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If anyone likes to write, come here and start a story. One person does a few paragraphs, the next a few more, and the next a few more. Begin the story and go to an exciting point, then leave off and let someone else finish it.

One day, a certain tall boy walked down a dusty, winding dirt road. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew where he had come from. All he had were the clothes on his back, a few dollars in his pocket, and a lifetime of memories he wanted to forget. He wanted to restart his life and felt that somewhere down that road lay an opportunity for that very purpose. He couldn't explain why he felt this, or even how the thought had come to him, but he knew he was out of options and had nothing left to lose.

On his left side were fields of corn. The new sprouts were just green haze across the ground, like hair growing in on a shaved head. Birds wheeled overhead, calling out in sharp voices. On his right, thick forest closed in. The only barrier between him and deep, impenetrable, dark forest was a deep ditch. The boy stopped and looked into the ditch. Five feet beneath him he saw brown, murky puddles in the mud. Nothing else. He kept walking.

By noon his feet were tired and he was sweaty and hot. The forest that had seemed so great and big had stopped a few miles behind him and now there was no shade anywhere. The cornfields were long since past and now the empty, barren fields stretched from side to side, unfenced and unclaimed. He felt like there was no escape from this hot, desert-like world he had become trapped in. Ahead of him, the road shimmered in waves of heat and looked like it was moving away from him. He sat down at the edge of the road and put his head down between his knees.

It seemed like an eternity before he heard the faint, distant grumble of a motor. At first he wasn't sure if it was real and if he was actually hearing it or if he was only imagining it in his delirous state of mind, but when he looked up and saw a cloud of dust rising at the edge of the horizon, he knew it was real. He got up and waited for nearly an hour before a truck emerged out of the dust cloud, which had been growing and growing as the vehicle came closer. It was red and looked worn and old, but it came resolutely on. He stood and watched it, wondering if it would stop for him when it finally reached him....

Someone else pick up, please!

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it stoped.It was an elderly farmer coming back from town."what are you doing" shouted the old man."I am just going for a walk" replyed the boy. "Why dont cha hop in and i will take you too my farm". The boy hopped into the truck.

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He climbed into the truck and settled himself on the bench seat beside the old man. A pair of sharp blue eyes regarded him from underneath white, bushy brows. It was an old reflex the boy had that made him notice everything about the truck in a few seconds. He noticed the gun rack behind him, the half-fun spitoon cup in the cup holders, the radio that was set on an old country station and providing soft background noise, and the loud pinging sound the engine was making as it idled. He also noticed that the old farmer was suntanned, wrinkled, and looking at him as intently as he was looking at everything else.

"What's yore name, boy?" the farmer asked, pressing down on the gas at an alarming rate. The truck shot forward and bumped down the washboard road.

The boy considered this for a minute, then answered. "At the moment, I'd prefer not to say."

This made the farmer laugh rustily. He slapped the wheel in his glee but didn't let up on the gas. The truck careened down the road, prevented from flying off into the ditch by a finger the farmer held on the wheel. "One of them persnickety seecritive peoples, eh, boy?" the farmer chuckled again. "Well, I ain't one o' them seecritive types, so I'll go right on an' tell yeh my name here's Clem."

For the rest of the drive Clem proceeded to fill the boy in on every aspect of his life and the lives of everyone else in Chattanooga Valley. It seemed the old man was a gossip-lover in desperate want of fresh ears, so he kept the boy informed. The boy spent most of the ride ruing his decision to get in the truck with the chatty old man, but when they turned off the now-dark road into a quiet driveway and saw the bright lights at the end of the long lane, denouncing a large farmhouse with bright windows and open doors, he figured maybe it was all for the better. At least he'd have a place to sleep that night....

Edited by no_go_zone
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sagekid, the OP requested a few paragraphs, not sentences.

no_go_zone, after a few sentences given by one poster, you jump right back in and continue the story. Not exactly starting off with this being very multi-collaborative.

Let's stick to everyone writing at least a few paragraphs and wait until at least a few have posted before posting again.

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sagekid, the OP requested a few paragraphs, not sentences.

no_go_zone, after a few sentences given by one poster, you jump right back in and continue the story. Not exactly starting off with this being very multi-collaborative.

Let's stick to everyone writing at least a few paragraphs and wait until at least a few have posted before posting again.

I wanted to keep the story going. Not really many posters, ya know? Just give 'em more to work with. I would like more posters, though. Feel free to continue the story from where I left off. I'm sure a lot of you have imaginations! Where does this kid go???

Edited by no_go_zone
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The DEITY System is a similar idea :P though right now it's at a slow point, but very near the stunning and epic conclusion ;D lol- I'm hoping it'll speed up sometime this summer and we can cap off the DEITY System :P I would love to join this, but I'm kinda busy right now- definitely later, though, if still active :D

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I wanted to keep the story going. Not really many posters, ya know? Just give 'em more to work with. I would like more posters, though. Feel free to continue the story from where I left off. I'm sure a lot of you have imaginations! Where does this kid go???

the boy woke up the next morning staring at the ceiling a smell of eggs and toast came acrossed his nose getting up he walked into the kitchen were the farmer moitioned him to sit down and after a few moments of silence he said so what er you doin out side the safe zone boy? the boy only shrugged his shoulders and stared at the table the farmer said it aint safe to be in tha area you know and the boy said then what were you doin there the farmer growled that aint none of yer buisness you for the first time the boy knew he was treading in dangerous waters and there was a few more moments of silence and the farmer said kindly you wernt headin for them rebel wars were ya the boy said no that day the farmer showed the boy around the farm and showed how to take care of the goats and cows and how to work the tractor and in the mornin the farmer said ill take ya out to see the teritories.

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