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Princess Bride Mafia


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Hey everyone, it's just a little over two hours until the end of the day. So that you don't all freak and think I'm dead or trying to torture you, I wanted you to know that the day post will be coming late tonight. I will have friends over for dinner and I don't expect them to leave before 9pm CST. That will put the post somewhere between 10-11 CST. Thanks! :D

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  puzzlegirl said:
Hey everyone, it's just a little over two hours until the end of the day. So that you don't all freak and think I'm dead or trying to torture you, I wanted you to know that the day post will be coming late tonight. I will have friends over for dinner and I don't expect them to leave before 9pm CST. That will put the post somewhere between 10-11 CST. Thanks! :D
That is the longest I can stay up because I wake up for work @3:30a.m. MST. I thank you, my sweet, :wub: and I hope to be off on Saturday. :D

Something is fishy with this voting. Maybe I should go back to my first decision. How do I trust the consequences as easily as the others did???? :blink:

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Itachi-san - voting for Mekal

Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)

Brandonb - voting for Mekal


CrazyPainter voting for Yoruichi-san



Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san

Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san

Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san

Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san

Star_Tiger - voting for Yoruichi-san

Just realized something that I didn't before...*bangs head against desk numerous times* I cannot believe I missed it... <_<

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  star_tiger said:

Itachi-san - voting for Mekal

Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)

Brandonb - voting for Mekal


CrazyPainter voting for Yoruichi-san



Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san

Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san

Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san

Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san

Star_Tiger - voting for Yoruichi-san

Just realized something that I didn't before...*bangs head against desk numerous times* I cannot believe I missed it... <_<

Just saying... I'm not saying that i am not happy that you switched your vote... but can you AT LEAST explain what you realized?

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  Mekal said:
Just saying... I'm not saying that i am not happy that you switched your vote... but can you AT LEAST explain what you realized?

:lol: right, forgot to do that. It's something already mentioned before and is by far the most obvious thing in the world, but I kinda don't want to say it because I don't want to give the baddies any ideas :P As stupid and retarded as that sounds, it's the truth B)) If you are deeply anxious to know, I could send you a PM, but it really is the most obvious thing, which is why I was doing head-banging in my previous post ;)

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  star_tiger said:
:lol: right, forgot to do that. It's something already mentioned before and is by far the most obvious thing in the world, but I kinda don't want to say it because I don't want to give the baddies any ideas :P As stupid and retarded as that sounds, it's the truth B)) If you are deeply anxious to know, I could send you a PM, but it really is the most obvious thing, which is why I was doing head-banging in my previous post ;)

I think i found what you are looking for... but don't PM me...


Itachi-san - voting for Mekal

Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)

Brandonb - voting for Mekal


CrazyPainter voting for Yoruichi-san


Mekal - voting for Yoruichi-san

Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san

Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san

Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san

Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san

Star_Tiger - voting for Yoruichi-san

Edited by Mekal
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Okay, Y-san, after reviewing my ultra-super-special-top-secret notes, you have to go. And i have to sleep.


Itachi-san - voting for Mekal

Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)

Brandonb - voting for Mekal

Frozen_in_Fire - voting for Yoruichi-san

CrazyPainter voting for Yoruichi-san


Mekal - voting for Yoruichi-san

Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san

Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san

Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san

Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san

Star_Tiger - voting for Yoruichi-san

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Excuse me, why my vote have been erased? (check my post in #93)


Itachi-san - voting for Mekal

Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)

Brandonb - voting for Mekal


CrazyPainter voting for Yoruichi-san

Woon - voting for Yoruichi-san

Mekal - voting for Yoruichi-san

Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san

Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san

Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san

Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san

Star_Tiger - voting for Yoruichi-san

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Why the roster is not updated in the right order?

