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welcome to warzone here is the operating manul for warzones!


the object of warzones is simple be the man/woman with the most kills!

if you notice the grid on the bottom of post(warzones playing board) is the map on which your

soldier moves the grid is much like the battleship games board

you will be able to perchase better weapons from the armory for more

fire power or mobility.


stay on your feet to evade the enemy

or to attack movement is simple each player

is alowed one turn per day (except for saterday which is cease fire day)

there are many ways to get around some free some not so free

here are the ways you can get around you also get one attack turn

ontop of the movement turn

1.walking the mainstay of every soldeir you are only able to move 1 cube per turn

however it is a perfect way of sneaking around cost (FREE)

2. rent a jeep for 1 turn per payment it allows you to travel 3 cubesin a straight line you are allowed to keep this card under your sleeve for when you need it the only let down is one cube on everyside becomes aware that some one went by in other words if a enemy is in cube 3b an your in 2c and you wanna get to 2a while going by the enemy is made aware that some one went by via i pm them only with holding your name and destination the cost is(5 GC)


most of warzones weapons are 1 to 2 cubes out for instance youre in b3 and your weapon has a 1 cube radias

that would mean that you could hit a2, a3, a4,b2,b4,c2,c3,c4 and just because a weapon has a 2 cube radias doesnt mean you cant hit somthing in a 1 cube radias.


your hp is 25 points(without body armor)


gold coins or gc is awarded daily(accept saterday) 1 coin a day is awarded for living

plus 1 coin for every 2 hp(hit points) taken from a enemy.


you get

1.a kabar knife [aa or attack area sorry only works in the same cube] (HP damege 25)

2.a berreta pistol [one cube outside of the one currently in] (HP damege 2)

>THE ARMORY(all weapons you keep till you die eccept for bombs and nades wich are priced per unit)


1.assualt rifle cost 5 gc [aa one cube away with to cubes of your choice(aslong as its 1 cube away) (hp damege 5)

2.sniper rifle cost 15 gc [aa 3 cubes away one cube of your choice] (hp damege 15)

3.grenades cost 3 gc [aa 1 away with a blast radius of 1 cube this is for on nade that may only be used once](hp damege 10 )

4.(probably my fave) the dirty bomb this is a very speacial weapon its area of effect is1 cube that gets permanently tainted with radiation and has a permanent affect of [5 hp damge with a 2 hp drained from victim daily and any one who goes into that cube get the radiation drain] (cost 25 gc)


1.battle ceramics +2 hp cost 5 gc

2. dragon scales level 1 +5 hp cost 10 gc

3.currently locked till warzone 2


1.dirty bomb radiation patch heals user from dirty bomb effects

@hurry there are only 5 spots in this game have a question post it. :D

first come first serve B))

use this to keep track of your current location and future moves


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sounds interesting... I think I might want to join... but tomorrow I'll be on a plane for 18 hours because I'm heading back from Taiwan and I still have Mafia. Sign me up for now, I might want to withdraw later.

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sounds interesting... I think I might want to join... but tomorrow I'll be on a plane for 18 hours because I'm heading back from Taiwan and I still have Mafia. Sign me up for now, I might want to withdraw later.

allright ill put you down as deciding

ps im going to do another post to folow this to tell about line of sight as i forgot to put in manul :)

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>LIINE OF SIGHT(because i forgot earlier)

this is simple if your weapon is 1 cube out its the same for your sight.

ps.winner of warzones wins 2 wonderfull prizes 1.a vip player slot for next game and a choice of 1 of 2 weapons the winner will choose to geta gatling gun range 2 cubes with an hp damge of 15 and 2.a stun stick which causes player hit with it to lose the next days turn and causes 2hp damge

oh an pps 1st loser gets fresh meat invincibility for 1 day but does not get vip slot loser must join next game on own.

pps.must pm me for wich weapon for you to use (as long as you bought it)as your default weapon is the kabar knife in next days turn

Edited by brainz
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i propose that there be another way of getting GC. How about this, there are two "treasure" chests placed randomly in the map with 5 gc each. Whoever gets to it first gets the coins. But if you inflict 5 dmg onto the person with the treasure, he grows weak and sends the treasure chest to another random location.

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i propose that there be another way of getting GC. How about this, there are two "treasure" chests placed randomly in the map with 5 gc each. Whoever gets to it first gets the coins. But if you inflict 5 dmg onto the person with the treasure, he grows weak and sends the treasure chest to another random location.

ohhh i like this idea :) ok ill get working on my note pad right away ill put down 10 random spots

ps btw the only reason im changing up the rules is because the game has not started yet once it starts all rules are on locked down the player who finds a chest is awarded 5 gc however if wounded 5 hp before spending as buying something costs a turn as well the person loses his/hers 5 gc and is hidden again

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