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LOST is by far my favorite show, and deserves a topic for all those on Brainden that share my love of this amazing epic series with incredible acting, even more incredible storyline, with gripping plot, action and suspense and believable situations in an unbelievable beautiful but perilous setting on the Island

wow, I should advertise LOST or something ;D hehe. Seriously, if you don't like it, or if DOESNT confuse you, you don't understand the true power and awesomeness of LOST and you need to rent season one and watched it. Trust me, you will be sucked in from the getgo. Season two only gets better, more intense, and more involved. Season three is epic and amazing and absolutely fantastic. Season four transitions the action into a more far-reaching and darker side as it approaches the finale of its six-season story arc.

Seriously. I am not kidding. LOST is an inspiration for me and for everyone.

lol :D It really is. And it's totally bad@ss and amazing and mysterious and full of mindf*cks (a theatrical plot element also known as A STATE OF TOTAL SHOCK).

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I keep hearing about it but, this pc will not allow me to escape and watch TV. I am sooooooo preoccupied with this computer that I quit TV for most of the time. Once in a while I will watch an old rerun that I used to like. I can't wait to work. ASAP! Things are ticking me off, yet, I could be suffering like other people physically, so I am lucky for now.

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I like the twists, and i am sure that is a big draw for you. The first series was ok but too many loose strings - Locke walking directly after the accident - wld have bee better to write that differently - becomes the loan scout after being bulied all his life, or let 'The Island' cure him in a short while.

Anyway it did not pull me into a second series and the third became a little better than the other two.

You dont want to hear me rambling on about not loving it - so I'll let the others give their take

oh - gota say - move an island by turning an old wooden wheel in aweak condition - paah!

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i havent sat down and watched it

sawyer has a cool name though

i think its funny the way unreality always puts Lost in capital letters

what i dont get is how long people can be stranded on an island for

how many series can you drag out of that?? but i've never watched it so i wouldn't know

happy LOSTing.

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LIS: the plot is sound, the Island heals people. Including John Locke. Though I didn't really understand what you were saying so maybe I didn't get it

CL: yeah you would- best show ever ;D

what i dont get is how long people can be stranded on an island for

how many series can you drag out of that?? but i've never watched it so i wouldn't know

hehe you have no idea ;D They could probably drag it out forever, but from the beginning they've planned a 6-season story arc... trust me, it's such a rich and deep show I can't even explain it :P

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LIS: the plot is sound, the Island heals people. Including John Locke. Though I didn't really understand what you were saying so maybe I didn't get it

CL: yeah you would- best show ever ;D

hehe you have no idea ;D They could probably drag it out forever, but from the beginning they've planned a 6-season story arc... trust me, it's such a rich and deep show I can't even explain it :P

so deep that even the fishies drown, right?

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I haven't voted in the poll yet

I'm not sure which one to pick:

I've never seen it or watched it, so I don't know

or I could never really get into it

i'm voting both, okay?

edit: nope that didn't work. i just won't vote then

Edited by lemonymelon
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for you it would "I haven't seen it or watched it", you said you haven't sat down to see it. The other one "I could never get into it" would be if you've watched it enough but it wasn't your type of show


i have voted now

anyway you haven't voted this topic 5* yet, unreality

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that last option made me laugh out loud.. :lol:

if one thinks that LOST sucks, it doesn't necessarily mean that he/she sucks too ;)

so there is no option to vote for if people don't like that show... :rolleyes:

anyway, i have chosen "I have never seen it" :)

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Well...I voted, so I'll post. I've only seen bits and pieces here when other people were watching. I don't think I've ever seen a whole episode. I probably could get hooked on it, but I just don't have time. The only show I watch regularly is "Supernatural" and that takes up more than enough of my time...lol

Mostly it's kid shows on DVD for me!

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I really loved the first series of lost, then i went away and missed most of the second series and its all got a bit too confusing for me. I just want to know what's going on!!!!

Wow... the last post was nearly a month ago. I clearly have nothing better to do that comment on old topics.

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