Akaslickster and FIF vote also lost!!! :(

PG, this is the completed and updated roster

Akaslickster - voting for Mekal

Itachi-san - voting for Mekal

Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)

Brandonb - voting for Mekal

Frozen_in_Fire voting for Yoruichi-san

CrazyPainter voting for Yoruichi-san

Woon - voting for Yoruichi-san

Mekal - voting for Yoruichi-san

Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san

Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san

Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san

Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san

Star_Tiger - voting for Yoruichi-san

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Day 1: One small step for Florin, one giant step for the Goodies

The people of Florin gathered in the city square. On one side of the square there was a statue of Prince Humperdinck which perfectly captured his hauty nature. On the opposite side of the square stood the gallows. They all had come to discuss last night’s events; events that had left many of them scared, one of them dead, and all of them baffled. They came for blood.


One after another they shot out questions and accusations: “Who was Marth?” “Was he a goodie or a baddie?” “Who can we trust?”

Y-san stepped forward into the center of the crowd, “Okay, I confess…I did it!” she said with a shy giggle. Some of the townsfolk shot her an odd look; others ignored her altogether; all of them continued in their ranting, their speculations and theories. Y-san was hurt at having been brushed-off so quickly. She flagged her arms above her head so as to be sure to get everyone’s attention and shouted louder this time; “Vote for me…or die!”

The townspeople stopped their bickering and turned to see who exactly this lunatic was that would dare people to lynch her. Y-san just stared back at them confidently. The crowd grew hushed, confused by what they were witnessing…a first in Mafia history.

After what seemed to be a long and uncomfortable pause, DMS broke the silence; “Fine! If that’s what you want, I’ll vote for you.” Cherry Lane quickly agreed, “I think I understand where you’re coming from, Y-san…I’ll vote for you too.”

Y-san looked relieved; “Thanks…and don’t change your mind!” Her smile broadened, as if to say, “don’t worry, this is what is best for everyone.”

One by one the townsfolk began to nod their heads, “Sure, you’ve got my vote.” “Mine too.” “And me!” From the back of the crowd, Brandon shouted “Blah, I guess we can call it a day then if everyone is not going to change their votes!” The crowd shouted their huzzahs and closed in on Y-san. She did not resist as they bound her hands behind her back.

They led her up to the gallows and the hangman slipped the noose around her neck. Y-san took one last look out over the crowd, her eyes sparkled with the joy of victory.

The hangman gave the final nod, then heaved the lever and made the floor drop from beneath Y-san’s feet. But Y-san didn’t dangle, her neck did not snap. Everyone watched in amazement as she fell through the floor only to land standing solidly on the ground below. The hangman had not accounted for the height of the giant, the rope left enough slack for Y-san to land safely on her feet. However, the noose was just tight enough around her thick neck to restrict her airway, “You…have…done …well,” she choked out with labored breaths. “I…” *gasp* “…mean…it!” Her face was beginning to turn bright red. The hangman, realizing his mistake, ran to cut the rope loose; “Any-…body…want..” *wheeze* “…a…peanut?” At that, her head fell limp. The rope above Y-san snapped beneath the pressure of the hangman’s knife and her unconscious body fell to the ground.

It took all of the men in the crowd to lift the giant and carry her back to her home. “Make way for Fezzik!” they shouted, “a hero and a martyr!”


Host: S. Morgenstern



Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)






Cherry Lane

Prof. Templeton

Yoruichi-san - survived a failed lynched and found to be Fezzik - safe from action tonight



Okay, Florinians...night 2 has begun, make your moves!

Rules and Roles

Intro – Can Death Stop True Love?

Night 1 - Just when you thought it was safe to reside in Florin...

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Great day post PG

and :D Y-San :D thanks for taking a hit for the team, cuz we probably would just killed a goodie.

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(crowd shouts)Hip Hip Hurray

Spoiler for .:

(crowd shouts)Hip Hip Hurray

Spoiler for .:

(crowd shouts)Hip Hip Hurray

edit i meant to say day post

Edited by dms172
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Night 2: The best laid plans of Florinian Men oft go awry


A dense fog rolled over the Florin countryside giving the evening an eerie chill. The Florin Trio sat in their hideout planning their next move. “The night is still young and this fog will help protect our identity. We’ve got a lot of work to do, so let’s get to it!” The men stood up, but Count Rugen did not head toward the door; instead he returned to his work in The Pit of Despair where his latest victim lay whimpering. He bent down and whispered into his victim’s ear; “Are you ready to tell me your name, or would you like to go another round with The Machine?”


