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It's not gonna be a the inheritence trilogy anymore.

Christopher (insert unspell-able last name here) decided that he can't fit all the loose ends that need to be tied up in one book.

So I heard he's splitting it into two, so there'll be a fourth book as well

but yeah, can't wait

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  Ploper said:
It's not gonna be a the inheritence trilogy anymore.

Christopher (insert unspell-able last name here) decided that he can't fit all the loose ends that need to be tied up in one book.

So I heard he's splitting it into two, so there'll be a fourth book as well

but yeah, can't wait

hmmmm, what do you call a 4 book series besides "a 4 book series"

The Inheritance Quadrilagey.... ....that doesn't sound right

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quartet? cycle? chronicles? series?

I believe it's Cycle

however my views on the Inheritance 'Trilogy': it sucks. It's cliche, LoTR-typical-fantasy-ripoff, with some good writing but mostly loooooong booooooring parts. It's like Star Wards, Lord of the Rings, and Blablabla combined ;D hehe no offense to those that like it, though, I did like it for a while. I'll probably read the 3rd book just to gripe about it :P

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  pw0nzd said:
hmmmm, what do you call a 4 book series besides "a 4 book series"

The Inheritance Quadrilagey.... ....that doesn't sound right

I believe the correct term is Tetralogy. Go Wikipedia! B))

5 would be Heptalogy.

Edited by Frost
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  TwoaDay said:
well if you werent so important and otherwise awsome unreality, i would totally have blocked you :mad::ph34r:

That's kind of mean and unecessary for someone who is just voicing their opinions.

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  puzzlegirl said:
ooooh, oooooh! I own an Atari!!! Does that count for something? Space Invaders Rules!

Yes, but my latest thrill is aol free games in the puzzles also 1 hour free downloads but you need to install and uninstall. I love looking for things in these rooms and doing the puzzles to open the doors. :lol:

Okay no more yapping. This is not a chat room.

Edited by akaslickster
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  Frost said:
I believe the correct term is Tetralogy. Go Wikipedia! B))

5 would be Heptalogy.

my brain hurts a bit.. just a bit though

I think I'm getting better!

  unreality said:
I did, cuz there was no "Eragon sucks" choice ;D talk about a biased poll :D hehe

just found this:


Unreality... we've been friends for a while now.. but uh.. well

let's just say, you're gonna have to learn to sleep with one eye open :D

AT LEAST one eye

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  unreality said:
wow lol. I probably have worse rep for being an Inheritance-hater than I do for being an atheist :rolleyes: hehe. On here of course- most of my friends are matured readers enough to know that the series is basically cliches copied from other, better writers.

oh, though I'm not 100% opposed here.

I still like the inheritence... tetralogy, but just a small inspection of it can bring you lots of paralels to star wars.

I'm gonna waste your time!

1. A little farmboy coming of age, stumbles upon adventure (Eragon sounds like Luke Skywalker)

2. accompanied by an old hermit (Brom's like Ben Kinobi (or however you spell it))

3. this old hermit turns out to be one of the Dragon Riders (dragon riders, jedi... brom is one, Ben is one.)

4. Their only hope is to find a mysterious Varden (AKA, the rebel alliance)

5. When they find those guys, while rescuing some chick along the way (a princess actually, just like Leia)

6. they help them win some huge climactic battle (hey guess what guys, the death star!)

7. In the second book, Eragon goes to the forest, ellesmaria... or something like that (Dagobah)

8. where he assumes training under a suprise living Rider, (Yoda)

9. But alas, when under his training. He discovers his friends are in danger, and must go help them (like Luke's buddies on Bespin)

10. oh, I forgot, his zar'rock sword once belonged to his father, was given by brom (Ben gives Luke his father's old lightsaber)

11. umm.. what else.. oh yeah, Morzan says he's Eragon's brother (Luke, I am your father!)

probably even more, these just came to mind right away

Glad to waste your time!

Oh, found number 12!

the thing that pushes Eragon to leave his home is that his Uncle is killed when his house is destroyed (like Luke's Aunt and Uncle, by stormtroopers.

ok, I think that's it for now

Edited by Ploper
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  Frost said:
I believe the correct term is Tetralogy. Go Wikipedia! B))

5 would be Heptalogy.

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Inheritance Tetralogy. That doesn't sound as good.... <_<

Edited by SillouhetteMind
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