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many members are guilty of putting in some references to bad language in some way (not all) - Expletive depletive fonts that creep through the posts or just acronyms

My thought is that we should just not use it and show more respect for others in BrainDen rather than play at getting in remarks that we know may offend the young or those with beliefs that can be upset.

I only say this because one member that I still respect a great deal let it out in a vent of dissatisfaction and I feel it wld be better if we cld dig a little further into our vocabulary and save the other remarks for those we know better - we do not really know members here and it may easily offend.

I am not offended - I just know we can do better - reply or discuss if you wish - i have said my bit

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many members are guilty of putting in some references to bad language in some way (not all) - Expletive depletive fonts that creep through the posts or just acronyms

My thought is that we should just not use it and show more respect for others in BrainDen rather than play at getting in remarks that we know may offend the young or those with beliefs that can be upset.

I only say this because one member that I still respect a great deal let it out in a vent of dissatisfaction and I feel it wld be better if we cld dig a little further into our vocabulary and save the other remarks for those we know better - we do not really know members here and it may easily offend.

I am not offended - I just know we can do better - reply or discuss if you wish - i have said my bit

I have noticed it too. One of my good friends lately was a bit wrong to post in the way he did and I hope he apologized. I will not mention his name cuz I hate to add insult or embarrassment to injury. I also have seen unneeded bad words that were used without thinking but like this i.e. a****le. Very uncalled for and another kid used the d*** word. We should set a good example for the youngin's.

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I am only asking people to be respectful and clean up a bit - its not a demand. Its a choice, and admin dont whack us for it - we can police ourelves, I may have to tell their parents :P

Cripes batman! - I didnt want examples, defeats the object!

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I am only asking people to be respectful and clean up a bit - its not a demand. Its a choice, and admin dont whack us for it - we can police ourelves, I may have to tell their parents :P

Cripes batman! - I didnt want examples, defeats the object!

Just showing agreement to this topic. I go to a bar and hear less vulgarity sometimes. From now on we should all PM those violators Robin, Informing them that it is simply unacceptable. To the bat-poles. :D

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Haha Slick if you believe swearing is bad on here play RuneScape for a day xD

And that game is censored!

I'm just wondering does the word "hell" fall under the category as vulgar?

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Haha Slick if you believe swearing is bad on here play RuneScape for a day xD

And that game is censored!

I'm just wondering does the word "hell" fall under the category as vulgar?

it's a matter of respect and concience - yours TC - you decide
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I like to use words like crud but, I am gonna have a hard time not using damn.

I dont swear in real life unless I hurt myself really bad.

There are so many words we could use. We are all smarter than to rely

on those tired swear words. Perhaps it would be fun to come up with the most unusual

swear phrases.

Well crunchy popcorn ppl!

YOu are a son of a one eyed jelly bean!

Edited by crazypainter
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I would really like to bring up another word ppl use that really offends me.

"gay" and "fag" bug me. They actually turn my stomach when used as a put down.

I will not back down on this and will bring it up if anyone uses it in any forum on here.

You may have been witness to this. But I try to educate and not demean.

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I still wear glasses to see better. I have been ridiculed before. I'm not going off on anyone if they call me names. I am too mature to stoop to their level. This topic is mainly about nasty words. I don't think anyone is out to discriminate. If they are typing as such and it is discriminating, then there is a report button, just for that purpose. Let's all have a good time with M4f14. If people would only sign up.

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I do swear sometimes but I reckon there's no need to swear whilst typing thought because you can think before you type. When I swear, it's often as a reaction to something. I'm trying to stop but it's hard.

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I do swear sometimes but I reckon there's no need to swear whilst typing thought because you can think before you type. When I swear, it's often as a reaction to something. I'm trying to stop but it's hard.

I think what you have to put into consideration is the context. For example the word "hell" is not a swear word if you are describing the place.

I agree though, especially on forums, we need to swear less. I swear in dialogue as a reaction to something, but the beauty of PC's is we can swear and then delete it.

I also feel that if you have a problem/grievence with someone you should at least have the courtesy to actually show respect rather than blasting of expletives for no real reason.

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I think what you have to put into consideration is the context. For example the word "hell" is not a swear word if you are describing the place.

I agree though, especially on forums, we need to swear less. I swear in dialogue as a reaction to something, but the beauty of PC's is we can swear and then delete it.

I also feel that if you have a problem/grievence with someone you should at least have the courtesy to actually show respect rather than blasting of expletives for no real reason.

This is exactly what the BD execs. expect of the members. I thought that the fa*t word was okay, but in the bumper sticker, I saw it had been removed from the gas being too expensive. :lol:
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My point was that it is easy to swear on the forum - I leave it to individuals to take on board that comment - If members can not find another way its no biggy for me, maybe disrespectful to Rookie1ja and mods who have to sensor material as well as to guests reading of all ages - the members average age is getting younger

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Yeah RuneScape's pretty stupid nowadays...

But I used to be so addicted to that game xD

We all were :D .

My only problem is the people who never STOPPED being addicted...


I think the worst thing I've said on here would be damn... unless Hell is worse.. you decide.

But I mostly use one of those words for emphasis on something like "that damn liberal media" because I'm too young and immature to think up a better way to do it... :)

the members average age is getting younger

I used to be the youngest member on here...


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I have'nt seen younger members than 9, although, if your parents are cool you could be 6 or 7 years old. Do not use any questionable words if you want to be safe. As was said before, it bugs the one who has to delete it more than anyone else. Myspace users can use almost anything if one really needs to. Peace out.

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My thought is that if we are so smart then we should know all sorts of good words to use.

Swearing to me is just lazy.

Truth is it has been proven that intelligent people that have triple vocabulary, do it a lot - I once new a guy that always used the word gosh, I heard him sware 15 years later and it was the only word that described the person he was talking about so perfectly - it never sounded rude comming from him. Everyone was stunned - but the guy just spoke up again and said "well he is - do you disagree"?

Its a moral thing - and always let you concience be your guide (jiminy cricket)

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Truth is it has been proven that intelligent people that have triple vocabulary, do it a lot - I once new a guy that always used the word gosh, I heard him sware 15 years later and it was the only word that described the person he was talking about so perfectly - it never sounded rude comming from him. Everyone was stunned - but the guy just spoke up again and said "well he is - do you disagree"?

Its a moral thing - and always let you concience be your guide (jiminy cricket)

Lol cool! I should try that some time... ^_^

I think the most profane language I've used on here is @$$hole (I typed it exactly like that) and it was as a joke in response to a question LIS asked me. I thought it made the joke hilarious...

Edited by ThunderChicken
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honestly... i don't even know why we need cussing in todays society... all it does is get people angry... i have gotten along all 17 years of my life with the worse cuss word i have ever said was d***... so honestly... i'm surprised about even having to make a forum about it...

Edited by Mekal
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honestly... i don't even know why we need cussing in todays society... all it does is get people angry... i have gotten along all 17 years of my life with the worse cuss word i have ever said was d***... so honestly... i'm surprised about even having to make a forum about it...

Well that makes me think.

What makes one cuss word worse than another?

Shouldn't they all be just as bad as the next one?

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