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Okay, just for fun, (and cuz I know how much everyone loves puzzles :D) lets see if anyone can figure out:

1. What really happened to Bb on Night Three? :blink:

2. What is the connection between Zero and the Numbers? :huh:

3. Who is Ocular-Enso? B))

For reference, here are the links (won't help you with 3 though...:P):

Prologue: The Time has Come

Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives

Night One: Phaze Phases Out

Day One: 2B or not 2B

Night Two: Overcooked Chicken

Day Two: The End of the Beginning

Night Three: Flowers for the Dead

Day Three: Dressed to Arrest

Night Four: Saved by the Jail

Day Four: Three...Two...One...Zero

Night Five: "..."

Not expecting anyone to get 2 completely right...the secrets will continue to unfold in Belryius 8...;P

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I was dead for almost the whole game, so I didn't have much to do other than read the story. :lol: For #1, the fate of Brandonb

AI Y-S4N's avatar took him to a different point in time. We didn't learn who the long haired female was until the end, but it did mention colored hair and in the moonlight, purple could look bluish instead. Since there was a flash of light when they disappeared, the only explanation I could think of would be that the AI came into possession of one of the Quantum Accelerator Devices somehow. In the intro, the device could only support one person traveling through time, but the AI must have been able to modify or improve upon it somehow and allow for the transporting of multiple entities. As far as where in time they went... I have no idea. Am I close?

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:lol: I was just so itching to open my mouth but , respecting the game I kept it shut. I created #7 . I am so glad that nobody badgered me to tell who it was. I never had seen a game last that long. Good job CP> my child. :D:lol:

Why thank you! I was laughing so often at the fact #7 was me...7) crazypainter!!!

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I was dead for almost the whole game, so I didn't have much to do other than read the story. :lol: For #1, the fate of Brandonb

AI Y-S4N's avatar took him to a different point in time. We didn't learn who the long haired female was until the end, but it did mention colored hair and in the moonlight, purple could look bluish instead. Since there was a flash of light when they disappeared, the only explanation I could think of would be that the AI came into possession of one of the Quantum Accelerator Devices somehow. In the intro, the device could only support one person traveling through time, but the AI must have been able to modify or improve upon it somehow and allow for the transporting of multiple entities. As far as where in time they went... I have no idea. Am I close?

Ooh, close...but actually it follows more directly from the sequence of the events...the title of the section where Bb dies gives some big hints...;P

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my theory is that Zero hated the numbers because when he was created he was in love with the Bio Eng.

All the other creations were given a number. The BE became obsessed with the other creations. Zero became uber jealous.

Thats why he flew off the handle when a number was mentioned. If his love (BE) wouldnt have him only, then she couldnt have anyone.

#7 was her last creation, that she spent all her time on and forgot about Zero.

and since I was 7...

I changed my mind and PM'd Ysan a new target. Thats why 7 left the room.

My kill decisions were made 24 hrs before the night post, at least.

So the last 24 hrs of conversation didnt influence my choices.

Edited by crazypainter
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For #2

All the Number's are the clone buddies from Zero. Zero used to be either the lover or the son who work with his lover/mother - bioEngineer. As a brilliant scientist, he very confidence on this project and volunteering himself to be the sample of experiment. The outcome is the tragedy. But they never give up, the others take his cell, develop clones to continue the experiment, but One, Two, Three, till Six are even greater failure than Zero. The recent Seven is considered half-success.

What I guess on the comming M4F14-8? Bio-engineer has also reformed to become Eight!

And hope the Plants grow well to reduce the failure rate of Herbalist from 1/4 to 1/8. <_<

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my theory is that Zero hated the numbers because when he was created he was in love with the Bio Eng.

All the other creations were given a number. The BE became obsessed with the other creations. Zero became uber jealous.

Thats why he flew off the handle when a number was mentioned. If his love (BE) wouldnt have him only, then she couldnt have anyone.

#7 was her last creation, that she spent all her time on and forgot about Zero.

and since I was 7...

I changed my mind and PM'd Ysan a new target. Thats why 7 left the room.

My kill decisions were made 24 hrs before the night post, at least.

So the last 24 hrs of conversation didnt influence my choices.

Nice theory. But the BioE is a different person than Miria...;P

While we're here:

Two years after the mysterious tragedy that befell Affinion 7, the most complex AI of its time, which had been miraculously salvaged from the ruins, Y-S4N, has been installed as the overseer of the newly developed space colony Belryius 8. The Citizens chosen to populate this mecca are bright-eyed, eager types who are in anticipation of this new adventure. Unbeknownst to them, however, the ubiquitous M4F14 have sent new agents of destruction to annihilate this new threat to their technological superiority. Another thing that the citizens are not aware of is that their seemingly benevolent god AI has sent its own ANGELs (Advanced Nanotechnology Genome Eliminating Lifeforms) to eradicate organic lifeforms and recreate their world in its own image. All the brilliant minds of the population know that predicting the future is impossible. So who will decide the victor in what promises to be a truly epic battle?

I wanted to go with a tried and true structure for my first one, but I'm changing it up for the next one...here's what I'm thinking:

12 Citizens (innocents)

-win if only Citizens remain

5 M4F14

-win if only M4F14 remain

3 ANGELs (the Avatar, the Mimic, Zero)

-win if everyone left alive is infected with nanobots

Since they are the clandestine agents of Y-S4N, it is protecting them in secret, so the ANGELs cannot be killed at night. The ANGELs infect someone with nanobots each night (maybe two a night, haven't decided). The Mimic kills on odd nights, Zero kills on even nights. Thinking of making it so that if Zero kills Eight (the new Number), it triggers something in the storyline which "unlocks" a new ability for Zero. The Avatar is the nanotechnological "brain" so if a role with information abilities is infected, then she gets the same information they do.

