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Look at me you will see

Two pieces that's 4 sure

Nice 4 you, nice 4 me

All are seeing more

At Crossroads they had 2 look

Castles five, Ivy, maybe...

Twenty bought 2 book

All of which at sea

A wicked rhyme you will H8

It seems there's more 2 tell

Around 46-58

Some have gone 2 hell

Romeo was about

Some have had there fun

Lads and lasses had 2 shout

"Hey where is the sun"

For more you will get less

Oh! Teeny bits of heaven

Oh! Weeny bits - Oh bless

More wanted and was given

I may have to add some later - It should be tough - unless a clue jumps and hits you in the face!

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You will find two things that are VERY different and are BARELY related. They even have the same name.

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ONE IS]small

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18 answers to this question

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  Dr.Hobo said:
Whats the question?
it is a riddle - leave a comment or answer

  engspangussian said:
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Does it have anything to do with either chess or the Atlantic Ocean?
Rule out chess.

I have mentioned sea but will not mention one sPacifcly at the mo!

  the viceroy said:
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1. drop in the ocean - tiny

2. drop from a dizzy height - huge

yeah that's it 46-58 raindrops was what I was looking for, it's the minimum amoumnt multiplied by a very HUGE number just to make a teeny ocean - jking :P

Drop may get added into the riddle later - keep trying folks

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  engspangussian said:
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Anything to do with the periodic table of elements?

Well everything in the world links to elements, now this is tricky to answer. The clues i mentioned, particularly the castles razed this place to fame, the elements were responsible in their way for fame, and hence a name was given to something else which is a bizarre and logical link at the same time

Similar to the space race and the mechanical heart relationship I suppose in an opposite way!

Hope that is a hint

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  itachi-san said:
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Henry IV parts 1 and 2? I'm guessing 46-58 are line numbers or possibly minutes into the movie.

Can not remember anything from them - So I'll have to no and probably very cold

and it's not pages numbers or minutes either!

At and in the water

Two bits are dotted 2

She's our only daughter

Will sun-factor 5k do?

Is land a toll stranger

un clear that's on the turn

Magic mushroom anger

Shall Mar after the burn

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  Lost in space said:
Can not remember anything from them - So I'll have to no and probably very cold

and it's not pages numbers or minutes either!

At and in the water

Two bits are dotted 2

She's our only daughter

Will sun-factor 5k do?

Is land a toll stranger

un clear that's on the turn

Magic mushroom anger

Shall Mar after the burn

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Atom bomb. Maybe Atomic, or Neutron Bomb.

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hydrogen bomb.

  Lost in space said:
Look at me you will see

Two pieces that's 4 sure

Nice 4 you, nice 4 me

All are seeing more

At Crossroads they had 2 look

Castles five, Ivy, maybe...

Twenty bought 2 book

All of which at sea

A wicked rhyme you will H8

It seems there's more 2 tell

Around 46-58

Some have gone 2 hell

Romeo was about

Some have had there fun

Lads and lasses had 2 shout

"Hey where is the sun"

For more you will get less

Oh! Teeny bits of heaven

Oh! Weeny bits - Oh bless

More wanted and was given

I may have to add some later - It should be tough - unless a clue jumps and hits you in the face!

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You will find two things that are VERY different and are BARELY related. They even have the same name.

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ONE IS]small

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Okay if you take Itacki-san's riddle 29... If I had used Sticher and drain as part of the description you would get - SEWER!

So one word that has two meanings A or H bombs stand alolne on that score and if it was bomb, sure it's a verb and a noun but this is TWO NOUNS SAME WORD TOTALY DIFFERENT MEANINGS = TOTALLY !!!

Answer has 6 letters

Cryptic adition = Three blind mice = 50% of answer!

Look at me you will see

Two pieces that's 4 sure

Nice 4 you, nice 4 me

All are seeing more

At Crossroads they had 2 look

Castles five, Ivy, maybe...

Twenty bought 2 book

All of which at sea

A wicked rhyme you will H8

It seems there's more 2 tell

Around 46-58

Some have gone 2 hell

Romeo was about

Some have had there fun

Lads and lasses had 2 shout

"Hey where is the sun"

For more you will get less

Oh! Teeny bits of heaven

Oh! Weeny bits - Oh bless

More wanted and was given

At and in the water

Two bits are dotted 2

She's our only daughter

Will sun-factor 5k do?

Is land a toll stranger

un clear that's on the turn

Magic mushroom anger

Shall Mar after the burn

Bombs are missing the target just a little - though they are related


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  Lost in space said:
Look at me you will see

Two pieces that's 4 sure

Nice 4 you, nice 4 me

All are seeing more


For more you will get less

Oh! Teeny bits of heaven

Oh! Weeny bits - Oh bless

More wanted and was given

At and in the water

Two bits are dotted 2

She's our only daughter

Will sun-factor 5k do?

Is land a toll stranger

un clear that's on the turn

Magic mushroom anger

Shall Mar after the burn

Bombs are missing the target just a little - though they are related


These verses make me think of

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but I don't know how the rest fits in...

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  d3k3 said:
These verses make me think of

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but I don't know how the rest fits in...

There is more out than in with most swim suits, especially the bikini (three blind mice - no I's)

That' the answer - I let others argue, and if i had time i would have done a better job

The secret operations where called crossroads, Ivy, Castle Bravo - C Union (five of those).

There were at least 20 test all between 1946 and 1958 they moved the people of Bikini Atoll and returned them too soon so paid lots in compensation and spent even more on the clean up removing about 16-18 inches of the top.. (island that is - well a fair bit was missing from the swimsuit too!)

I have no idea how the swimsuit got it's name but I can make a 100 guesses

There are about 36 islands/atolls of the Marshall's

Have a look at the net for more info

people can minus rate it if they H8 it!

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  Lost in space said:
I have no idea how the swimsuit got it's name but I can make a 100 guesses

I think some fashion designer named it after the atoll, because it sounded cool. It was also during the time of the atomic tests, so everybody had heard of the place, and it sounded romantic and futuristic. They didn't know about fallout yet (well, not the public, anyway...).

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Argh!!! That makes way more sense now :P That whole 46-58 bit was why I kept guessing bombs... too bad I was too ignorant to know where they actually did the tests... That would be why Atomic Bomb fit for some but not others lol...

"Nice 4 you, nice 4 me, All are seeing more." - Couldn't agree with you more :D

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