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I Know I Spend Too Much Time On BrainDen When...


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  Kathleen said:
:blush: You make it sound like a bad thing...

Me?! no never.... :blink:

When you walk over to your bed (with white sheets) during CSM2 and when you touch your bed you leave smears of blood all over it, you look back and think.....whoa that looks like a mafia scene....instead of, WHY AM I BLEEDING?

(( apparently it was a really bad nose bleed))

*glares at The Fox*

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  Silverheart said:
When your best friend walks up to you in school and nags you about who your going to murder that night....

Or when it was Heroes time, who I was going to kill the night following and/or if i was going to be nice to my original chosen target.

When your job is threatened because you spend too much time on here (just happened to em yesterday guys so I wont be on as much :( )

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When you stop hanging out at "your" Starbucks because you know all the regulars there and if you venture inside you know they'll want to chat your ear off which will keep you from your precious BrainDen time. (Seriously, I had to find another hang-out. And I am being cautious not to be so friendly to the other patrons at this new place.)

When you've all but given up on ever finishing writing your book because whenever you have free time to spend on your laptop you spend it entirely on BrainDen instead. (Oh well, half a book is better than none, right?)

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  puzzlegirl said:
When you've all but given up on ever finishing writing your book because whenever you have free time to spend on your laptop you spend it entirely on BrainDen instead. (Oh well, half a book is better than none, right?)

:lol: Sounds like me. I have a story on fanfiction.net that I work on from time to time but I'd kinda been unwilling to work on it because I spend all my free time here!

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I'm working on a short story but haven't even really gotten deep into it yet, been too busy on here....

and another one : When even though I know my job is threatened, I still go on here and respond to posts :P

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  Impervious said:
When even though I know my job is threatened, I still go on here and respond to posts :P

...sounds like alcoholism. you'll need to hit rock bottom and lose everything before you admit there's a problem. ;)

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
:lol: Sounds like me. I have a story on fanfiction.net that I work on from time to time but I'd kinda been unwilling to work on it because I spend all my free time here!

Maybe we should start a new thread called "Write a new paragraph for your book HERE!" Then we can be with all of our BD friends...AND work on our writing! :D

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  puzzlegirl said:
Maybe we should start a new thread called "Write a new paragraph for your book HERE!" Then we can be with all of our BD friends...AND work on our writing! :D

That would probably be the most spaztastic yet awesome book ever.:) then when it's get published and book signings need to be done we show up with t-shirts that have our current avatars on them :D

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During Heroes Mafia, you find yourself in the middle of a dream where all your brainden friends have superpowers and you're an indestructable cheerleader who must be saved... o_0 *Sigh* Since I started brainden, my dreams have never been the same :rolleyes:


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  clozobozo said:
when there is a huge growing pile of food wrappings and cups next to your computer....

oops.... ill just go clean that up now.... o.O

Haha, you should see what I do to the living room table every night. I'm out on the couch with my pillows and blanket, lap top, and usually go through 2 bowls of food, at least one snack, and several bottles of water. My mom yells at me - a lot. :lol:

(Eating breakfast now btw. :P )

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  Kathleen said:
During Heroes Mafia, you find yourself in the middle of a dream where all your brainden friends have superpowers and you're an indestructable cheerleader who must be saved... o_0 *Sigh* Since I started brainden, my dreams have never been the same :rolleyes:


When, Kat goes 95% of the game believing you're a bad guy and you actually complain about it outside of BrainDen :P

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when your in a HUGE english exam... trying really hard to think of some good names for your story and all you could think of was....:P hope no-one minded...

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Prime,Itachi-San and Andromeda!!!

lol i actually used them!!


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Prime was a young boy who was training to be a warrior

Itachi-San was his mentor

and Andromeda was the evil woman who was a great fighter!!

lol ok when your in an exam your brain cant think properly!! :lol:

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  clozobozo said:
when your in a HUGE english exam... trying really hard to think of some good names for your story and all you could think of was....:P hope no-one minded...

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Andromeda was the evil woman who was a great fighter!!

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Prime,Itachi-San and Andromeda!!!
lol i actually used them!!

Well you got at least one thing right!! :D;)

  A. Person said:
...When you have long arguments in which you PM yourself to go to bed and then PM yourself BACK to say you don't want to...

(this went on for about 19 PMs until I finally went to bed... :blink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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