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Two riddles from a book (i won't tell you the name of the book that would be too easy).

1st one is:

Fifty is my first,

Nothing is my second,

Five just makes my third,

My fourth a vowel is reckoned

Now to find my name,

Fit my parts together,

I die if I get cold,

But never fear cold weather.

2nd one is:

Fifty is my first,

Nothing is my second,

A snake will make my third,

Then three parts a cross is reckoned.

Now to find my name, fit my parts together,

I am all your past, and you fear me in cold weather?

(Mods - i did a search and did not find them, but if I missed them just lock the thread please)

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8 answers to this question

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I think I have the first one

Fifty is my first, - L - roman numeral

Nothing is my second, - 0 -zero

Five just makes my third, - V - roman numeral

My fourth a vowel is reckoned - E

Now to find my name,

Fit my parts together,

I die if I get cold,

But never fear cold weather.


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The second one is maybe

Fifty is my first, - L

Nothing is my second, - 0

A snake will make my third, - S

Then three parts a cross is reckoned. - E

Now to find my name, fit my parts together,

I am all your past, and you fear me in cold weather?

I'm not sure about this one


EDIT: I looked at bonanova's spoiler (he has a better solution) :)

Edited by andromeda
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andromeda - you got the first one


bonanova - you got the second one.

Those were pretty easy i suppose. Bonus points if you actually know the book and author. (hint, it caused a stir in England in the 80's - maybe late 70s)

[spoiler='as for the cold weather part it means

']I think you would fear being lost (outdoors) in cold weather.

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The book is Masquerade by Kit Williams. intersting book for all you puzzle lovers. He actually made a piece of jewelry valued at the time for something like $20k and hid it in england. The book told a story of how the jewelry was lost and was a bunch of riddles that if put together correctly would tell you where the jewelry was hidden. If you figured it out and found it, it was yours to keep. the jewelry was found at some point in the 80s

You guys should check it out.

here is the wikipedia link on the book - it does give the final soulution to the entire riddle of the book.


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