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This image is a collaboration between Peter Raedschelders and myself, somewhat like two Penrose Triangles joined. Peter's original image is at http://home.scarlet.be/%7Epraedsch/tunnel.htm . I designed some Escher like tessellations to go with it. Angels leave their 2D existence to ascend through the tunnel and then rejoin their sisters. Devils leave the curved wall to descend the tunnel and then rejoin their brothers. A more detailed version of this painting is at http://www.clowder.net/hop/Tunnel.html


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14 answers to this question

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Good pic. Admirable detail.

I tried to put several stories into it. For example a rascal kid is climbing the tunnel. At the tunnel's base his Mom waves her finger at him shouting "Get down before you fall and break your legs!"

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I tried to put several stories into it. For example a rascal kid is climbing the tunnel. At the tunnel's base his Mom waves her finger at him shouting "Get down before you fall and break your legs!"
:) I'm sure that many scenarios are applicable.

I saw something like" levitation will not last beyond your longest dreams and you must go on the lam ASAP." :lol:

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Ok I might sound pretty stupid but I don't really get it...

What's impossible about it?

Don't feel foolish, I didn't see the contradiction the first half dozen times I looked at Raedschelders print. A friend had to point it out to me!

Observe the central tunnel the angels and devils are passing through. One set of visual cues suggest the tunnel is vertical, going up and down. Others suggest it links the near corner to the far corner on a horizontal plane. This contradiction is based on a pair of joined Penrose triangles. To see a single Penrose triangle glance at the avatar I use in this forum.

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Oh wait no now I get it lol it's the little tower lookin like thing at the front...

It goes through the bottom of the triangle to get to the top. Ok lol.

I know what a Penrose Triangle is I just didn't see it in the picture ^_^

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Wonderful Escher-inspired work (I adore his prints!)

Hope to see more of your good pictures on this site!!!!

... and also perfect signature for your name ;) (do you think that Albrecht would mind???)

Edit: Grammar

Edited by rilili
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Wonderful Escher-inspired work (I adore his prints!)

Hope to see more of your good pictures on this site!!!!

... and also perfect signature for your name ;) (do you think that Albrecht would mind???)

Edit: Grammar

You noticed my nod to Albrecht Dürer! Dürer's one of my heroes. I hope he wouldn't mind.

I've done a lot of images based on Escher like tessellations and other geometrical ideas. But "How Many Birds?" and "Impossible City" are the only ones I can think of that might be called optical illusions.

Oh! I remember another one. I'll see if I can borrow it from my duaghter so I can make a scan of it.

Thanks for your kind words.

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This image is a collaboration between Peter Raedschelders and myself, somewhat like two Penrose Triangles joined. Peter's original image is at http://home.scarlet.be/%7Epraedsch/tunnel.htm . I designed some Escher like tessellations to go with it. Angels leave their 2D existence to ascend through the tunnel and then rejoin their sisters. Devils leave the curved wall to descend the tunnel and then rejoin their brothers. A more detailed version of this painting is at http://www.clowder.net/hop/Tunnel.html

wow gorgeous.. :) ... u know one day when i will be a graduate isa i will bring this down to reality ... if god wants ...:)

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