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This is going to be a very long one. Hope you have the patient to read the story. Again, sorry for my poor English. :P

The Story

It was 1st October, Yoruichi-san, Cherry Lane, and the 2 new detective girls, Amanda and Andromeda from Redrum University decided to give them a break from all kind of murder cases happened around them.

Andromeda suggested they have a vacation at a beach which is not far away from where their hostel was, if they drive. The best thing is, Andromeda’s parents own a chalet there.

So on the 4th October, (Saturday), 5 of them reached there by afternoon. Did I say 5? Yes, Andrameda has no choice but to bring her younger brother along. They have a good time swimming in the sea. On the way back to the chalet; they noticed that the bigger chalet next to them has been checked-in by someone they knew too. They are Prof. Sebastian, his wife Jacqueline, his assistant tutor who also his assistant advisor of Astronomy Society in Redrum University, Greg, and the other 9 students.

They greeted each others and found out that the gang was here for celebrating Moon’s, one of the students, birthday. They were going to have a barbecue party at the beach and invited the 4 ladies (plus one little boy) to join them as well.

What a lovely weather for throwing a barbecue party that night. It is so clear with all the beautiful stars hang on the sky. It starts at 8:30 and a while later Prof. Sebastian claimed he was having a headache and need some rest at the chalet. “But please wake me up when it is the birthday cake eating time!” He smiled and left the group.

Again, people entered to the chalet no less than one time either to take beers from the fridge, food, nature call, change clothes due to been dirty etc.

The barbecue ended at around 11 pm. They cleared the area while Mrs. Sebastian brought Moon back to the chalet in order to get Prof. Sebastian to join the birthday cake-cutting session.

“Ahhhhh…….”, the happy and peaceful atmosphere soon spoiled by this scream. It is from the chalet where the Prof. and the rest stayed. All rushed into the chalet to see what had happened. But they nearly knocked against Moon, who was rushing out from the chalet with a pale face.

“Help, someone please help. Call ambulance, AMBULANCE~~~~” Moon was screaming like a crazy women.

“Moon, what’s happening? Where is Mrs. Sebastian?” Mr. Greg grabbed both Moon arms tried to get her calm down.

“She….She…..We….. walked to upstairs together. We knocked the door to get professor wakes up, but he didn’t answer. We wanted to enter the room…but…. but …the room is locked. Mrs. Sebastian opened the door…and then we saw……” Moon fainted before she finished her sentences.

“Let’s go up” Robin, one of the students suggested.

“I follow you”, Charles, backed up.

So Y-san, CL, Amanda, Andromeda, went up together with Robin, Charles and Mr. Greg. Every step that Y-san made, she whispered “No, please, I am tired with this. Please tell me it is just a plank and nothing happen actually….”

Well, God never let the brilliant Y-san and CL rest that easy, in front of them left a bloody body lying in one of the room, it is Prof. Sebastian! Mrs. Sebastian kneeled down and was crying endlessly.

“Ambulance, have you called the ambulance? Could someone please save my husband” Mrs. Sebastian asked with a sorrow voice.

There were blood and blood stains almost everywhere: the floor, the door side, the desk beside the bed; of course, mostly still the place where Prof. Sebastian was lying.

Cherry Lane walked to the Prof. Sebastian, moved her right hand index finger towards Prof. Sebastian’s nose. “Too late. He is dead”, CL looked at Y-san and answered.


Very soon, Inspector Slick and his team came and did all kind of investigation, and taking samples here and there. Couple scenes had happened almost at the same time….

Scene 1.

Venue: Room where Prof. Sebastian lying.

Time: 11:45 pm

People: Y-san, Cherry Lane, Inspector Slicks, and his subordinates.

“Inspector, what do you see?” asked Y-san,

“Like what you see. 2 deep stabs at abdomen of the victim, deep enough to let the victim die within half an hour.” Inspector Slick answered.

“Look at what we got here,” Inspector Slick removed a watch which the belt is hold firmly in Prof Sebastian right hand. “The surface is scratch but the watch still running well, eh….. but showing now is 10:34? “

“Doesn’t make sense here, it is already 11:52!” Cherry Lane looked at her watch.

“Could it be the time Prof. gets killed?” asked one of Inspector Slicks’ subordinate.

“No, my child,” Inspector Slick explained. “If only the watch stop, then it make sense. So maybe he just don’t bother what his watch shows.”

“And what is this?” Cherry Lane touched Y-san shoulder to get her attention. She then pointed to a glass of water on the desk next to a bed.

