, but if there is no money, its like falling apart, and the ones you love are going through struggle and you could probobly not stand that.

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...always live on land, or always live by the coast/sea?

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...always live on land, or always live by the coast/sea?

I would rather live my the coast/sea, being a life-guard I love the water :) I feel safer in water than I do at my own school at times.....

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Be extremely attractive looking but be in jail for 10 years, or be normal looking but never go to jail??

Edited by Silverheart
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  Silverheart said:
I would rather live my the coast/sea, being a life-guard I love the water :) I feel safer in water than I do at my own school at times.....

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Be extremely attractive looking but be in jail for 10 years, or be normal looking but never go to jail??

haha...no hypocracy here...I will choose to be the attractive-looking and jailed for 10 years... and after i came out, i'll make it up for my wasted life by doing the best ang nicest things i can possibly do...well, at least i have my good looks at the end to help me...i can get a better job..be a hollywood actress, a model of playboy (kiddin).,... =P

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live alone in a scariest, most hunted mansion for 1 month or in a pipehole for 1 month?

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