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Prof. Templeton


BillyBob is chilling out on a heavily forested island that's very narrow: it's a narrow strip of land that's five miles long. Let's label one end of the Island East, and the other end West. A fire has started at the East end, and the fire is moving toward the West end at the rate of 2 mph. At the same time, there's a 4 mph wind blowing in the direction from East to West. What can BillyBob do to save himself from burning to death?! Assume that BillyBob can't swim and there are no boats, jetcopters, teleportation devices, etc.. (if he does nothing, willywu will be toast after at most 2.5 hours, since 5 miles / 2 mph = 2.5 hours). Let's also assume that he would not chose to off himself in some other fashion.

While there may be an infinite number of fastastical answers, there is one "accepted" version, however creative answers make for good discussion.

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9 answers to this question

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He will start a new fire somewhere at the middle (or say west to the middle)of the island and stay to the east of it. So now he has fire on both sides of him and both of them are moving west. Once the fire to his west move towards the western end of the island he follows that fire through the ashes. Once the eastern fire reaches the ashes of the western fire it will die down. And Billy will be safe.

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he should just stay put. His "chill out smoke" is what caused the fire. He is sitting on the East end of the Island and the fire is going away from him.


just stand in the water. He doesn't have to swim. unless of course this is one of those islands with no beaches, just straight drop offs into watery abysses.


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He will start a new fire somewhere at the middle (or say west to the middle)of the island and stay to the east of it. So now he has fire on both sides of him and both of them are moving west. Once the fire to his west move towards the western end of the island he follows that fire through the ashes. Once the eastern fire reaches the ashes of the western fire it will die down. And Billy will be safe.

This is the "accepted" answer.

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It certainly may have been the cause, but it's now moving toward him.


just stand in the water. He doesn't have to swim. unless of course this is one of those islands with no beaches, just straight drop offs into watery abysses.


he should just stay put. His "chill out smoke" is what caused the fire. He is sitting on the East end of the Island and the fire is going away from him.

Cliffs or crocodiles.

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