“Prof Sebastian said he had a headache and need a rest. He may take some pills so nothing wrong with the water. But it shouldn’t serve together with the lighter in it.” Y-san said.

Lighter? Yes, there is a lighter inside the glass of water. Wonder it can be used again after getting wet as such situation.

“And here,” CL pointed to the edge of the desk where the water located. “There is some sign of scratch too.”

“What’s going on here just now?” Y-san wondered.

“Keep searching….” Inspector Slicks ordered to his subordinates.


Scene 2

Venue: Beach, the former barbecue location

Time: 11:40 pm

People: Amanda, and the other youngster: Moon, Charles, Robin, Sammy, Anderson, Bernard, Flora, Thomas, and Carrey

Moon has sobered and was squatting down. Her tears can help but keep rolling down. “I don’t expect to have a birthday party like this. Never ever like this..…” Moon sobbed.

“He shouldn’t leave us and stay alone in the chalet, Uhhh!” Anderson shouted and threw a stone into the sea.

“So difficult for us to make another round this time, now it is gone.” Carrey sighed.

“Next month will be for Mrs. Sebastian. But I think now it becomes unnecessary.” Sammy sighed with a deep breath.

“No matter how, we still need to be at Mrs. Sebastian side by that time. She needs our moral support very much. This is what we can offer, at least.” Charles said.

“Sorry, but may I know what you are talking about?” asked Amanda. She was here because Y-san asked her to look after Moon to make sure she is fine. But she can’t stand if people around her talking about something she don’t know.

“Today is Moon’s birthday, “ explained Thomas, “Then next month the 5th is Mrs. Sebastian’s birthday.”

“And then comes to another month, mine is on 6th.” Robin sounds like talking to himself as his voice was so soft.

“Pardon me?” Amanda asked Robin to explained again as she can’t hear.

“Our birthdays are coincidently to be from the 1st to 6th of each month.” Flora explained detailed and slowly. “Moon is 4th this month, Mrs. Sebastian’s will be on 5th next month. Then Robin will be on 6th the month after Mrs. Sebastian. Then Sammy on the 1st the month after Robin’s, Carrey 2nd the month after Sammy. Mr. Greg’s one is on the 3rd at another month, then….Professor’s one on 4th the next month, followed by Anderson on the 5th another month. Then comes to mine on….”

“on the 6th of another month again?” interrupted by Amanda.

“Yes, then Thomas on 1st again, Bernard on 2nd, Charles on 3rd and goes back to Moon. Each month once.” Flora stopped and looked at Amanda.

“It is not easy to have gang like this, right?” Bernard asked, “We have done birthday celebration every month like this continuously for 2 years, …mmm.... but now, it’s broken.”

“Agreed, too bad…” Amanda nodded her head.

“Amanda, I am going to meet Y-san and CL. Would you like to follow?” Andromeda shouted to Amanda.

“Sure, excuse me.” Amanda left the gang, walk towards Andromeda and they walked together to the chalet.

“What are you holding?” Amanda asked.

“I tell you later.” Andromeda answered with a mysterious expression on her face. “Let’s find Y-san and CL first”.


Scene 3

Venue: Room that Andromeda’s brother stay.

Time: 11:40 pm

People: Andromeda and her brother.

Brother: Sis, I want to be there. I wasn’t see a real investigation beside those I watched from TV.

Andromeda: No, bro, it too much for a kid like you to see. You better go to bed, and….. Wait a minute, you can see the professor room from your window? Look, Y-san and CL are there with the inspector! Hello, Hey! Y-san! Cherry Lane! Youhooo….

Andromeda kept waving her hand to them but Y-san and CL were stared at the watch shown by Inspector Slick, and didn’t realize what happened outside the window.

Andromeda gave up waving and noticed her brother is sitting on the bed and watching the video cam.

Andromeda: Now what’s up?

Brother: Sis, I was doing the preparation work to video taping the barbecue. But then you ask me to be hurry, I gave up and just left it on the desk. I didn’t realize I did press the ‘record’ button and it is still recording.

Andromeda quickly grabbed the snatch the video cam from her brother and re-winded the tape. (electronic data).

(from the video) It is 10:18, the door of professor’s room been opened. Professor quickly ran inside and locked the door. He is holding a knife where is stabbed on his stomach. He walked slowly to the desk. He seems like adjusting something on his watch before he took it off. Like a madman, he kept smashing the watch onto the desk, after a few minute, his motion get slower and weaker. He stood up weakly and the legs are shivering. He reached to his right hand pockets and grab something which not clearly seen from the video cam. He gently dropped that thing into a glass of water on the desk. He then moved aback few steps, before he collapse and lied down on the floor…………………………..

