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Haha, you wish you were as awesome as I am

Shut up! I've got a wild-but-spotless leopard at the ready!

Hahahahahahaahahaha! Really, now?

I swear I'll do it! I'll sic my leopard on you!

Wow, are you that immakjdfl;adjfaljsdhfajsdhf;ajsdhfjahduaeuuuueuuadfjadjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj



This is Leopard.

Good. Return to Mission Control.

On my way.


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Frost: hey, what did you mean by that seperate forum stuff for Mafia and the mafiosos?

Unreality: *frightful gasp* UH, NOTHING! NOTHING TO SEE HERE! MOVE ALONG NOW! hehe. Hehe!

Unreality: *nervous breathing*

Unreality: ummm

Unreality: UMMM

Frost: Nevah!


Frost: that would be creepy

Frost: but no

Frost: the doors closed

Frost: and my backs to a wall

Unreality: oh, the wild-but-spotless leopard can fit into very small spaces, rest assured

Frost: i dont see it...OMG!

Frost: helpeksbdfbgbgbgf

Frost: fg

Frost: nfg

Frost: nfg

Frost: This is the leopard

Frost: mision completed

Unreality: good.

Frost: i cant spell either

Unreality: Return to Mission Command immediately

Frost: sorry

Frost: warp initiated

Unreality: good

Frost: oh crap

Unreality: welco-amsdfasdfkasdf aaaah! please! have mercy---dafsdjfasdf

Unreality: this is Leopard

Unreality: my double-agent attack was succesffuly

Unreality: I cant TYPEZ

Frost: stop talking to yourself

Frost: its messed up

Frost: im leopard

Unreality: no you're Frost

Frost: no im not

Unreality: you warped me back to kill Unreality



Frost: right, right

Unreality: lol

Unreality: zlolz

Frost: And I'm Hunting the Monkey

Frost: <_<

Unreality: are you hunting a monkey, or are you a monkey named Hunting?

Frost: lol

Frost: no, im hunting

Frost: a monkey

Frost: not named Hunting

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<_< hmph... you ppl annoy me.


Now that is not appropriate behavior. I don't understand this either. Although, as the rules go, we simply move to the next one. I think you can click your way out next time. We need to chill out now and then. Hope you remember next time. Enjoy the Den. Sincerely, akaslickster :)

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Maybe if "Chuck Norris" was substituted in for "Spotless Leopard" it would make more sense to some. :huh:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: lol that just made it 500 time more funny lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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What's not to get?

Maybe if "Chuck Norris" was substituted in for "Spotless Leopard" it would make more sense to some. :huh:

But if "Chuck Norris" was substituted, it can't return to Mission Control as it will become "Out of Control" :D

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Aww! The same thing happened to me yesterday on my personal rating. I just gave this thread a 5* in hopes of it bumping back up, but it didn't maybe it needs one more! ;)

Unfrtunately, no, one more didn't help either. :(

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lol, the One Star Bandit strikes again! (like in the redneck joke lol)... I have a feeling if people want to see something voted up, they vote 5*. If they want to see it go down, they vote 1*. No middle ground. Like if they think something is worth a 3, and see that it has one rating of 5*, then don't vote it the 3* they think it deserves (which would make a total outcome of 4* from the two opinions), they vote it 1* to counterbalance the 5* and make the FINAL result 3*, ie disregarding the opinion of the other person that voted. Tis rude :P hehe, just my opinion on some of the voting system flaws

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