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Hmm I really like the Avatar concept... that's a cool idea. When someone gets infected by nanobots will it be announced in the night post or is it more of a secret thing?

No, its a secret...they're clandestine agents after all ;P

Edit: I came up with the ability because it seemed like the most fitting ability to give her, given how she fits into the storyline...;P

Edited by Yoruichi-san
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No, its a secret...they're clandestine agents after all ;P

Edit: I came up with the ability because it seemed like the most fitting ability to give her, given how she fits into the storyline...;P

Oh, and it applies the same night as the infection occurs, i.e. the infection and beginning of the Avatar's communication with the nanobots is instantaneous...

...this may help you with 1. ;P

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Oh, and it applies the same night as the infection occurs, i.e. the infection and beginning of the Avatar's communication with the nanobots is instantaneous...

...this may help you with 1. ;P

Were there nanobots in the rabbit he ate?

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...also remember what happened just before the flash of light...

Phaze, the QA, still had the Quantum Accelerating Device with him when Brandonb ate him on the first night. Turns out devices designed to create temporal anomalies are bad for the digestion.


The Avatar reached into the Mimic's gut and grabbed the Quantum Accelerating Device and activated it, drawing (both of? :unsure: ) them into another time.

Am I right, or am I right? B))

Also, I liked how the QAs were different aspects of the fundamental forces. I thought that was a nice touch.

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Am I right, or am I right? B))

Also, I liked how the QAs were different aspects of the fundamental forces. I thought that was a nice touch.

Phaze, the QA, still had the Quantum Accelerating Device with him when Brandonb ate him on the first night. Turns out devices designed to create temporal anomalies are bad for the digestion.

The Avatar reached into the Mimic's gut and grabbed the Quantum Accelerating Device and activated it, drawing (both of? :unsure: ) them into another time.

Very close, but

the Avatar didn't punch into Bb's stomach...it did something else...having to do with its nanotech abilities ;P

And thanks! I'm really glad someone got the QA names :D.

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Very close, but

the Avatar didn't punch into Bb's stomach...it did something else...having to do with its nanotech abilities ;P

I would guess that the answer to #3 is not a brightly-hued sea creature... :P

Though I have my suspicions, I'm not willing to make a guess yet.

I'm not sure about the "nanotech" abilities, so I'll have to think about this some more.

And thanks! I'm really glad someone got the QA names :D.

It did help being one of them... :D

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Okay, changes to the Citizen (Innocent) roles:

Wraith: Can't arrest the same person more than once.

Getting rid of Mad Scientist (since no more QAs), thinking about changing to Electromagnetic Pulsar (EMP), who can shoot a person every day and if that person is infected with nanobots, the subspace link is disrupted and they die.

Getting rid of CD, replacing with the Corporation Man or the Corporation Representative who is sent by Genevron to keep an eye out for their investments. Probably going to have a Mayor-like ability to have his vote count as 2. May have a secret objective (those Corporations always have their secrets ;))

Getting rid of Mutant, not sure what to replace him with yet...maybe a role that saves Citizens who have been infected from dying when they get shot by the EMP?

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1) why is there an extra topic for this? Goes fine in the actual topic (the M4F14 topic)

2) what changes did you make to the Mimic role? It needs some serious fixing

Well regarding the Mimic, she's changed its win condition, which was probably the weakest point about it. If you read the win conditions for the ANGELs, I would say that the Mimic is probably good the way it was with the new win condition and maybe some minor tweaks.

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1) why is there an extra topic for this? Goes fine in the actual topic (the M4F14 topic)

2) what changes did you make to the Mimic role? It needs some serious fixing

1) Actually, I considered posting this in New Puzzles...but I decided against it since it required too much reading in order to solve for ppl who didn't play...except 3, which no seems to be able to figure out anyways...:P

2) Like Dawh said, instead of having all the different baddie factions, I "recruited" the Mimic and Zero into the ANGELs...

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Okay, changes to the Citizen (Innocent) roles:

Wraith: Can't arrest the same person more than once.

Getting rid of Mad Scientist (since no more QAs), thinking about changing to Electromagnetic Pulsar (EMP), who can shoot a person every day and if that person is infected with nanobots, the subspace link is disrupted and they die.

Getting rid of CD, replacing with the Corporation Man or the Corporation Representative who is sent by Genevron to keep an eye out for their investments. Probably going to have a Mayor-like ability to have his vote count as 2. May have a secret objective (those Corporations always have their secrets ;))

Getting rid of Mutant, not sure what to replace him with yet...maybe a role that saves Citizens who have been infected from dying when they get shot by the EMP?

Okay, I've got it:

The Corporation Representative: Sent by Genevron Corp. to look after it's investments in Belryius 8. Uses any means necessary to get what they want. Each day, through bribery or coercion, changes a player's vote. PMs me the player and who they want the player to vote for before the voting day ends and I will change it on the final roster. Also, beware, those Corporations always have secret agendas...

So a combination of the Mayor and the Tax Collector...

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Okay, I've got it:

The Corporation Representative: Sent by Genevron Corp. to look after it's investments in Belryius 8. Uses any means necessary to get what they want. Each day, through bribery or coercion, changes a player's vote. PMs me the player and who they want the player to vote for before the voting day ends and I will change it on the final roster. Also, beware, those Corporations always have secret agendas...

So a combination of the Mayor and the Tax Collector...

I really like this role!

I would definetly use it.

What does genevron make?

Soylent green? High Fructose Corn Syrup?

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