Andromeda: Good job, bro. I don’t know this could help but I will show this to Y-san and CL.

Brother: I want to follow.

Andromeda: Get on your bed, or else…..


So 4 of the girl meet again. Andromeda shows the video clip to Y-san and CL. Then Amanda told what she knows about the uniqueness of this gang.

“CL, you know what am I thinking?” Y-san bounced such a question to CL.

“Whatever doesn’t make sense in that room now since making sense” CL answered.

“Agreed, but then there is one thing, here, How confident is Prof. Sebastian that the clues are not misleading?” Y-san puzzled. But not as blurred as Andromeda and Amanda felt by hearing such odd conversations.

“Amanda, can you repeat the sequence?” asked CL.

“Sure. It is …..” so Amanda listed down what CL is asking for, without any single mistakes.

“That’s still left 2 suspects. By then who is the one?” CL asked.

“Ouch!” all for them look at the source of the sound. There is a couple playing around the seaside. The boy held a fire-torch but accidentally fell into the sea. When he stood up again, whole body was wet and the fire has been put out.

“That’s it! CL! Now whatever Prof. hinted has locked down to the only one suspect.” Y-san raised her voice with excitement.

“I think I also knew who did it. But first, let me get Inspector Slick to retain all of the gang here. We will point out who the murderer is and explain how professor told us so.”


Thank you for still being here to finish this. After such a long story, can you tell me who the murderer is? How did professor tell you so?

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Hmm, haven't solved a murder mystery in a while...might give this one a go...I'm still trying to figure out how the birthdays have to do with anything...and that thing at the end, with the fire torch and the water? What was that about? So random...or is it?


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Bleh this one is really hard

My guess is:

it was a suicide

inside the watch was somekind of pill?

EDIT: Nvm I have another guess

he was setting the watch to eliminate one of the suspects. We just need to find out what 10:18? means

Edited by Dumbb
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The boy held a fire-torch but accidentally fell into the sea. When he stood up again, whole body was wet and the fire has been put out. HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH :)
the LIGHTER in the glass of water

You are right for this. Keep going. :)

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Maybe some helpful information, maybe not

The Prof. set his watch for exactly 9:00 then tries to break it.

The Professor is an Aries which is considered the 1st sign of the zodiac

Mrs S Scorpio 5th
Robin Sagittarius 6th
Sammy Capricorn 1st
Carrey Aquarius 2nd
Greg Pisces 3rd
Prof S Aries 4th
Anderson Taurus 5th
Flora Gemini 6th
Thomas Cancer 1st
Bernard Leo 2nd
Charles Virgo 3rd
Moon		Libra		4th		

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well bernard said that “It is not easy to have gang like this, right?” and, “We have done birthday celebration every month like this continuously for 2 years, …mmm.... but now, it’s broken," so i thought maybe he needed an excuse to leave the group, but didn't want to be the person to leave and loose a lot of friends, so he created a circumstance so that the chain was broken without making anyone mad at him (as long as no one found out that he killed the Prof.)

and i thought maybe that the fact that the guy with the torch might have been pushed in by the girl, wich put out the fire, which is a symbol for life, so i thought the girl had something to do with it, and since they were a couple, the wife became my guess.

i didn't find anything the watch meant...


is the watch what we are supposed to be paying attention to, or the scratch he made when he hit the watch on the table, and if the watch, i'm confused as to why he set it back before trying to break it... unless he wasn't trying to break it...

either way i'm really confused :huh:

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Im confused, did he stab himself? (according to the video)

Nope, he is running away from the killer, rushed back to his room and locked the door. The knife is already stabbed at this stomach, he just hold it.

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i didn't find anything the watch meant...


is the watch what we are supposed to be paying attention to, or the scratch he made when he hit the watch on the table, and if the watch, i'm confused as to why he set it back before trying to break it... unless he wasn't trying to break it...

either way i'm really confused :huh:

I think the watch meant

...was trying to stop the watch but failed, the time he was trying to stop the watch at was 9:00, since we can figure out from scene 1 that the difference b/w watch time and actual time is 1 hr 18 min, and the murder took place at 10:18. Or maybe since he was "walking slowly to his desk", it was actually later when he adjusted the watch...so the time would have been 9:03, which corresponds to Charles' birthday...

Or since the minute hand was on the 12 it could have been Robin, whose birthday is in December?

Not sure what the lighter in the water signifies yet...

Nice story, Woon! I love it! Hehe...the curse of the detective ;P.

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So far......

