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Two people enter a building where you may only tell the truth. Upon entering, a man asked each one of them the same question in order to test their truth-telling. The first one is an honestant and the second is a swindlecant. The honestant answered "Yes". The swindlecant also answered "Yes". The honestant didn't get in, but the swindlecant did. Presuming the asker of the question could tell whether or not they were telling the truth, what did he ask?

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Two people enter a building where you may only tell the truth. Upon entering, a man asked each one of them the same question in order to test their truth-telling. The first one is an honestant and the second is a swindlecant. The honestant answered "Yes". The swindlecant also answered "Yes". The honestant didn't get in, but the swindlecant did. Presuming the asker of the question could tell whether or not they were telling the truth, what did he ask?

They are in a building where you may only tell the truth, therefore they must have both told the truth.

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The guard could ask something that was either time or space dependent ("is the current time 10:45?", "is there a swindlecant on your left?") and get the same answer from both and also be able to tell who is who. The time dependent question works if the honestant and swindlecant don't arrive at the building at the same time, whereas the space dependent question works if they arrive at the same time. We don't have enough details to figure out what type of question is best suited, but those would work.

Now, if you're looking for a question that is always answered by both groups the same way regardless of how many of each there is and when/where they arrive, yet can still be used to tell them apart, I'm not sure I have an answer for you.

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ideas come lamely at this hour; but i try any way.


the question would have to refer to the other person. example: honestant is asked if he believes swindlecant would tell the truth. the reverse is also true.

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What do we know about Honestant and Swindlecant? Are we to assume one of them speaks only the truth and the other one always lie? If that's the case...

The Honestant (Anti-honest) is the one who lies. Whreas Swindlecant (Can't Swindle) is the one who always tells the truth. Then the question could be "Are you swindlecant?" To which both would answer yes. Then all the guard at the door has to do is to ckeck their id.

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First this is weird; why would the Swindlecant get in? It's also old. To determine who is and who isn't telling the truth, it merely requires conditional to offset the lie, such as . . .

"If I asked you if you were a Swindlecant, would you say yes?" Swindlecant would say yes (a lie) and Honestant would say no (truth).

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Two people enter a building where you may only tell the truth. Upon entering, a man asked each one of them the same question in order to test their truth-telling. The first one is an honestant and the second is a swindlecant. The honestant answered "Yes". The swindlecant also answered "Yes". The honestant didn't get in, but the swindlecant did. Presuming the asker of the question could tell whether or not they were telling the truth, what did he ask?

Do you swear to tell the truth etc etc - It's a court of law. The innocent man tells the truth and is set free, the guilty man tells a lie, is found guilty and gets to enter the prison.

Is this right or am I being too fanciful?

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Do you swear to tell the truth etc etc - It's a court of law. The innocent man tells the truth and is set free, the guilty man tells a lie, is found guilty and gets to enter the prison.

Is this right or am I being too fanciful?

The question would be "Are you Innocent?" The building is a jail.

Unless I'm completely wrong... again. :rolleyes:

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