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I thought it would be cool to say who(famous) we think we look the most like.

If you'd like to post your answer that would be great.

I am trying to divert my attention from Mafia......till the next day post.

Ok...I would say

Young Liz Taylor cause others tell me that a lot.

But I think I look like Queen latifah.

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I thought it would be cool to say who(famous) we think we look the most like.

If you'd like to post your answer that would be great.

I am trying to divert my attention from Mafia......till the next day post.

Ok...I would say

Young Liz Taylor cause others tell me that a lot.

But I think I look like Queen latifah.

Loved LT - BLT is my choice now

I used to look like spider man

now i look like ironman - can't do the acrobats any more

I was told I looked like pull newman in my 20's and someone else said kevin cosner in my 40's - more like KFC than KC

I never agreed with either of them!

If I could choose a looka like for g/f it wld b Goldie Hawn or Audrey Hepburn

I have said to much!

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I've been told I look like Sean Connery. Back in his 007 days of course, not all old like he is now. I don't have the accent though so I can't quite pull it off. But whenever I wear a tux, watchout!

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If I could choose a looka like for g/f it wld b Goldie Hawn or Audrey Hepburn

I have said to much!

My boyfriend looks EXACTLY like Matt Damon, but 20 years younger...no joke!

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Im glad you all are having fun with this.

I dont think I look like Q lahtifah, maybe Diane Carroll.

Y'know.. the black b*tch on Dallas. That is a quote from her by the way.


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My boyfriend looks EXACTLY like Matt Damon, but 20 years younger...no joke!

HA! Matt was born in 70 so that would make your bf look like him at age 18?

Or your bf is 18? isnt that a prob cause you are 25 right?

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HA! Matt was born in 70 so that would make your bf look like him at age 18?

Or your bf is 18? isnt that a prob cause you are 25 right?

sorry, thought Matt Damon was 45. My boyfriend is 25.

ewww, I can't date an 18 year old! I'm no cougar....although I am a little older than him

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Matt Damon is an amazing actor. I just saw this on yt and was blown away. How awesome is that?

That was kinda funny although thank goodness it was censored, you wouldn't want an innocent teen like me using that kinda language? :D

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:rolleyes::D:D Maybe, not everyone resembles someone the way they appear now but, we can all be made up to look like someone else. Interesting that with a shave or haircut or make-up how we can change. I looked a little like George Harrison back in the days but, now I am curious as to whom I look like the most today. Any guesses? This pic is a couple of years old but I don't have a scanner. Visit My Website . I can't think of anyone famous that I resemble so, maybe someone could. Do not say pee wee Herman! :lol:
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:rolleyes::D:D Maybe, not everyone resembles someone the way they appear now but, we can all be made up to look like someone else. Interesting that with a shave or haircut or make-up how we can change. I looked a little like George Harrison back in the days but, now I am curious as to whom I look like the most today. Any guesses? This pic is a couple of years old but I don't have a scanner. Visit My Website . I can't think of anyone famous that I resemble so, maybe someone could. Do not say pee wee Herman! :lol:

Cannot access website. Reason: Administrative Custom Settings

*grumble, grumble*

I don't know what you look like, maybe not Pee Wee, but Herman Munster? I'll have to find out what PG finds so irresistable when I'm not at work. *grumble* ;)

People have said that I look like Tia Carrere...but she's waaaaaaaay hotter than me! Someone in Egypt said I looked like Queen Nefertiti...which I thought was interesting since they didn't have photographs in Ancient Egypt, and the only bust that is possibly Nefertiti is bald...but apparently she was supposed to be very beautiful, so I'll take it as a compliment.

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My husband seriously looks like a skinnier version of Vin Diesel (HOT!!!) and I have been told I look like Angelina Jolie (without the DSL's though)... So I dyed my hair red instead of my natural dark dark brown... don't wanna look like a homewrecker even if she is hot lol. I guess people say that cuz I'm thin with long dark hair and light blue eyes and all tatted up

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My husband seriously looks like a skinnier version of Vin Diesel (HOT!!!) and I have been told I look like Angelina Jolie (without the DSL's though)... So I dyed my hair red instead of my natural dark dark brown... don't wanna look like a homewrecker even if she is hot lol. I guess people say that cuz I'm thin with long dark hair and light blue eyes and all tatted up
Hope I'm not being insulting but, you could be made up to look like Cher with make -up etc. I see big resemblance in the nose and cheekbones and you are probably as tall. Edited by akaslickster
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Quite a few people reckon I am the spitting image of David Tennant. I wasn't all that convinced until I went to a party with some celebs there. Someone asked me if I was DT and could they have my autograph for their kids. I said I was (and did them an autograph). Does that make me a bad person? :rolleyes:

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Quite a few people reckon I am the spitting image of David Tennant. I wasn't all that convinced until I went to a party with some celebs there. Someone asked me if I was DT and could they have my autograph for their kids. I said I was (and did them an autograph). Does that make me a bad person?

it makes you a person with a devilish humour teeheehee

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Quite a few people reckon I am the spitting image of David Tennant. I wasn't all that convinced until I went to a party with some celebs there. Someone asked me if I was DT and could they have my autograph for their kids. I said I was (and did them an autograph). Does that make me a bad person? <ahttp://brainden.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif' alt=':rolleyes:'>
I was also told I looked like Dr Who/Peter Davidson one of my daughters looked like wednesday adams

So Who's Who?

Welcome back Octopuppy!

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Hope I'm not being insulting but, you could be made up to look like Cher with make -up etc. I see big resemblance in the nose and cheekbones and you are probably as tall.

I am actually only 5'0'' not nearly as tall as Cher.. my personal pic is a really angeled pic of me that makes my face look more angular than it actually is

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I am actually only 5'0'' not nearly as tall as Cher.. my personal pic is a really angeled pic of me that makes my face look more angular than it actually is
Wow, I never would have guessed. I was 6' at 20 yrs. I think I lost a half inch since then. You must be tiny. I don't know how I came up with that idea. BTW my brother lives in California. :D
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