Once again! Prof. Templeton and Y-san have figured out one part of the clues.

Which is the 9:00 and try to break it but failed.

well done for both Prof. and Y-san.

So what does this tell us?

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Either the 9:00 refers to the ninth month (September--Virgo--Charles), or it refers to the ninth zodiac sign (Sagittarius--Robin). I have no idea what the lighter-in-water is trying to tell us.


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Either the 9:00 refers to the ninth month (September--Virgo--Charles), or it refers to the ninth zodiac sign (Sagittarius--Robin). I have no idea what the lighter-in-water is trying to tell us.


It would probably be this first one because

Virgo is apparently a sun (lighter)?

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Either the 9:00 refers to the ninth month (September--Virgo--Charles), or it refers to the ninth zodiac sign (Sagittarius--Robin). I have no idea what the lighter-in-water is trying to tell us.


Sagittarius is considered to be a "fire" sign, so by putting the lighter in water he may be trying to suggest that we "put out" or rule out the fire sign which leaves Charles the Virgo or 9th month as the killer.

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Either the 9:00 refers to the ninth month (September--Virgo--Charles), or it refers to the ninth zodiac sign (Sagittarius--Robin). I have no idea what the lighter-in-water is trying to tell us.



if that's the case, Prof. Sebastian doesn't need to make such affect to make it at 9pm sharp. either time within 9:00 to 9:54 will do. Doesn't it.?

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Sagittarius is considered to be a "fire" sign, so by putting the lighter in water he may be trying to suggest that we "put out" or rule out the fire sign which leaves Charles the Virgo or 9th month as the killer.

Sort of, Sinistral, I can't say you are very close but you are approaching...

'Fire' is not for the Sagittarius.....

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Aries, the dead Professor's sign, is a fire sign. So I think he was trying to say that he was attacked by a water sign. There are three water signs Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. The only way I can relate the number nine to these three signs is through Thomas whose birthday is nine spaces away from Moon's (the current birthday).

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Aries, the dead Professor's sign, is a fire sign. So I think he was trying to say that he was attacked by a water sign. There are three water signs Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. The only way I can relate the number nine to these three signs is through Thomas whose birthday is nine spaces away from Moon's (the current birthday).

Brilliant! Prof. You are coming to the last piece of the puzzle, where it is totally not mentioned in the story.

If because of 9 space away from Moon's, then anytime between 9:00 to 9:54 will do.

9 pm sharp is important here.

Based on your thinking path, you are screening to 3 suspects.

But based on my story, Y-san said she figure out 2 suspect and don't know which one is, until the lighters hints solved.

So, what is there to make us think 1 out of 2, instead of 1 out of 3?

and yes, last pieces of the hints: How well do you know about zodiac?

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Brilliant! Prof. You are coming to the last piece of the puzzle, where it is totally not mentioned in the story.

If because of 9 space away from Moon's, then anytime between 9:00 to 9:54 will do.

9 pm sharp is important here.

Based on your thinking path, you are screening to 3 suspects.

But based on my story, Y-san said she figure out 2 suspect and don't know which one is, until the lighters hints solved.

So, what is there to make us think 1 out of 2, instead of 1 out of 3?

and yes, last pieces of the hints: How well do you know about zodiac?

Y-san smiles..."I see...";P

Prof. T's correct, it's Thomas, Cancer, which is 90 degrees away from Aries.

When Y-san saw the 9:00 on the watch, where the minute and hour hands form a right angle, she knew the professor was trying to tell them that the killer was 90 degrees away from him, but she didn't know whether it was clockwise or counter-clockwise, i.e. whether the professor was the minute or hour hand, so it could be Cancer or Capricorn.

However, seeing the fire in water told her it was a water sign, as Prof. T pointed out, so it had to be Cancer!

So in summary, the Professor lit up and died of Cancer! ;P

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Y-san smiles..."I see...";P

Prof. T's correct, it's Thomas, Cancer, which is 90 degrees away from Aries.

When Y-san saw the 9:00 on the watch, where the minute and hour hands form a right angle, she knew the professor was trying to tell them that the killer was 90 degrees away from him, but she didn't know whether it was clockwise or counter-clockwise, i.e. whether the professor was the minute or hour hand, so it could be Cancer or Capricorn.

However, seeing the fire in water told her it was a water sign, as Prof. T pointed out, so it had to be Cancer!

So in summary, the Professor lit up and died of Cancer! ;P

Hurray! The actual Y-san do solve the case as per what the story tells.

Great Job! Y-san! and also, Bravo to Prof. Templeton. :D

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