Woon walked through the forest toward home. The fog was so thick that he couldn’t see more than 5 meters’ distance. “Well, well…what do we have here?” came a cackling voice from somewhere nearby. Woon spun around but was as good as blind in the fog. “Woon, you sly fellow, did you really think you could live through this entire game? Well, I’ve come to make sure that doesn’t happen!”

Vizzini stepped out from behind a tree. When he came into view, Woon addressed him; “Vizzini, I think you’re targeting the wrong guy.”

“Am I going mad, or did the word THINK escape your lips? If you truly are a thinking man, then you will accept my challenge.”

“Challenge? Do I have a choice?”

“Not really. Now sit down on this stump while I prepare the drinks.”


The Professor sat at his regular table at the tavern, tearing away at the same dish he always ordered: haggis with boiled red cabbage. He was so engrossed in his meal that he didn’t notice the young lady approaching him. She pulled out a chair and sat directly across from him. “What the…!” The Professor snapped as he lifted his eyes to see who would be so rude as to interrupt his dinner, “…WHOA!” Templeton was instantly mesmerized by the beauty sitting across from him. “To what do I owe this pleasure, Princess?” His face displayed the goofy smile of puppy love, a strand of cabbage stuck between his front teeth.

“Oh…I’ve always had eyes for you, Professor.” Buttercup batted her eyelashes playfully…she knew that the Professor was under her spell. Indeed he was. As Buttercup stood and prepared to leave, the Professor called after her, “Please, my lady, wherever you’re going, take me with you!”

“Don’t you have someplace to be, Professor?” she said coyly.

“Oh that,” he said, “It’s of no matter now…the only thing I care about tonight is you.”



Valerie pulled the bucket up from the well. She sat it on the ledge and untied the rope from the handle. “Can I help you carry that?” came a voice she had heard before; “Well hello! How nice to see you again! I surely would appreciate your help.” She said. The two walked back toward Valerie’s cottage, chatting and laughing all the way.


The Narrator blew the dust from the pages of the novel. “So now...where were we? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh...okay.” He looked at the beautifully detailed illustration that covered the first page of the chapter. “I’ve always like that one,” he said to himself.



The Albino, Max and the Clergyman all wandered around town, their plans to protect the people of Florin didn’t quite work out as they had expected.


“Why drinks?” Woon asked his captor.

“Because that’s just what I do; It’s my thing. Now shut up!”

Vizzini poured wine into the three goblets and explained the battle of wits to Woon, “Two of these three are laced with Iocane powder, which as everyone knows, comes from Australia, and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals, and criminals are not used to having people trust them as, just as I am not trusted by you…so you clearly have a slim chance of surviving the night.”

“Truly you have a dizzying intellect,” Woon said rolling his eyes. “I’ll choose this one.” He said and poured the drink into his mouth until the last drop ran down his chin. “I don’t feel any effects; I must have chosen correctly.” Woon grinned.

“That’s only what you think, you fool...” but before Vizzini had a chance to finish his rant Woon cut in.

“I switched the glasses when you weren’t looking,” he said, then he stood up and resumed his walk back home.

Vizzini watched, stunned as Woon’s figure disappeared into the fog. “What? He didn’t die?! The poison failed two nights in a row? INCONCIEVABLE!”


Host: S. Morgenstern



Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts)






Cherry Lane

Prof. Templeton

Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik (safe for today, but cannot vote because she is still unconscious)

Day 2 begins now and ends in 24 hours. :D

Rules and Roles

Intro – Can Death Stop True Love?

Night 1 - Just when you thought it was safe to reside in Florin...

One small step for Florin, one giant step for the goodies

Edited by puzzlegirl
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